Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1304: Enter the Tianxu Cave

"Top of Qinglian (

The double-eyed mouse tore off a piece of animal meat and swallowed it in its belly. It made a "jiji" sound in its mouth, and its tail swayed from side to side, looking confident.

The double-eyed rat has a large appetite, and after eating a third-order fish demon, he was satisfied and returned to the spirit beast bead.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng sat down with his knees crossed and meditated to adjust his breath. Wang Qingling also found a place to sit cross-legged and meditated to adjust his breath.

Two months passed quickly.

On this day, a sound transmission flew in and stopped in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng seemed to sense something and opened his eyes.

He crushed the sound transmission, and Zhang Wuchen's voice suddenly sounded: "Wang Daoyou, it's almost time, ready to go."

"Qingling, ready to go."

Wang Changsheng called Wang Qingling, put away the formation, and the two walked outside.

After leaving the cave, Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingling flew towards the sky. On a certain mountain top, Zhang Wuchen, Lin Yuzong and Wuling Sanren were chatting.

Two men and one woman, three cultivators of Pill Formation stood aside, their expressions respectful.

"Friend Tong, long time no see."

Wang Changsheng greeted Wuling Sanren, and Wuling Sanren actually brought his disciples to Tianxu Cave. If he could join forces with him, his safety would be more secure.

"Friend Wang Dao, you have been doing well recently."

Wuling Sanren said with a smile, his tone was familiar, and he looked familiar.

"It's almost time, fellow Daoist Tong, see you another day, let's take a step first."

Zhang Wuchen didn't seem to want Wang Changsheng to chat with Wuling Sanren, so he pleaded guilty and flew towards the bottom of the sea.

Wuling Sanren frowned slightly and didn't say anything. He wanted to cooperate with Zhang Wuchen to deal with a certain monster, but Zhang Wuchen refused. It seemed that they had a plan to go to Tianxu Cave this time.

The different ways are different, and the twisted melon is not sweet. Since Zhang Wuchen is unwilling to help, then forget it.

Lin Yuzong flipped his palm, and a blue-light gleaming flag flew out and flew around them. A blue water curtain with misty water appeared out of thin air, covering the four of them. Man went to the bottom of the sea.

After diving for hundreds of feet, Wang Changsheng saw a group of all-white fish monsters. There were thousands of them, and they were not of high rank. Most of them were second-order, with two third-order leaders taking the lead.

These fish demons rushed over when they saw the four of them.

Wang Qingling released the Ice Wind Jiao and rushed up.

The fish demons sprayed blue water arrows one after another, hitting the Ice Wind Jiao, and there was a muffled sound. The Ice Wind Jiao opened its **** mouth and rushed in, swallowing more than a dozen white fish demons. It was in the fish group. Rampage, eating a large number of fish monsters, the fish monsters saw that the situation was not good, and fled everywhere, and the ice wind Jiao wanted to chase.

"Xiao Bai, don't chase after the poor bandits, come back."

Wang Qingling gave an order, and Bingfeng Jiao seemed to understand her words, and returned to the spirit beast bead honestly.

"If this Flood Dragon is cultivated to the fourth rank, the supernatural power will definitely not be small. In the entire South China Sea, there are less than three high-level monks who have a Rank 4 Flood Dragon, and Xiaoyou Wang has a bright future."

Zhang Wuchen smiled and praised.

"It's not easy to cultivate a fourth-order monster, let alone a fourth-order flood dragon. Senior Zhang is very praised."

Wang Qingling said modestly, the greater the potential of the spirit beast, the higher the difficulty of the advancement. Wang Changsheng has been infancy for more than 70 years, and his spirit beast has not advanced to the fourth-order, which is enough to cultivate a fourth-order spirit beast. How difficult it is, let alone cultivating a fourth-order Jiaolong.

"The predecessors planted the tree and the later generations enjoyed the shade. If Wang Xiaoyou can't cultivate it to the fourth rank, he can also pass it on to the descendants and continue to cultivate it. One day he can cultivate it to the fourth rank. The strength of a fourth rank Jiaolong is comparable to the early Nascent Soul. The monks are much stronger, and our Zhang family has no fourth-order spirit beasts."

Lin Yuzong said with envy on his face.

"Then Xie Lin senior is auspicious, and I also hope that Xiaobai can advance to the fourth rank."

After a cup of tea, they stopped, the blue water curtain was twisted and deformed, and the blue command flag in Lin Yuzong's hand lit up with bursts of blue aura. Following their gazes, there was a huge and incomparable distance in the distance. The blue vortex, the low-level monster approached the blue vortex ten feet, and was immediately involved in the blue vortex, and never appeared again.

"This is the entrance of Tianxudongtian. Everyone's teleportation location is different, but we have practiced the Qianyuan induction technique. As long as the two are 50,000 miles apart, they can sense each other's location, but considering the prohibition Existing, the Qianyuan induction technique may not achieve the expected effect, in short, after entering the Tianxu Cave, we will meet at the appointed designated place."

Zhang Wuchen's expression is solemn, and her expression is a little uneasy. She spent a lot of thought and energy to know that there are three thousand years of soul-raising flowers in Tianxudongtian. This is an effective way to make up for her loss of Yuanshen. She must get soul-raising flowers. .

Considering the special situation of Tianxu Dongtian, she did not bring a cultivator with her. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but she tried it The losses were heavy, and there were many fourth-order monsters in Tianxu Dongtian. , Pill cultivator can't help much at all. Bringing Pill cultivator will become a burden, so it's better not to bring it!

Wang Changsheng nodded, his eyes became solemn.

The four of them moved towards the blue vortex, and as soon as they approached the blue vortex, they were suddenly pulled in by a powerful attraction.

A strong pressure came from all directions, and the blue water curtain was violently deformed, and it didn't take long for it to shatter.

A large amount of sea water squeezed in from all directions, as if to crush their bodies.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed a Ding Haizhu, and a blue light flew out, covering their bodies, and the pressure disappeared.

After a while, Wang Changsheng found himself appearing in an endless black forest, the fallen leaves under his feet were about a foot thick, and there was a rotting smell in the air.

The dense forest was terrifyingly silent, as if there were no living creatures.

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly, and smashed his right hand towards the ground, and a blue fist that was several feet in size flew out and smashed onto the ground.


The ground was smashed into a pit that was several feet in size, and a giant black scorpion was smashed out of flesh.

Wang Changsheng released the double-eyed rat and the wood demon. The wood demon was rooted in the ground, and around Wang Changsheng, a dozen thorns full of thorns swayed left and right, looking very excited.

The double-eyed mouse stood on both legs, sniffed a few times in the air with its nose, and a yellow light suddenly lit up on the surface of its body, and it burrowed into the ground.

A small dirt bag immediately appeared and moved quickly towards the front.

Wang Changsheng's thoughts moved, the wood demon hurriedly followed, and Wang Changsheng walked at the back.

He let go of his consciousness and carefully looked at everything around him, daring not to be careless in the slightest.

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