Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1288: Qingshan's impact on the Nascent Soul (not today)

"Top of Qinglian (

The real Huangsha only felt a chill in his chest, and a ghost hand with slender nails pierced his chest, holding a **** heart.

In the heyday, even if Huangsha was defeated, he would not be killed so quickly, but he was injured by the formation, and Zhao Meier was a sneak attack, and Huangsha was unable to stop him.

A mini Nascent Soul flew out from the corpse of Huangsha Zhenren, but before the mini Nascent Soul flew far, a green light lasing came, hitting the mini Nascent Soul accurately, dragging it into Zhao Mei'er's mouth, chewing it. After a few times, he swallowed it, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"The ghost of the Nascent Soul!"

Jin Yu was startled and said in a voiceless voice.

Since the Wanguizong was destroyed, the number of ghost repairers in the South China Sea has been limited.

Someone in the Wang family actually kept a ghost in the Yuan Ying period. Is this a ghost kept in captivity by Qinglian Xianlu?

Zhao Mei'er gave a gloomy smile, and slapped Jin Yu with one hand, as if it was light and light.

An invisible pressure hit, and the golden flames all over Jin Yu kept flashing. She was startled, and quickly took out a golden conch the size of a palm. The runes on the surface of the golden conch kept flashing. .

A low horn sounded, and a golden sound wave flew out.


There was a loud noise, and the void was twisted. Wherever the golden sound wave passed, the void was twisted and deformed, and the wind was blowing.

Zhao Mei'er flickered and disappeared into a gust of wind.

The expression on Huanglong's face was cloudy for a while, but the formation of Qinglian Island was broken, and a Nascent Soul cultivator died and Jin Yu was injured. In terms of the number of Nascent Soul cultivators, they had the upper hand, but Qinglian Immortal Companion Haven't shown up yet.

The Wang family had a Yuanying cultivator and a Yuanying ghost cultivator who forcibly attacked Qinglian Island. Even if they were able to kill the opponent, Huanglong would definitely not be able to please him.

He had the intention to retreat, and at this time, the loss was not big.

The real Huanglong made a lot of money to ask the real person Huangsha to deal with the Qinglian immortal couple. If you leave here now, the next time you want to ask Mrs. Kingdee and Liu Haodong to help, it will not be easy. one less time.

With the idea of ​​keeping the green hills without fear of no firewood, Huang Longzhen planned to retreat. At this moment, a huge roar came from the sky, and a large number of five-color light spots appeared in the sky, as if setting off fireworks at high altitude, extremely gorgeous. .

"This is the birth of a baby!"

Huang Longzhen was stunned for a moment, his face full of killing intent.

Counting the time, the Wang family most likely to have a baby should be Wang Qingshan. Even if he wants to withdraw, he can't let Wang Qingshan hit the Nascent Soul stage with peace of mind.

"Let's take action together, attack in, Junior Sister, you entangle that ghost."

After Huang Longzhen finished saying this, the magic trick was pinched.

The yellow Jiaolong on the surface of the Huanglongxi issued a deafening dragon roar, resounding throughout the entire Qinglian Island.

Huang Longxi's rays of light soared, and in a low roar, it smashed into the inner city.

Mrs. Kingdee and Liu Haodong also attacked the formation, but they also had the intention of retreating, and they did not intend to reveal their identities. They did not use the magic weapon of their own destiny, but only used the spiritual technique or manipulated the magic weapon to attack the formation of the inner city. This is enough. .

A cyan array disk in Fairy Ziyue's hand made a shrill screeching sound, and she frowned.

Wang Qingshan actually attracted Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation at this time, which is troublesome. If nothing else, even if the Nascent Soul cultivator is close to Wang Qingshan's residence, the power of Thunder Tribulation will become stronger.

"Haitang, Tian Mi, Meng Fen, the three of you are going to guard Qingshan's residence. Don't let him get close to Qingshan's residence, otherwise it will affect Qingshan's impact on the Nascent Soul. Youwei, Mingyue, and Xianfen, you control the puppet beasts to stop them."

Fairy Ziyue made a decisive decision and ordered.

The time for each immortal cultivator to hit the Nascent Soul stage is not necessarily the same. Fairy Ziyue can't guarantee that she can block the attack of the three Nascent Soul monks.

"Yes, Senior Lin."

Ye Haitang and the others agreed in unison, Ye Haitang and the others jumped towards Wang Qingshan's residence, Wang Youwei and others waited in full force, and hundreds of Wang family cultivators sacrificed puppet beasts one after another, preparing to cooperate with the clan elders and deal with powerful enemies.

Besides Ye Haitang, the Wang family's cultivators on the island are Wang Youwei, Wang Xiansheng, Wang Xianfen, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Huabi, Wang Jijun and Wang Qingqi.

Their expressions were tense, and it was the first time they had experienced such a thing.

"Don't panic, we will definitely be able to repel the enemy, even if we die, we can't let the enemy disturb the seventh brother Jiying."

Wang Qingqi said in a deep voice, his eyes very firm.

He knew very well what Wang Qingshan's formation of a baby meant, and would never allow anyone to disturb Wang Qingshan's impact on the Nascent Soul.

Wang Qingqi, Wang Youwei, Wang Xiansheng, Wang Xianbing, and Ouyang Mingyue each held a small mirror with blue light flowing in their hands.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Changjie looked at Wang Qingqi and the others who were floating high in the sky, clenched his fists with both hands, and wished he could rush up to kill the enemy.

He lived in Huoyafang City in the northern Xinjiang as a child. After arriving at Qinglian Island, Wang Qingqing explained the development of the family to Wang Changjie, Wang Qingqi taught him alchemy, Wang Mengfen was very interested in his daily life, and Wang Changjie had a strong sense of belonging to the family.

"When I become a high-level monk, I will definitely kill all the thieves who dealt with our family."

Wang Changjie gritted his teeth and said that for the first time he desperately wanted to become stronger. What he didn't know was that Wang Qingshan also encountered such a situation back then, and he set up a Taoism to protect the family.

On a certain peak full of exotic flowers and plants, a huge black thundercloud floated over the peak, with lightning and thunder, and one after another thick silver lightning could be seen passing by, and the black thundercloud rolled violently, giving people a sense of a strong sense of oppression.

"Arrangement! Death can't let anyone come here."

Ye Haitang took out hundreds of formation flags and some formation plates, and handed them over to Wang Mengfen and Wang Tianmi, and asked them to help set up the formation. With Wang Qingshan's residence as the center, the formation was arranged in a radius of ten miles.

They arranged a total of three sets of formations, three lines of defense, each person was responsible for one line of defense, and Ye Haitang was responsible for the first line of defense.

Ye Haitang sat cross-legged on the ground, with a black flag stuck in front of her, her eyes were firm, and she looked like she was going to die.

Wang Mengfen and Wang Tianmi sat down with cross-legged expressions on their faces.

In the secret room, Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes slightly closed, and there was a small and exquisite cyan incense burner next to it, and half of the three yuan Dingling incense was inserted into the incense burner.

His expression was as usual, and he was crossing the demon gate.

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