Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1282: Huanglong's plan

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South China Sea, Wulong Sea.

A black light appeared in the distant sky and quickly flew towards Qinglian Island.

As soon as Wu Guang approached Qinglian Island for ten miles, the speed automatically slowed down.

Evading light for a while, revealing an indifferent girl in a black dress, with a black long whip tied around her waist, it was Ye Haitang.

Ye Haitang stayed with a ghost repair in Nascent Soul all day. She was restless and rushed back to Qinglian Island day and night, intending to ask Wang Changsheng for help to solve this problem.

She is only more than 200 years old. In terms of strategy, she does not think that she is far superior to Zhao Meier, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. If there is a chance, it is better to deal with Zhao Meier, otherwise Zhao Meier will lose control and kill Ye Haitang one day. Not sure.

She and Zhao Mei'er exchanged the same life curse, but who can guarantee that the other party can't solve it!

Ye Haitang refined Wanguiling. Without her permission, Zhao Meier could not leave Wanguiling without permission, but if Ye Haitang wanted to order Zhao Meier to do things, it would depend on Zhao Meier's mood.

One person and one ghost, check and balance each other and rely on each other.

Ye Haitang had just returned to Qinglian Island when there was a deafening roar from the sky, a huge black thundercloud appeared high in the sky, lightning flashed and thunderous, and thick silver thunder light fell from the sky, forming a silver thunder curtain.

"It seems to be the place where Cousin Qingling cultivated the Flood Dragon. Is it possible that the Flood Dragon was really cultivated?"

Ye Haitang was talking to herself, and there was a bit of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

She hasn't returned to Qinglian Island for more than ten years, and she doesn't know the family's situation. She spends most of her time in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Ghosts.

If she hadn't signed the co-birth spell with Zhao Mei'er, she might not have come back.

Before long, the silver thunder curtain dissipated.

Ye Haitang flew towards the location of the silver thunder curtain. After a while, she stopped. She could clearly see that a giant python more than 20 feet long was lying on the ground. There were dozens of large pythons on the ground. In the pit, the whole body of the giant python was scorched black, exuding a scorching aura.

"Did you fail?"

Ye Haitang frowned slightly and muttered to herself.


A low dragon roar sounded, and pieces of charred black objects fell off the giant python, revealing a red dragon that was more than twenty feet long. Its breath is obviously a third-order Flood Dragon.

"Success! Cousin Qingling is amazing!"

Ye Haitang's eyes flashed with surprise, and she said in surprise.

She didn't think much and flew towards the council hall.

It didn't take long for Ye Haitang to appear in the council room, Wang Mengfen's face was full of joy, as if there was something happy about it.

In the past 30 years, the number of cultivators in the Wang family has been increasing. Wang Jijun, Wang Xiansheng, and Wang Xianzhen have formed elixir one after another. Now that there is a third-order dragon, the family will get better and better.

It is a bit regrettable that Wang Rongxiang's three daughters failed to form a pill, and they failed twice before and after.

Wang Youwei has cultivated to the third level of pill formation, and Ouyang Mingyue has cultivated to the fourth level of pill formation.

According to the current development speed, the strength of the family will become stronger and stronger, and the development prospect is very good.

"Patriarch, uncle and aunt are not retreating!"

Ye Haitang went straight to the point.

"Nine uncles and nine aunts have something to go out, but the ancestors said that if you have something to do, you can tell Senior Lin."

Wang Mengfen didn't hide it from Ye Haitang either. Wang Changsheng explained that before he left, he didn't need to hide it from Ye Haitang in everything, and he would do his best to assist Ye Haitang.

"Is my uncle and aunt going out? Forget it, I'll wait for my uncle to come back!"

Ye Haitang thought for a while, and said that, she couldn't trust Fairy Ziyue, so she should wait for Wang Changsheng to come back.

"By the way, Patriarch, Cousin Qingshan hasn't given birth yet?"

If Ye Haitang remembered correctly, Wang Qingshan had been in seclusion for more than 30 years, and it stands to reason that he should have given birth to a baby.

Wang Mengfen shook his head and said, "Not yet. The Fourth Ancestor is still practicing in seclusion. It is estimated that it will be soon."

Ye Haitang chatted for a while, then said goodbye and left, returning to her residence to practice.

"What? Do you want to ask your uncle to help you lift the Synonymous Curse? I advise you not to tie yourself up. If it is so easy to untie, how could this palace plant the Synonymous Curse on you?"

Zhao Mei'er's voice sounded in Ye Haitang's mind.

"Then you won't have to worry about it, you should stay in the Ten Thousand Ghost Order!"

Ye Haitang's tone was indifferent. Having seen Zhao Mei'er's strength, Ye Haitang did not dare to release Zhao Mei'er easily.

Baihe Island, the Lu family. .

White Crane Tower, Master Huanglong is talking to Master Yanshui.

Yuan Gang died at the hands of Wang Changsheng, so the real person Huang Long naturally would not think that nothing happened.

While contacting other forces, he sent people to collect information about the Wang family.

Huanglong Zhenren knows the truth of being bitten instead of killing a snake.

More than 20 years ago, a scout from Huanglong Island sent back information from the Central Plains Cultivation Realm, Qinglian Xianlu traveled in the Central Plains Cultivation Realm, and Bailing Fairy frequently fought beasts with other spiritual masters in the Dayan Dynasty.

The real person Huang Long was dubious. First, the distance from the South China Sea to the Dayan Dynasty was more than one billion miles. Even if there was a large teleportation array, it would only save some time. Immortal cultivators had to fly in the sky for a while. Huanglong Island was in the Dayan Dynasty. For the highest level is the third level of Pill Formation, it would take him seven years at the earliest to rush back to the South China Sea from the Dayan Dynasty. If it was a monk in the early Nascent Soul, it would only take a year and a half at the earliest.

Suppose the scouts from Huanglong Island saw Qinglian Immortal Companion in the Central Plains Cultivation Realm with their own eyes.

Qinglian Xianlu made a public appearance in the Dayan Dynasty. Five years later, Qinglian Xianlu returned to the South China Sea, the spies from Huanglong Island returned to the South China Sea, and Qinglian Xianlu also returned to the South China Sea. This information is no longer valuable.

No matter how daring the spies of Huanglong Island are, they wouldn't dare to follow Qinglian Immortal Companion all the time! That is courting According to the spy's account, Qinglian Immortal Lv lives in Huixian Pavilion in Jingfang City. Who can guarantee that Huixian Pavilion will not have a teleportation array? Who can guarantee that it is not a blindfold.

The second point is that more than a hundred years ago, Zhang Wuchen set up a trap to kill the hostile Nascent Soul cultivator. In that battle, the Red Moon Sea was in chaos. The reason was that Zhang Wuchen saw with his own eyes the hostile Nascent Soul cultivator suffering in Tianxu Cave. Seriously injured, take this opportunity to attack.

What I have seen with my own eyes is not credible, let alone Huanglong real person did not see Qinglian Immortal Companion in the South China Sea with his own eyes.

Because the spies said that Qinglian Immortal Companion was active in the Cultivation World in the Central Plains, Huang Longzhen led the team to kill Qinglian Island? He was so impulsive that he died long ago.

Not to mention whether Qinglian Xianlu is still active in the Central Plains Cultivation World, even if Qinglian Xianlu is really not in the South China Sea, don't forget that Wang Changsheng is working with a female monk surnamed Lin, and Yuan Gang is working with Huoyun Sanren. , Wang Changsheng should have joined forces with another Nascent Soul cultivator to destroy Yuan Gang and Huoyun Sanren.

Even if Qinglian Immortal Companion was not in the South China Sea, the Wang family still had two Nascent Soul cultivators. Maybe there were other trump cards, such as fourth-order puppet beasts. The Wang family was good at refining puppet beasts, so it was not surprising that there were fourth-order puppet beasts.

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