Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1291: I recommend my family by my blood

"Top of Qinglian (

As soon as the yellow ball flew up, with a roar, it smashed into the cyan dragon.

The cold light swept through the eyes of the cyan Jiaolong, and a deafening dragon roar was emitted. The cyan light on the body shone out, and a blue hurricane flew out and rushed towards the yellow hill.


After an earth-shattering loud noise, the yellow mountain was smashed into pieces, and a yellow giant mouse the size of a house fell from the sky.

It was the double-eyed mouse that fell into a deep sleep after swallowing the demon pill of the fourth-order earth attribute monster, and has only woken up until now, but it is still a third-order high-grade.

The double-eyed mouse actually knew how to take the initiative to attack the cyan dragon, which was beyond Fairy Ziyue's expectations.

The cyan Flood Dragon was furious, its huge right claw slapped towards the double-eyed mouse, and a cyan dragon claw more than ten feet long appeared strangely above the double-eyed mouse's head and slapped it fiercely.

Right here, a dazzling yellow light lit up on the surface of the yellow giant mouse. Its body size quickly shrank to the size of a palm, and the double-eyed mouse can freely change its size. This is a relatively tasteless supernatural power. Small has limits.

At the same time, its body shrank into a ball, turned into a yellow ball, and quickly fell towards the ground.

Before the huge dragon claws hit the double-eyed rat, the double-eyed rat had already fallen to the ground, and the cyan dragon claws slapped on a mountain top, and the top of the mountain burst open, thick smoke billowing, and gravel flying all over the sky.


A deafening roar of thunder came from the sky, vaguely mixed with a loud phoenix ming.

A full-body silver phoenix hovered and danced high in the sky, and a huge black thundercloud appeared high in the sky. The silver phoenix was the royal family's spiritual bird, Thunder Phoenix.

The Wang family spent hundreds of years, pouring in a lot of immortal cultivation resources, and then cultivated it to the third-order low-grade.

At the critical juncture of the family, even if the guardian spirit bird is defeated, it still has to fight to the death.

Wang Xiansheng flew out of the ruins, his shirt was stained red with blood, there was a terrifying blood hole on his chest, and his face was pale.

After Wang Qingling, he was the second tier 3 spiritual master of the family. He usually took care of Lei Feng. When Wang Qingling was not there, Wang Xiansheng commanded Lei Feng and could exert his greatest strength.

Among the ruins, Wang Xianbing fell in a pool of blood, with several blood holes on his body. He had no breath. Wang Qingqi and several others were injured. Their eyes turned blood red, and they could not wait to smash the enemy into tens of thousands of pieces.


A deafening thunder sounded, and the black thundercloud rolled violently. Hundreds of silver lightning bolts as thick as adults' arms flew out, intertwined and flickered, and turned into a silver net of lightning that was more than 100 meters long.

At the same time, Wang Qingqi, Wang Youwei, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Jiyun and Wang Huabiao were holding the Sky Sea Mirror. When the family is in crisis, they naturally have to stand up and share the family's worries.

The Tianhai mirror in Wang Qingqi's hand lit up with a blue light, and a blue beam of light with the thickness of an adult's arm flew out and hit the Tianhai mirror in Wang Youwei's hand. The blue beam of light more than doubled in size and bounced out. Repeatedly bounced, and finally bounced on the Tianhai Mirror in Ouyang Mingyue's hand, a blue beam of light with a diameter of 30 meters shot up into the sky, and ripples like water ripples swayed in the void, as if it was about to be torn apart.

Wang Qingqi's face was bloodless, his legs trembled, and they looked like they had consumed too much mana. The power of the Tianhai Mirror was huge, but the mana consumed was not small.

He took out a cyan porcelain bottle, poured out a blood-colored pill, and swallowed it.

"Hurry up and take the medicine pill to restore the mana, there is still a fierce battle to fight! I will go first later, if I die, you will go ahead, and the bright moon will follow, the elders must take the lead, even if it is death, you can't Let him interfere with the seventh brother's birth."

Wang Qingqi said solemnly, looking like he was dying.

He is ready to die with the enemy. If the situation is unfavorable, he would rather expose himself than stop the opponent.

After raising soldiers for thousands of days and using them for a while, the family suffered, and he was willing to kill himself and serve the family.

When Wang Youwei heard this, the four of them were greatly encouraged.

"Listen to all the clansmen, you must stop the enemy even if you die, and you must not let him disturb the seventh brother, Jieying. When the clan elder told you about the clan history, he once said that I recommend the clan with my blood. Today is to practice this. In words, Qinglian will always be my Wang's Qinglian."

Wang Qingqi shouted loudly, and the voice spread throughout Qinglian Island.

His remarks greatly boosted morale, and some of the clansmen who were planning to escape stopped one after another. I don't know who led the way.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Changjie clenched his hands into fists, his face was flushed, and his blood was surging.

"I recommend the family with my blood!"

Wang Changjie spoke to himself, took a deep breath, and flew out.

"I am Wang Changjie. The disciples of the Sword Hall obey orders, set up sword formations, and meet the enemy. I recommend the family with my blood."

Wang Changjie held a red long sword high and shouted loudly Mrs. Kingdee and Liu Haodong were stunned. They did not expect that the Wang family cultivator's will to resist was so strong that he would rather die than give in.

The silver thunder net covered the cyan Flood Dragon and turned into a large silver sea of ​​thunder, covering the cyan Flood Dragon.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and a cyan flood dragon rushed out towards the black thunderclouds in the sky.

Lei Feng spread his wings, and the black thunderclouds rolled violently, as if being guided by some kind of guidance, and the silver thunderballs the size of fists flew out and smashed into the cyan dragon.

The roar continued, and the cyan flood dragon rushed unhindered.

On top of Lei Feng's head, a cyan dragon claw, more than ten feet long, appeared strangely, and photographed it towards Lei Feng.

With a flash of silver light, Lei Feng spread his wings and disappeared into a silver light.

The next moment, Lei Feng appeared in the void more than a hundred feet away.

There was a loud cracking sound, and a blue light swept over, accurately swept Lei Feng, and Lei Feng flew out instantly.

A group of blue light the size of a house shot towards Lei Feng.

Lei Feng's wings fluttered, and dozens of fist-sized silver thunder **** flew out, facing the blue light.


Dozens of silver lightning **** smashed into the azure light, and the azure light burst out immediately, and a round of azure scorching sun appeared high in the sky, submerging the radius of a hundred zhang.

The cyan Jiaolong wanted to use other means to kill Lei Feng in one fell swoop. At this moment, a deafening roar came from a distance, and a thick silver lightning struck down Wang Qingshan's residence.

Obviously, Wang Qingshan has passed the inner demon, and after passing the thunder tribulation, he will be able to enter the Nascent Soul Stage.

Huang Longzhen was shocked and angry, and he naturally wouldn't sit and watch Wang Qingshan marry a baby.

There was a loud cracking sound, and a thick blue beam of light struck, hitting the belly of the cyan dragon accurately.

A mournful scream sounded, many dragon scales fell off, and the cyan Flood Dragon's abdomen was bleeding profusely.

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