Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1292: Take turns blocking the enemy

"Top of Qinglian (

Colorful beams of light flew from the ground and hit the cyan Flood Dragon, but it was just like scratching the cyan Flood Dragon.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and a seven-color sword qi that was more than a hundred meters long flew out from the ground, and instantly arrived in front of the cyan Flood Dragon.

"You are courting death."

The cyan Jiaolong was furious. At this time, the real Huanglong couldn't care about anything. He brought out the Xuanhuang Mirror. The Xuanhuang Mirror spun around, his body soared, and a large amount of yellow rays of light was sprayed out, covering Wang Changjie and the others below. go.

"Hurry up, it's the Xuanhuang Mirror, it has petrified magical powers."

Fairy Ziyue Yurong changed greatly and reminded loudly.

She grabbed her jade hand towards the bottom, the purple light flashed, and a large purple hand more than ten feet long emerged out of thin air and shot towards the yellow glow.

As soon as the big purple hand collided with the yellow mist, it immediately petrified, and then shattered and shattered.

"Get out of the way, don't take it hard."

Wang Changjie shouted, his body shook, and he quickly retreated.

Even so, some clansmen's reaction was a bit slower. They were hit by the yellow mist, and their bodies quickly turned into petrified statues. They couldn't move. These clansmen were already dead.

Huang Longxi's rays of light soared, the dragon's roar was loud, and the yellow flood dragon on the surface wandered uncertainly, as if it was about to fly out at any time, and smashed towards Wang Qingshan's residence.

The cyan Jiaolong opened its mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of blood essence, and disappeared into the Huanglongxi seal in a flash.

A single piece of Lingbao struck with all strength, and it was difficult for the three of Ye Haitang to stop them.

Ye Haitang took a deep breath, spewing out a large mouthful of blood essence, and submerged into the Wanguiling. The Wanguiling burst into a dazzling black light, the sound of ghosts and wolves roared loudly, and countless yin qi poured out.

With a flash of black light, Wan Gui made his body soar and smashed towards Huang Longxi.

At the same time, Ye Haitang hit the formation plate with several tricks, the ground shook violently, a gust of wind suddenly blew, countless yellow gravels flew up, turned into a huge yellow hand, and slapped Huang Longxi.

She flicked her sleeves, and a large black light flew out, turning into hundreds of bone corpses of different shapes.

Countless black yin energy emerged from Ye Haitang's body, covering these bone corpses, a shrill devil's cry sounded, and a huge bone corpse more than a hundred feet tall walked out of the yin energy.

The bone corpse has the head of a cow, with a pair of huge bone wings on its back, exuding a shocking wave.

Huang Longxi collided with Wan Guiling, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron colliding, Wan Guiling suddenly flew out backwards, and the big yellow hand collided with Huang Longxi, and it was torn apart in one encounter, and a stream of yellow dust spread in all directions.

The bone corpse smashed towards Huang Longxi with both hands, and slender black silk threads spewed out from its mouth, wrapping the Huanglongxi.

The bone corpse took a dozen steps back, and his feet sank deep into the ground, barely blocking Huang Longxi.

"Break it for me."

With the loud shout of Huang Longzhen, Huang Longxi's rays of light soared, the black silk threads on the surface were broken one after another, and the body of the bone corpse was torn apart.

The whistling sound was loud, and a cyan tornado with a height of hundreds of feet swept in. It collided with the Huanglongxi, and a powerful air wave erupted. Wherever the air wave passed, buildings collapsed, and gravel and sawdust flew all over the sky. .

The yellow Jiaolong on the surface of Huanglongxi's body wandered uncertainly, bursting with dazzling yellow light.

With a loud whistling sound, the cyan tornado rose in size, and the Huang Longxi forcibly deviated from the original direction and smashed onto a green peak.

There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the top of this peak was smashed into pieces, the ground shook violently, and countless rubble flew around.

The blue light flashed, and the figure of Wang Huabiao appeared, and the blue tornado was naturally transformed by him.

At this time, the size of the black thundercloud shrunk by more than half, and dozens of silver lightnings poured down, hitting Wang Qingshan's residence, and the thunder robbery reached the final moment.

But soon, Huang Longxi flew up and hit Wang Qingshan's residence again.

The cyan Flood Dragon was about to fly towards Wang Qingshan's residence. At this moment, a huge blue beam of light shot out from the air.

Huanglong, who had suffered losses twice, did not dare to be careless. He opened his mouth wide, and a huge azure light flew out to meet the blue beam of light.

Fairy Ziyue took out two purple flying knives and slashed at the blue dragon.

The Xuanhuang mirror spun around and moved towards Fairy Ziyue. A thick yellow beam of light flew out. Fairy Ziyue swayed and avoided the past. The yellow beam of light hit a cyan attic, and the cyan attic immediately petrified.

Fairy Ziyue wanted to stop her, but the Xuanhuang Mirror kept spewing out yellow beams of light, blocking Fairy Ziyue.

Fairy Ziyue didn't dare to neglect and kept avoiding.

Mrs. Kingdee and Liu Haodong were entangled by the fourth-order puppet beast, but in fact, if they tried their best, the fourth-order puppet beast would not be able to stop It's just that the Wang family is now posing a desperate posture, they are not willing to The real Huanglong lost his life.

Zhao Mei'er and Jin Yu fought fiercely together, Jin Yu was injured, and she did not dare to neglect in the face of a ghost in the Yuan Ying period.

At the edge of Qinglian Island, more than ten feet below the sea, in a huge blue clam shell, Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong sat cross-legged in the blue clam shell, Zhang Wuchen looked as usual, and Lin Yuzong had a strange expression on his face.

"It's already at this time, and you still haven't made a move? If we delay it any longer, Wang Qingshan will be disturbed. When the time comes, the Wang family will lose a Nascent Soul cultivator, which will affect our plans!"

Lin Yuzong said with a frown.

"What's the hurry? It's only at the last minute that the Qinglian immortal couple will accept their love. Someone in the Wang family actually raises a ghost in the Nascent Soul period. When Wang Qingshan gets a baby, the Wang family is equivalent to having five people in the Nascent Soul period. We have a better chance of winning."

Zhang Wuchen said a little excitedly, she has been paying attention to the movements of Huanglong since she knew that Huanglong real person found out that Wang Changsheng was an opponent.

"Speaking of which, we've been together for hundreds of years. Do you still trust me? What secret technique did you use? You actually knew that Huanglong Zhenren was active in the Five Dragons Sea Area, and he was waiting here for him early."

Lin Yuzong said with some doubts that Zhang Wuchen had mastered some kind of secret technique, and he was able to lock the opponent's position tens of thousands of miles away.

If Huang Longzhen wanted to deal with Zhang Wuchen, he would be discovered by Zhang Wuchen as soon as he approached Zhang Wuchen for tens of thousands of miles.

"It's not that I don't trust you. I leave everything alone. I taught my apprentices and starved my master to death. This is the unique secret technique of our Sun Moon Palace. It's also very troublesome to perform, so don't ask."

Zhang Wuchen's tone was indifferent, and he didn't want Lin Yuzong to ask more.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yuzong didn't ask much.

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