Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1287: Lingbao breaks the formation

"Top of Qinglian (

A huge black thundercloud was suspended between the inner city and the outer city, and one after another thick silver lightning fell from the sky, forming a silver thunder curtain.

The real Huangsha was protected by a large yellow sand curtain. One after another silver lightning struck the yellow sand curtain, and black smoke rose up.

Jin Yu's body was covered by a large golden glow, and the silver lightning struck one after another, and the golden rays of light trembled wildly.

There are dozens of giant pits more than ten feet in size around them, and a few giant pits have caught fire.

Since the establishment of Qinglian Island, it was the first time to drive the great formation of protecting the clan. If Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not make great contributions, the fourth-order formation masters of Wanjianmen would not be able to help the Wang family arrange the formation.

"Don't keep it, or we're afraid our lives will be lost."

The real person Huang Sha frowned and said, he regrets it a lot now, he shouldn't believe what the real person Huang Long said.

He had forgotten how happy he was when he received benefits.

The Yellow Sand Master opened his mouth, and a yellow flag flew out. After one blurred, it turned into a yellow flag with a height of about a zhang, and the flag was covered by a yellow mist.

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood essence, and disappeared into the flag of the yellow flag in a flash.

A dazzling yellow light emerged from the flag of the yellow flag, and the whistling sound was loud, and a gust of wind suddenly blew the hair of the real Huangsha.

A yellow gust of wind swept out, turned into a yellow hurricane more than a thousand high, and rushed towards the black thunderclouds high in the sky.

The Huangsha real person made an embrace with his hands, his hands were raised high, the void made a muffled "humming" sound, and yellow light spots emerged one after another, which suddenly turned into yellow boulders, and the yellow boulders gathered together and turned into more than one hundred The tall yellow mountain smashed towards the sky.

Where the yellow mountain passed, there was a low roar from the void.

A large piece of golden light emerged from the top of Jin Yu's head and turned into a huge golden jade plate. The golden jade plate quickly rotated and made a harsh sound of breaking the air. The void seemed to be cut into pieces by the golden jade plate.

With a flash of golden light, the golden jade plate turned into a streak of golden light and flew straight into the sky.

Jin Yuxing opened a mouth, and a golden light flew out. It was a golden jade bottle the size of a palm. There was a golden firebird pattern on the surface of the jade bottle.

She pinched a tactic with her jade hand and entered a tactic. The golden fiery bird on the surface of the golden jade bottle seemed to come alive, making a clear and loud bird chirping. Baizhang is a sea of ​​golden fire.

The golden flame tumbled and turned into a golden flaming bird more than ten feet in size. The temperature nearby suddenly rose, and the soil on the ground burst into black smoke and spontaneously ignited.

A loud bird chirping sounded, and the golden firebird fluttered its wings and flew towards the sky. Wherever it passed, layers of water-like ripples appeared in the void, as if it were about to be torn apart.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise. The golden light, the yellow light and the silver light collided together, and strong air waves that were visible to the naked eye erupted.

A few monks from the Wang family did not have time to escape, and were swept up into the sky by the powerful air waves, smashing them down heavily, and dying.

Fairy Ziyue's pretty face was a little pale, and the power of the formation is very powerful, but if you want to rely on the formation to kill two Nascent Soul cultivators, it is impossible. After all, there are still three Nascent Soul cultivators attacking the formation. .

She controlled two fourth-order formations by herself, and it was extremely difficult to deal with the attacks of the five Nascent Soul monks.

She also didn't expect to rely on the formation to wipe out the enemy. As long as she could hit an enemy hard and find an opportunity to destroy the opponent, it would have the effect of killing chickens and warning monkeys, and maybe others would run away.

The array plate in Fairy Ziyue's hand made a rapid screeching sound, and the aura flickered non-stop.

With a muffled sound, several small cracks appeared on the surface of the array disk.

"Senior Lin, I released a ghost from the Nascent Soul period to help you."

The voice of Ye Haitang came from Fairy Ziyue's ear, and a green light flew from the distant sky.

Fairy Ziyue was stunned for a moment, and she didn't care to ask any further. She took a deep breath, and the mana poured into the silver array, and the silver array suddenly burst out with dazzling silver light, and silver arcs emerged.


The black thundercloud tumbled violently and turned into a silver thunder python more than a hundred feet long, rushing towards the Huangsha Zhenren and Jin Yu below.

Huangsha Zhenren and Jin Yu were taken aback and did not dare to be careless.

The Yellow Sand Master opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and sank into the yellow flag. With a loud whistling sound, a thirty-meter-long yellow wind python flew out and greeted him.

A large golden flame emerged from the golden jade bottle, turned into a golden flamingo with a size of more than ten feet, and rushed up.

The silver wind python, the yellow wind python, and the golden firebird collided, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye suddenly erupted. Relying on the advantage of their size, the silver thunder light drowned an area of ​​more than ten kilometers, and the ground shook violently, as if an earthquake generally.


Following Wang Mengfen's order, thousands of beams of light flew out from the mouth of the puppet beast, heading straight for the silver thunder, like mud like the sea.

The two muffled sounds of "Papa", the two array plates in Fairy Ziyue's hands were torn apart, and the silver light curtain covering Qinglian Island shattered.

A yellow jade seal the size of a hill was smashed towards the inner city, and a huge yellow dragon was wandering on the surface of the yellow seal, with a powerful aura.

Lingbao Huanglongxi, this is the trump card of Huanglong Zhenren, and it is easy to be reluctant to use it.

If he hadn't used a Spirit Treasure, he wouldn't have been able to break the formation so quickly.

At this time, the silver thunder light also dissipated, and the aura of the real person Huangsha was sluggish, the skin was open, the flesh was dripping, blood was dripping, and there was a burning smell, and there were some sawdust with yellow aura scattered on the ground.

If it weren't for the defensive magic weapon that blocked most of the damage, he would have gone down to see the King of Hell.

Jin Yu's situation was slightly better, a large golden flame enveloped her body, and a golden glow was covering her body.

A cold, gloomy wind blew through, and Zhao Meier suddenly appeared behind the real person Huang Sha, her ten fingers became slender and sharp, and grabbed towards the real person Huang Sha's heart.

"No, fellow Daoist Li, be careful behind you."

The real Huanglong shouted loudly.

The reaction of the real person Huangsha was not slow. The yellow sand on the ground fluttered in the wind and turned into a thick yellow armor, which protected his whole body inside. The yellow armor seemed to be condensed from countless quicksands.

Zhao Meier opened her mouth and let out a piercing Devil May cry.

The inner city was covered by the formation, Fairy Ziyue and the others were fine, and the monks of the Wang family, who had a lower cultivation base, were dizzy and fainted.

The five people in the real Huangsha only felt their heads buzzing, as if someone hit their heads with a heavy object.

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