Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1280: inner demon

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There is a verdant valley in Taiyi Xianmen, and there is a courtyard that covers an extremely wide area.

There are not only exquisite pavilions and pavilions, but also gardens full of exotic flowers and plants. There is a cyan stone pavilion next to the sea of ​​flowers.

Chen Xianger and Chen Haibin sat in the stone pavilion drinking tea, neither of them said a word.

Chen Xianger looked at the five-colored light spot in the sky, and frowned.

"Grandfather, do you think he will succeed?"

Chen Xianger hesitated for a moment and asked.

Chen Haibin took a sip of spirit tea and said meaningfully, "Do you want him to succeed, or do you want him to fail?"

"All, I don't know what I really expect."

Chen Xianger's expression was a little complicated. She loved Wang Mingren and wanted him to succeed, but she also hated Wang Mingren and wanted him to fail.

"The old man doesn't know whether he failed or succeeded, but the calamity of the heart is not easy to overcome. Even if there is a three-dimensional peace of mind, he may not be able to overcome the evil. He is similar to Xu Zihua, but Xu Zihua has self-knowledge, Wang Mingren has no self-knowledge, or He said that he is too confident, the old man is not optimistic about him, he has done too many wicked things in his life, and the difficulty of the inner demon test is much higher than other monks."

Chen Haibin slowly analyzed.

Chen Xianger sighed lightly and said nothing.


In a spacious courtyard, Wang Mingren and Chen Xianger were sitting in a stone pavilion drinking tea, while a girl in green shirt with a fat face was running around.

"Be careful, Dong'er, don't fall."

Chen Xianger asked with concern, hugged the girl in the green shirt, took out a blue handkerchief, and wiped the sweat on the girl in the green shirt.

"Father, when will you take me back to Qinglian Mountain! I haven't been there yet!"

The girl in the blue shirt asked with a smile.

"After a while, let's go back, husband, I have prepared some gifts, this is the list, you can see if it suits you."

Chen Xianger took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Mingren.

"Madam, our royal family attaches great importance to males. I plan to take a concubine. What do you think?"

Wang Mingren's eyes were fixed on Chen Xianger.

Chen Xianger was stunned for a moment, and said, "Concubine? Male? How about Senior Sister Li? I think Senior Sister Li also has a crush on you, or Junior Sister Sun?"

Wang Mingren frowned, and said with a frown, "I said that you are a concubine, you are not angry?"

"What's so angry about this, didn't you say it? Your family attaches great importance to male males. I can't have male males. If you want to take concubines, take concubines. I have no objection."

Chen Xiang'er smiled sweetly, looking like she knew the whole thing.

"How long are you going to pretend? Be considerate, understand the general situation, and defend me everywhere in front of people. This is not the Chen Xianger I know at all. It can't be fake, and it can't be fake."

Wang Mingren said with a sneer, as soon as he raised his hand, a red light flew out, instantly piercing Chen Xianger's body, and the red light circled and pierced the body of the girl in green.

Soon, a rapid bell rang.

"Don't let your wife and children go, you really deserve to die." An angry man's voice came from the horizon.

As soon as the voice fell, the void distorted for a while, and a red sword energy more than a thousand feet long fell from the sky, carrying a monstrous heat wave, and slashed at Wang Mingren.

Wang Mingren took a deep breath, remained motionless, and gritted his teeth.

The sharp pain he imagined did not come, but Chen Xianger's voice sounded in his ear: "What? If you say a few words, you will close your eyes, you don't even want to look at me? You only have that in your heart. Foxy?"

Wang Mingren opened his eyes and found himself in a spacious stone room, with Chen Xianger sitting across from him, glaring furiously.

"You went to Northern Xinjiang specifically for that vixen! You lied to me and said it was for cultivation. You really belonged to me."

Chen Xianger sneered, not giving Wang Mingren any face.

Wang Mingren gave Chen Xianger a roll of eyes, and said with a cold face, "I don't need you to worry about what I do, I have my senses."

"Hmph, you'd better not let me find out that you have done something out of the ordinary, or I won't spare you."

Chen Xianger dropped a harsh word, turned and left.

Wang Mingren frowned, looking at the back of Chen Xianger leaving, with a thoughtful expression on his face.


Wang Mingren sat cross-legged on the futon with his eyes closed. There was a red incense burner beside him. The Sanyuan Dingling incense in the incense burner was about to burn out. .

On a mountain near the Scarlet Mountain, Xu Zihua's eyes showed a bit of worry. The thunderclouds in the sky were getting bigger and bigger, covering the sky and the sun, making a thunderous sound of "rumbling".

Ximen Feng clenched her red lips tightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of anxiety.

"Master, if the baby formation fails, will the husband really not be able to live?"

Xu Zihua sighed lightly and said, "The Sanyuan Heart Protecting Pill, the three major secret medicines of this sect, can prolong life, but it can only live for a few years. If the time is up, you will still die. ."

"Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill!"

Ximen Feng gave a wry smile. The Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill is the unique secret medicine of the Taiyi Immortal Sect. Heart Pill is a holy medicine for healing. It is said that as long as a cultivator has a breath, he can be saved by taking the Sanyuan Heart Pill.


In a secluded courtyard, Liu Jin yelled at Wang Mingren, Wang Qingshan lay on the ground, motionless, and the body was separated.

"Who told you to act without authorization? The old man repeatedly told you to stick to it, and he didn't let you attack without authorization. Because of you, Brother Ye's named disciple died, and so did your grand-nephew."

Liu Jin reprimanded unceremoniously, his face full of anger.

"The disciple did not expect that Qingshan would actually..."

"I didn't expect it? Did you expect this? Did the old man let you attack without authorization? Because of you, Brother Ye's favorite disciple died, and your grand-nephew died. Even if the old man wanted to let you go, the Law Enforcement Hall would not Forgive you."

Wang Mingren's face turned pale and he was sweating profusely.

"From today, you will stay here, and you are not allowed to go there."

Liu Jin shook his sleeves and strode away.

"How is that possible! How could Qing Shan be dead!"

Wang Mingren held Wang Qingshan's body with a face full of remorse.

A burst of hurried footsteps sounded, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in.

"Qingshan, what's going on? Uncle Mingren, how did Qingshan become like this?"

Wang Changsheng roared loudly, his eyes gloomy and full of anger.

"Longevity, Ruyan, you listen to my explanation, we are ordered..."

Wang Mingren quickly explained, looking terrified.

"You killed Qingshan, you bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Wang Changsheng punched Wang Mingren on the body, and Wang Mingren flew out instantly, vomiting blood.

"Stop, Changsheng, I don't want it either, I didn't think of it..."

"You fart, I kept you by my side and taught you personally. Later, I sent you to the Taiyi Immortal Gate and gave you a large amount of spiritual stones. No matter how hard the family is, have I made a condition to you? I invite you Help borrow the Haotian Mirror, but you refused. For your own path, you dragged Qingling and Qiuming to arrest the evil cultivators, delaying their The three strongholds of the family were attacked, you could hide Far away, don't pay attention, now want to make meritorious deeds, and take the green mountain to take risks, you are selfish, never think about others, I don't have your uncle."

Wang Changsheng flickered, suddenly appeared in front of Wang Mingren, and smashed his right fist towards Wang Mingren's head.


In the secret room, Wang Mingren sat cross-legged on the futon, his facial features twisted into a ball, as if he was suffering some kind of unbearable pain.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his face flushed red.


Wang Mingren opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. The golden core in his dantian was torn apart. His face quickly aged, and his hair grew grey and white.

If you break the pill and transform into an infant, if you succeed, you will enter the Nascent Soul stage, and if you fail, you will die.

Wang Mingren originally thought that the inner demon was mainly Chen Xianger, but it was not the case. His inner demon was selfish. He harmed others and benefited himself.

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