Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1286: defend the enemy

"Top of Qinglian (

Be careful not to make a big mistake, he would rather be over-hearted than give the enemy a chance.

In the yellow desert, the yellow sand flutters in the sky and the wind blows.

Huangsha Zhenren and Jin Yu pretended to be terrified, they had long considered this situation.

Fang Tianyuan had a ghost in his heart, and was directly frightened.

Not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

"Senior Wang, spare your life! The younger generation is also forced to do so, and they are all forcing the younger generation."

Fang Tianyuan cried bitterly and begged loudly.

He was fortunate enough to have seen how the Wang family dealt with traitors, and he was terrified.

"Idiot, this is a trick!"

The real Huangsha was furious, and Fang Tianyuan's remarks exposed their identities.

"Since the other party found out, there is nothing to say, let's do it!"

Jin Yu's face turned cold, and when he raised his hand, a golden light flew out and turned into a small golden seal the size of a palm. , like a huge golden mountain, smashing towards the void.

As soon as the mantra of Huangsha was pinched, the void made a muffled sound of "humming", and a little yellow light appeared, turning into a yellow sand blade more than a hundred feet long. , turned into a giant blade of yellow light.


Accompanied by the sound of Huangsha's light drink, the yellow giant blade slashed straight into the sky. Wherever the yellow giant blade passed, there was a piercing sound of piercing eardrums from the void.

For a while, the roar continued.

Wang Mengfen was not sure that he was the enemy at first, but only activated a part of the ban, and the two Nascent Soul cultivators broke the ban at once.

When the Wang family settled on Qinglian Island, Wang Changsheng asked the fourth-order formation master from Wanjianmen to help set up the formation, and spent a lot of spirit stones. When the formation was set up, Ye Haitang also participated, and she had long considered this. a situation.


A loud thunder sounded, and more than a dozen thick silver lightning pierced the sky, slashing towards Huangsha Zhenren and Jin Yu.

The Yellow Sand Master flipped his palm, the yellow light flashed, and a yellow shield the size of a slap appeared on his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the yellow shield flew out immediately, and spun around the Yellow Sand Master very fast. Tall yellow shields, blocking them.

More than a dozen silver lightning strikes on the yellow shield, and suddenly turned into a large piece of silver lightning, drowning the yellow shield.

The real person Huangsha doesn't care about Fang Tianyuan's life or death. A thick silver lightning strikes Fang Tianyuan. After a miserable cry, Fang Tianyuan immediately evaporates, as if it had never appeared before.

At the same time, the alarm sounded loudly in Qinglian Island.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

A large number of Wang family cultivators rushed out of the residence one after another, and Wang Youwei and several other cultivators took the lead to fly out of the residence.

"Don't panic, stick to your post, strictly guard against other means of the enemy, send someone to ask for help from the senior Guang who is stationed in Fangshi, give orders to the affiliated forces to send cultivators Jiedan over, and let the tribesmen stationed on other islands return for help , beware of enemy sneak attack."

Wang Youwei conveyed his orders in an orderly manner, and at this time, the more he could not panic.

A purple light flew out from Qinglian Peak, it was Fairy Ziyue.

She flipped her jade hand over, a silver light flashed, and a silver array with nine corners appeared on her hand.

There are four fourth-order formations on Qinglian Island, three of which were set up by Wanjianmen's fourth-order formation masters, which cost five million spirit stones.

The main formation plates of the four sets of formations are all in the hands of Fairy Ziyue. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have absolute trust in her. They have put the lives of their clansmen into her hands. Her burden is very heavy.

What Wang Mengfen has in his hands is just a sub-array, and he can control some of the restrictions.

"The two Daoists are visiting Qinglian Island. This is not the way to be a guest. Since they are not guests, then there is no need for us to treat you as guests."

Fairy Ziyue's expression was indifferent, and several magic tricks hit the silver array plate.

There was a thunderous sound from high in the sky, and there was a sudden gust of wind, and a large black thundercloud suddenly appeared above the heads of Huangsha Zhenren and Jin Yu.

This is not to mention, the ground was gusting, and countless yellow gravels were blown up by the strong wind. After blurring, they turned into yellow boulders the size of houses, and smashed towards Huangsha Zhenren and Jin Yu from all directions.

At the same time, the sea of ​​azure fog covering Qinglian Island rolled violently, and a pale silver light curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the entire Qinglian Island.

A blue light suddenly lit up dozens of miles away, and the figures of Huanglong Zhenren, Mrs. Kingdee and Liu Haodong appeared.

"No, the Wang family finds out that something is wrong, we must support immediately, otherwise Junior Sister Jin and the others will have their lives in danger."

The real Huanglong turned into a yellow light and flew towards Qinglian Island.

Mrs. Kingdee and Liu Haodong looked at each other and followed.

As soon as they approached Qinglian Island for ten miles, the sea water below violently swelled, and a huge vortex appeared. The sea water spun rapidly, creating a strong attraction. At the same time, eighteen blue water columns with a diameter of one hundred meters rose into the sky, turning It is a huge blue water curtain covering the entire Qinglian Island.

"Two fellow Daoists, please help this old man to break through the formation. If you delay, Junior Sister Jin may risk her life."

The real Huanglong opened his mouth and spewed out a small yellow mirror with a simple shape. After the mirror lit up for a while, a large yellow glow gushed out, covering the blue water curtain.

The place covered by the yellow glow immediately turned into petrification, like a hard rock.

This is Huanglong Zhenren's natal magic weapon, the Xuanhuang Mirror, which can petrify any object, including magic weapons, spirit beasts and cultivators. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of mana.

In order to rescue Jin Yu, Huang Longzhen couldn't care less.

Mrs. Kingdee brought out a golden short ruler, and with a flick of it, the golden light was released, and countless golden ruler shadows swept out into a golden torrent, hitting the opposite side.

Liu Haodong's body surface glowed brightly, and he slapped towards the void. There were ripples in the void, and countless water vapors gushed out, turning into a huge blue palm that was more than ten feet long. With a whistling sound, he patted the opposite side. .


A shocking roar sounded, and the petrified area was torn apart, but the blue water curtain still existed. After all, it was a fourth-order formation, but it was not so easy to break.

On Qinglian Island, it was learned that two Nascent Soul cultivators broke in. Wang Mengfen was like a great enemy. While directing his clan to assist Fairy Ziyue, he sent someone to inform Guangdong Ren.

To his surprise, Fang Shi was also attacked, and Guangdong Ren was entangled by a Yuan Ying cultivator, unable to escape.

In a certain black attic, Ye Haitang bit her red lips tightly, holding the Ten Thousand Ghost Order.

Two Yuan Ying cultivators came to kill her. She couldn't guarantee that the family could cope with it. She wanted to release Zhao Mei'er to meet the enemy, but she was worried that Zhao Mei'er would start a killing spree.

"I warn you, I let you out because I want you to help destroy the ghosts, not to let you kill. If you dare to hurt our Wang clan, I will not be polite to you."

Ye Haitang said with a cold face.

"Hmph, I hope I can help? You can help me if you ask me to help? I really thought that after refining the Ten Thousand Ghost Order, I am your servant? Let me do your bidding."

Zhao Meier said unceremoniously.

"Tell me! Your terms."

Ye Haitang gritted her teeth and said, the longer the delay, the more losses the Wang family will suffer.

"After this matter is over, you can help me find out about the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign and the situation of Taiyi Immortal Sect."

Zhao Meier's tone was indifferent.

"No problem, you help me kill the incoming enemy."

A green light flew out of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Order and flew straight outside.

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