Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1305: The power of the wood demon

"Top of Qinglian (

After half an hour, Wang Changsheng walked out of the black jungle. In front of him was an open field. A few hundred meters away, there was a black lake with a size of several acres. There were several green lotus flowers on the lake. The buds of the green lotus bloomed, and the lake water was black. .

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept across the black lake and found nothing unusual.

These Biyuelian plants are more than 600 years old, and if they can grow for more than 600 years, they must be guarded by monsters, otherwise they would have been eaten by other monsters.

It seems that the monsters in the lake know how to hide their breath, which is rare.

The double-eyed mouse stopped five hundred meters away from the lake, and let out a "jiji" sound, as if expressing something.

The double-eyed rat has a sensitive sense of smell. It must have smelled the smell of high-level monsters, so it did not dare to approach, otherwise it would have rushed up.

A little blue light emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist, and he smashed towards the lake.


The blue boxing shadow hit the lake water, and suddenly a wave of water more than ten meters high was splashed, and there was no demon beast.

Wang Changsheng's large sleeve robe flicked, and a golden metal ball flew out. With a sound of an organ, the golden ball turned into a golden eagle two feet in size.

A clear bird sounded, and the golden giant eagle fluttered its wings and flew towards the black lake. It hovered over the lake, and there was nothing unusual.

Wang Changsheng's thoughts moved, and the golden giant eagle rushed down from the sky and grabbed Bi Yuelian with both claws.

As soon as the golden giant eagle approached the Biyuelian three feet, dozens of black water arrows flew out from the bottom of the lake without warning, and hit the golden giant eagle with a muffled sound, and a black shadow suddenly flew out from the bottom of the lake. .


There was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, and the right wing of the golden giant eagle was bitten by a black giant python.

The black giant python's body exposed to the lake is more than 50 feet long, with black scales the size of palms all over its body, but its eyes are golden, and there is a black sharp horn about a foot long on its head. Judging from its breath, it is obviously a three A high-grade monster.

The golden giant eagle turned its head, opened its mouth and spewed out a large piece of slender golden light, hitting the black giant python, making a muffled "ding ding" sound, and a large small crack appeared on the black giant python.

The wood demon was deeply rooted in the ground, and a long crack appeared on the ground. Not long after, a huge stone with a diameter of 100 feet broke out of the ground. Dozens of thick blue thorns entangled the yellow boulder, and one end of the wood demon was deeply pierced. Under the ground, the other end wrapped around a yellow boulder and smashed it towards the black python.

The black sharp corners on the black giant python's head suddenly brightened, and a black light flew out, hitting the yellow boulder accurately.


The yellow boulder suddenly burst, and the dust flew up.

Dozens of cyan thorns as thick as adults' arms wrapped around the black python's abdomen and flew towards the ground.

The black giant python was bound by dozens of thick cyan thorns. One end of the cyan thorns sank into the ground. The black giant python released its **** mouth and struggled violently, trying to break the cyan thorns that bound it.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and the tortoise flew out.

The tortoise is already a second-tier top grade. Wang Changsheng has been raising it for more than 50 years. He has invested a lot of resources for immortality. He regularly feeds it with water-type demon pills and spirits, and it grows so fast.

The neck of the tortoise stretched out and made a strange hissing sound. A blue lightning bolt with the thickness of a baby's arm flew out of its mouth and hit the abdomen of the black python. The black python made a painful hissing sound, and its abdomen A puff of black smoke rose.

The black giant python opened its **** mouth and bit towards a thick cyan thorn, trying to tear off the cyan thorn, but soon, a large piece of purple poisonous mist rushed out of its mouth, its pupils shrank, Letting out a painful neigh, let go of your mouth.

Dozens of thorn flowers on the surface of the cyan thorns bloomed one after another, and a large purple poisonous mist emerged, sweeping towards the black giant python.

With the sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air, dense thorns flew out from the surface of the cyan thorns, hitting the black giant python with a muffled sound.

The tortoise continuously spewed thick blue lightning bolts, hitting the black giant python.

The black giant python was like a dead target, its body was bound to death by the wood demon. It could not escape back to the bottom of the lake and was attacked by the scale turtle and the wood demon.

After inhaling a lot of purple poisonous mist, the black giant python's eyes turned blood red, it became extremely violent, twisted its body frantically, or sprayed black water arrows one after another, hitting the ground, exploding a There are huge pits several feet in size, and the black sharp corners on their heads continue to spurt black light, hitting the lake, and blasting waves of water more than ten feet high.

Wang Changsheng smiled happily. The poison of the wood demon far exceeded that of ordinary third-rank middle-rank poisonous insects, and even the third-rank high-rank monsters could not stop it. No wonder that fourth-rank bloodthirsty thorn was famous.

If the wood demon is promoted to the fourth rank, its strength should be stronger than that of ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

Dozens of cyan thorns shook violently, and suddenly released the black and threw the black python to the ground. The huge body of the black python smashed on the ground, and suddenly a big hole was smashed out. .

Countless water vapors emerged above its head, turning into a giant blue hand more than ten feet long, and slapped it fiercely.

With a scream, the body of the blue python kept twisting.

There was a muffled sound from the ground, and a yellow ball the size of a house flew over and smashed head-on towards the black python.

The black horn on the black giant python's head spurted out a black light, hitting the yellow ball, and blasting a hole in the size of a zhang.

It wanted to escape back into the lake, when dozens of thick cyan thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, entangling the body of the black python tightly. Unable to open.

A large piece of yellow light emerged from the yellow ball, and it smashed **** the black python's head.

There was a muffled sound from the ground, the yellow ball rolled, and a huge pothole appeared on the ground.

With a flash of yellow light, the yellow ball suddenly shattered, and the double-eyed rat came out of it, made a "jiji" cry, and crawled towards the black python's head, feasting on it.

The double-eyed rat doesn't have many attack methods. It can freely become bigger and smaller, and becoming bigger and smashing people is its only attack method at present.

This time, the wood demon was responsible for killing this third-order high-grade monster, and the double-eyed mouse and the tortoise were just a little help.

A little water vapor emerged from the top of the Biyue Lotus, and the figure of the lin turtle appeared. The lin turtle opened its mouth and bit towards a Biyue lotus.

It didn't take long for the tortoise to eat a Biyuelian, and Wang Changsheng put away the other Biyuelian.

He put away the corpses of the tortoise and the black giant python, and gave the double-eyed mouse a big mouthful of python meat, and let it continue to lead the way. The wood demon followed closely, and Wang Changsheng walked at the back.

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