Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1281: Wang Mingren's will

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This is not to say that other Nascent Soul monks are selfless, but that Wang Mingren's path has gone astray. For the sake of longevity, other monks cultivate hard, judge the situation, and move forward cautiously. Wang Mingren is doing harm to others and selfishness. The way of sacrificing other people, he may not think so in his heart, but he did, and his way has gone astray.

Throughout Wang Mingren's life, it can be said that he has been smooth sailing. When encountering difficulties, he relies on the strength of others to get through it. Even if it affects the path of his relatives, he will not change his mind.

The black thunderclouds over the red peak rolled violently and suddenly dissipated, and the five-colored light spots in the void also disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Xu Zihua's heart tightened, and he hurriedly flew towards Wang Mingren's residence, followed by Ximen Feng.

Soon, they saw Wang Mingren with white hair and wrinkled face, his breath was sluggish and weak.

Xu Zihua sighed lightly, and quickly took out a golden wooden box, opened the wooden box, and contained a pill that exuded a strange fragrance, which was the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill.

"I asked for this Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill from Master Li and Master Li. You can quickly take the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill to recuperate your injury and live for a few more years."

Wang Mingren waved his hand and shook his head: "Master, the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill is too precious, there is no need to waste it on me, the disciple owes you too much, as well as the disciple's relatives and Xianger, I owe others too much in my life. If there is more, I will not be able to do it in this life, if there is an afterlife, I will be a cow and a horse to repay the kindness of the master's cultivation, and the kindness of the relatives."

His tone was weak and weak.

"Husband, stop talking, take the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill first, and I will go back and ask Changsheng for their help, and I will definitely be able to find a panacea to save you."

Ximen Feng choked and said, grabbed the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill, and was about to stuff it into Wang Mingren's mouth.

Wang Mingren smiled bitterly and said, "In my life, I owe the most to my relatives and masters. I ask myself, how much have I helped them? How much have they helped me? The inner demon is right, I pay too much attention to the pros and cons, and ignore the pros and cons. For the feelings of those who love me, madam, I can't do it anymore, you take care of the master and the old man for me, discipline Changjie well, apologize to Xianger for me, and the family. After I die, send my ashes back to the family. The baby spirits are also sent back to the family, remember, don't need any merit points, I also want to be selfless."

"Mingren, don't say it anymore, it's all bad for the teacher. If it wasn't for the teacher, you wouldn't be reduced to where you are today. For the teacher, go to Li Shibo and ask the old man to extend your life."

Xu Zihua choked, his face full of tears.

Wang Mingren was brought up by him, and he was both a teacher and a father.

Wang Mingren is too similar to Xu Zihua when he was young, but the ending in his later years is completely different from Xu Zihua.

Wang Mingren quickly grabbed the corner of Xu Zihua's clothes and shouted, "Master, don't, this disciple owes you too much, and I don't want to trouble you any more. Besides, I won't live long..."

"Fart, I'm your master, you listen to me..."

Xu Zihua roared, his eyes reddened.

"Master, I beg you, please fulfill this disciple's wish! I've been asking others all my life, but I haven't given them much. I hope I can make up for it before I die. It's useless to live on for a few years. The avenue is ruthless, the path I choose, don't blame others."

Wang Mingren shook his head at Ximen Feng, as if expressing something.

Ximen Feng knelt down and choked: "Master, this is what my husband wishes, please grant him!"

Xu Zihua took a deep breath, wiped his tears, nodded, and agreed.

In fact, after the birth of a baby failed, there are very few elixir that can prolong life, and it is very precious. Xu Zihua knelt outside the cave of the Yuanying monk for ten years before he got this Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill, if not for Wang Mingren, Xu Zihua Absolutely not.

Even if there is a life-sustaining elixir, Wang Mingren will only live a few more years.

"Madam, I'll ask you for my funeral. Changjie has a job for you to take care of, as well as the master. I owe you too much. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely repay you."

Ximen Feng's tears flowed out uncontrollably, wet his clothes, and choked: "Don't say it, husband, this is what I should do. We are husband and wife, and we have nothing to owe."

Wang Mingren's hands tightly grasped Ximen Feng's arm, and said in a deep voice, "Madam, apologize to Changsheng, Ruyan, Qingshan, Qingling and Qiuming for me. If there is a chance, we must find out the three places that attacked our family. Who is the murderer of the stronghold, I owe the family too much, please."

"I will, don't talk about it, husband, have a good rest."

Wang Mingren's eyes were blurred, and past events appeared in his mind like watching flowers on a horse.


In a secluded courtyard, Wang Changsheng was teaching Wang Mingren to forge.

"Uncle Mingren, our family builds our clan by refining tools, you can study hard."

"I will study hard, and I will become the most powerful refiner in the family in the future."


"From today onwards, you are my Xu Zihua's disciple, and I will give you this magic weapon! You must practice diligently in the future, and don't slack off."

"Yes, Master."


"Husband, my temper is a little bad, you are more tolerant."

"Madam, we are husband and wife, I will tolerate you more."


A slight footstep sounded, and Chen Xianger walked in.

She looked at Wang Mingren with white hair and wrinkled face, her mood was very complicated.

Seeing Chen Xianger, Wang Mingren became very excited and said in a hoarse tone: "Xiang'er, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

His eyes were full of regret, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Xianger.

He felt sleepy, his eyelids became very heavy, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he was waiting for something.

"Senior Sister Chen, husband, he knows he's wrong. You can forgive him because of your past relationship! Don't let him leave this world with regrets."

Ximen Feng begged.

Chen Xianger took a deep breath and said calmly: "To be honest, I wish I could slash you with a thousand swords, but now, I have changed my mind, and I forgive you."


Wang Mingren's voice was like a gnat, he released his hands and closed his eyes.

Ximen Feng howled and cried, Chen Xianger's eyes overflowed with a few tears, and Xu Zihua sighed.

Seven days later, Ximen Feng and Chen Xianger opened a mourning hall to honor Wang Mingren.

Wang Mingren owes a lot to his relatives, Taoist companions, and mentors, but he has a wide range of friends and has never treated his friends badly. There are thousands of Taiyi Xianmen disciples who came to worship Wang Mingren, ranging from qi cultivators to Yuanying cultivators. All have.

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