Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1293: Aoyama's baby

"Top of Qinglian (

On Qinglian Island, Zhao Meier entangled Jin Yu, Mrs. Jindie and Liu Haodong fought with the fourth-order puppet beast, and Fairy Ziyue was stopped by Xuanhuangjing.

Wang Xiansheng was panting, his eyes fixed on the cyan dragon in the sky.

At this time, the black thundercloud above Wang Qingshan's residence shrank by more than half, and the thunder robbery reached the most critical moment.

Wang Xiansheng flicked his wrist, and a blue light flew out, and a cyan giant tiger with a body length of 30 feet and a height of about 10 feet flew out. The cyan giant tiger had a pair of huge cyan wings on its back.

Chasing the Wind Tiger, which was left to him by his ancestors, is already a third-order mid-rank.


The chasing tiger seemed to sense something and let out an angry roar.

Wang Xiansheng stroked Feng Chaser Tiger's head and said in a low voice, "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood, are you afraid of death?"

The chasing tiger let out a loud roar, and seemed to be answering Wang Xiansheng.

"I know you are not afraid, you are not afraid, what should I be afraid of!"

Wang Xiansheng was talking to himself, with a death-like expression on his face.

The azure light on his body was shining brightly, and his whole body was submerged in the body of the Wind Chaser Tiger.

The wind chasing tiger made a strange roar, and the body soared, and the breath also soared, from the third-order middle grade to the third-order high-grade, the wind chasing tiger's face was twisted and deformed, turning into Wang Xiansheng's face.


The wind chasing tiger fluttered its wings and flew towards the cyan Jiaolong at a very fast speed.

More than a dozen third-order puppet beasts are besieging the cyan flood dragon. The cyan flood dragon is huge, and many attacks cannot be avoided.

At this time, there is no need for Huanglong Zhenren to conceal his identity.

With a flash of blue light, the blue Jiaolong turned into a tall yellow-robed old man.

The old man in the yellow robe had some bloodstains on his arms and abdomen, and a sparkling blue talisman fell off his body. The cyan talisman ignited spontaneously without wind and burned to ashes.

Huanglong Zhenren made a one-handed move, and the Xuanhuang Mirror flew back upside down and landed in front of him.

He entered a magic formula, and the light of the black-yellow mirror soared, and a large cloud of yellow mist emerged, covering it in all directions.

As soon as the third-order puppet beasts touched the yellow mist, they petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into stone statues that fell from the air.

At this time, Wang Huabiao turned into a cyan tornado with a height of several hundred feet, barely blocking the Yellow Dragon Seal. The two yellow giants more than a hundred feet tall hugged the smaller half of the Yellow Dragon Seal with both hands, desperately blocking the Yellow Dragon Seal.

Leiyun is still more than a hundred feet tall, and Wang Qingshan is about to survive the thunder calamity.

The cold light in Huanglong's eyes flashed, he frowned, turned his head to look in a certain direction, and a cyan giant tiger with a human face and a beast body rushed towards him.

Wang Xiansheng's eyes were full of determination, and all kinds of past events appeared in his mind.


In the lecture hall, an old man with white hair and white robe was teaching, and dozens of young children were listening.

"Let's talk about clan history today. You have to understand one truth today, that is, I recommend the clan with my blood?"

The white-robed old man said solemnly, his eyes swept over the many young children present.

"At that time, our ancestors established a family in Qinglian Mountain in the Eastern Desolation, and our family was at that time..."

He talked about the history of the family's development, and said that when the family was in crisis, the white-robed old man's tone was condensed and aggravated: "When the family was in danger, many clan elders did not care about their personal safety, fought desperately with the enemy, and unfortunately died tragically in In the hands of the enemy, but also kept our family, it is because of their **** sacrifice that you can have the happy life you have today. I am afraid it is difficult for you to imagine how many clan elders are holding a mortal for a foundation pill. Determined to enter the deep mountains to hunt monsters, almost the entire army was wiped out."

"Whenever the family is in danger, there are always clansmen who stand up and fight the enemy to protect the family. This is the reason why I recommend the family with my blood. Remember, the immortal way, you may encounter that kind of situation in the future. At that time, I hope that some of you can stand up, fight the enemy desperately, and protect our family."

"Understood, I recommend the family with my blood." Many young children said in unison, Wang Xiansheng shouted the loudest.


The speed of the wind chasing tiger was very fast, and Wang Xiansheng could feel the gust of wind whizzing past.

"I recommend the family with my blood, and today is the time to practice."

Wang Xiansheng spoke to himself, his eyes were very firm.

A large piece of yellow mist rushed out, and at the same time, a large yellow hand with a size of more than ten feet suddenly appeared above his head, which was photographed fiercely.


An angry tiger roar sounded, and the chasing tiger suddenly released its blue light, turning into a breeze and disappearing, and the attack of the yellow mist and the big yellow hand was unsuccessful.

The next moment, a blue light lit up in the sky above Huang Longzhen's head, revealing Wang Xiansheng's figure.

"I recommend the family with my blood, and I, Wang Xiansheng, are one step ahead."

Wang Xiansheng's voice spread throughout most of Qinglian Island.

After hearing this, Wang Qingqi and the others had dilated pupils and their eyes widened.


An earth-shattering roar sounded, and a round of hundreds of feet of blue scorching sun appeared out of nowhere in the sky.

A large area of ​​buildings collapsed and towering trees were uprooted.

"No, Xiansheng..."

Wang Qingqi was in grief and his eyes were red. In order to stop the enemy, Wang Xiansheng used a secret technique to integrate with the monster and launched a suicide attack on the enemy.

Huang Longxi's radiance was brilliant, and the cyan hurricane that Wang Huabiao transformed into was torn apart. He himself flew out and smashed heavily on a steep stone wall, vomiting blood, and his face was pale.


A huge thunder sounded, and the black thunder cloud turned into a huge silver thunder dragon, rushing towards the place where Wang Qingshan was A dazzling silver thunder light lit up, and the peak where Wang Qingshan was located was lit up. The violent shaking continued, as if an earthquake, a silver air wave spread in all directions, the top of the mountain was a silver sea of ​​thunder, and dust was flying all over the sky.

In the midst of a loud noise, the formations that Ye Haitang and the three were upholding were shattered.

Huang Longxi's rays of light soared and smashed towards the silver sea of ​​thunder.

Under the despairing eyes of Wang Qingqi and others, Huang Longxi fell into the silver sea of ​​thunder. Even if Wang Qingshan survived the thunder calamity, he would still be extremely weak and would never be able to stop Huang Longxi.

At this time, the azure sun dissipated, revealing the figure of the real person Huang Long. The real person of Huang Long was pale, with scars on the surface of his body. There were faint bursts of aura from his chest, obviously wearing inner armor.

He never imagined that the cultivator of the Wang family was so stubborn that he would expose himself to hurt the enemy.

"Bastard, I fought with you."

Wang Qingqi's eyes were red, and he was about to imitate Wang Xiansheng and expose himself to hurt the enemy.

Huang Longzhen raised his brows, no matter how strong he was, it was impossible to ignore the self-exposure of the cultivator Jiedan.

At this moment, a loud male voice came from the sky: "Stop, with my Wang Qingshan here, you don't have to do stupid things, I recommend the family with blood, and one Xiansheng is enough."

"Look, Huang Longxi stopped."

Wang Youwei smiled and pointed to Wang Qingshan's residence.

Everyone looked towards Wang Qingshan's residence, and the huge Huanglongxi stopped above the silver sea of ​​thunder, as if it was blocked by something.

The silver sea of ​​thunder dissipated and disappeared without a trace.

A sparkling flying sword blocked the Yellow Dragon Seal. There was a blue lotus flower pattern on the hilt of the blue flying sword. The flying sword exuded an amazing wave of spiritual energy. It was obviously a spiritual treasure.

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