Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1270: Wang Tianwen is promoted

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Wang Mingren is silent, he has self-knowledge, he has always paid too much attention to communication, he has a heart of Taoism, but his Taoism is biased towards communication, which is related to his growth environment.

Xu Zihua was afraid of death, so he slackened his cultivation.

"Master, do you think I should hit the Nascent Soul stage?"

Wang Mingren was silent for a while and asked seriously.

Xu Zihua drank the wine in the cup, pondered for a moment, and said, "To be honest, I don't recommend you to enter the Nascent Soul stage. Spiritual objects are not omnipotent. A monk with a firm mind, even if there is no spiritual object similar to the Sanyuan Dinglingxiang. , there is also a high chance of entering the Nascent Soul stage, a monk with an unsettled Taoist heart, no matter how many spiritual objects are given to him, the probability of failure is very high.

If there are spiritual things, you can advance to the Nascent Soul stage, and those forces that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years have already piled up hundreds of Nascent Souls.

The existence of Taiyi Xianmen has a lot to do with the ancestors, the Four Seasons Sword Master.

For the immortal cultivator who can form a baby, chance, Dao heart, and perseverance are all the best choices. In the elixir-forming stage, a lot of cultivating resources can be piled up, but not in the Nascent Soul stage.

Wang Mingren frowned, and he didn't know what to do, so he asked Xu Zihua for advice.

It can be seen from his actions that his Taoism is not firm. A monk with a firm Taoism will attack if he wants to hit the Nascent Soul stage. Should he get a baby and ask others for advice?

"Understood, Master Xie pointed out the maze."

Wang Mingren bowed and looked respectful.

Xu Zihua hesitated for a while, then took out a cyan jade box engraved with exquisite patterns, placed it on the table, and sighed: "There is a Lingying Fruit and half of the Sanyuan Ding Lingxiang, which has been preserved for the teacher for more than two hundred years. I can't use it, I'll give it to you! I hope you can successfully conceive a baby."

Among the several disciples, Wang Mingren is the most similar to Xu Zihua when he was young, and Xu Zihua also likes Wang Mingren the most. He has fulfilled his responsibility as a master.

"Spiritual Infant Fruit!"

Wang Mingren took a deep breath and looked a little excited. Ximen Feng was stunned. She knew that Xu Zihua was good to Wang Mingren, but she did not expect that Xu Zihua would give Wang Mingren the Lingying Fruit that he had treasured for many years. To the second master like Xu Zihua.

"I said for the teacher, you can enter the Nascent Soul stage if you don't have a lot of spiritual things, you can do it yourself!"

Xu Zihua stood up and left.

"The disciple respectfully sends the master, the master's great kindness, and the disciple will remember it forever."

Wang Mingren knelt down towards Xu Zihua and kowtowed three times.

The contribution points in his hand can also be exchanged for one Infant Infant Spiritual Artifact, that is, four Infant Infant Spirit Artifacts. I am afraid that none of the Taiyi and Five Heroes have four Infant Infant Spirit Artifacts to hit the Nascent Soul Stage!

"Husband, why don't we find Senior Sister Chen again? How much to make up for."

Ximen Feng persuaded that Wang Mingren owed too much to Chen Xianger, and Chen Xianger could easily become his inner demon.

Wang Mingren shook his head and said, "What she believes will never change, I know her character, and she has four spirits of conjugation. If I can't enter the Nascent Soul stage, I can only say that my life should be like this. ."

"Ma'am, I will practice with peace of mind, and Changjie will take care of you."

Ximen Feng nodded and said, "You can rest assured to retreat! I will take good care of Chang Jie."

Wang Mengfen regularly sent people back to Donghuang to report Wang Changjie's situation to Ximen Feng.


The Central Plains Xiu Xianjie, Dayan Dynasty.

In Yanjing, there is a queue for several miles at the gate of Dongcheng.

A huge white Flood Dragon flew from the distant sky and landed at the gate of Xicheng.

The appearance of the white flood dragon caused a commotion among the mortals.

A young woman in a blue skirt with picturesque eyes and a tall young man in a golden shirt sat on the back of the white dragon. They were Wang Qingling and Wang Qiuming.

They heard that Kyoto Fang was holding a large auction and rushed to Kyoto Fang overnight.

"Is this the capital of the Dayan Dynasty? It's quite big."

Wang Qingling talked to himself, put away the ice wind Jiao, and the two walked towards the west city gate.

It didn't take long for them to appear in Jingfang City. The streets were crowded with people, the shops on both sides of the street were neatly arranged, and a large number of monks came in and out, which was very lively.

It was the first time for Wang Qingling and Wang Qiuming to come to Kyoto Square, which is very prosperous, but they have been to many large squares, and they were not too surprised.


A huge beast roar came from a spirit beast shop in front. Wang Qingling's eyes lit up and he quickened his pace. Wang Qiuming gave a wry smile and quickly followed.

Every time he went to a large market, Wang Qingling would visit all the spirit beast shops.

Soon, they appeared in a shop called the Hundred Beasts Building. There were many iron cages in the spacious and bright hall. These iron cages were of different sizes, with flashing runes on the surface. The cages contained various spirit beasts and jackals. There are tigers and leopards.

"Hey, Aunt Qingling and Uncle Qiu Ming, long time no see."

A familiar male voice sounded, and Wang Tianwen walked towards them.

Wang Qiuming exudes a faint suffocating energy. In recent years, he has been ordered to arrest Xie Xiu and has made a lot of credit.

"Ten Tian, ​​long time no see, how are you?"

Wang Qingling smiled and said hello to Wang Tianwen. Wang Tianwen worked in Wanxian Division and stayed in the Dayan Dynasty all the year round. It was difficult for them to see each other.

"I'm fine with Hongfu dragging great-grandfather and great-grandmother. By the way, I heard that great-grandfather and great-grandmother are in Jingfang City. Did you come with them?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan showed up in Jingfang City, and Wan Xiansi naturally noticed it, and Wang Tianwen knew that it was normal.

"No, we heard that there was an auction held in Kyoto Fang City, and we came here on purpose. It seems that the auction is over."

Wang Qiuming said with a smile.

Wang Tianwen glanced at the monks around and said, "This is not the place to talk, let's talk in another place!"

Wang Qingling and Wang Qiuming naturally have no opinion, they also want to have a good chat with Wang Tianwen.

Half an hour later, they appeared in the private room of a tea house.

Wang Tianwen talked about his experience over the He has now been promoted to deputy thousand households, and he is in charge of hundreds of immortal cultivators.

"By the way, Uncle Qiu Ming, these three third-order puppet beasts are seriously damaged, can you help repair them?"

Wang Tianwen took out three uneven metal **** and handed them to Wang Qiuming.

He can be promoted to deputy thousand households so quickly. On the one hand, there is the existence of Qinglian Immortal Companion, supported by two Nascent Soul monks, and the commander also takes more care of him. On the other hand, the Dayan Dynasty wants to arrest the magic monks, and has made a lot of contributions. There are several third-order puppet beasts to assist Wang Tianwen, and the ordinary magic cultivator at the stage of forming a pill is not his opponent at all.

"No problem, it's all up to me."

Wang Qiuming patted his chest and agreed, it was not difficult for him.

"By the way, Tian Tian, ​​you are a deputy Qianhu now, and you have a lot of power! Help me check the Jinsha Demon Lord, who was active tens of thousands of years ago and came from the Thousand Gourd Realm."

Wang Qingling went to many bookstores, but did not find any records about Jinsha Demon Sovereign.

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