Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1312: Ban blocking

"Top of Qinglian (

In the black jungle, under a towering tree, Wang Changsheng buried most of his body in the soil, only his head was exposed, and his eyes were fixed on the distance.

The white giant python and the two red giant scorpions fought fiercely together. With the advantage of the rank and their own defenses, the two red giant scorpions couldn't help the white ice python.

The snipe and clam compete, and the fisherman benefits. If the white giant python suffers heavy damage, Wang Changsheng will definitely kill the white ice python.

The two red giant scorpions continuously spewed giant fireballs the size of water tanks, smashing on the body of the white giant python.

They opened their mouths and spewed out a large red poisonous mist. As soon as they approached the white giant python, they were frozen by the white cold air, turned into red ice cubes, and fell to the ground.

Two white beams of light were lasing, and they were about to hit the two-colored giant scorpions. Their backs flapped their wings and avoided it, but at this moment, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and the dense white ice cones lashed out. Come on, they responded quickly, but there were too many white icicles. Some of the white icicles hit a red giant scorpion and did not cause much damage to it, but the accompanying cold air made it freeze on its body and appeared A shallow layer of ice slowed down.

A thick snake tail fell from the sky and slapped it on its body. The red giant scorpion flew out and slammed heavily on the ground. Before it could stand up, a thick white beam of light fell from the sky and landed on its body precisely. The body of the scorpion froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a huge ice sculpture.

A harsh whistling sound sounded, and a thick snake tail fell from the sky and hit the ice sculpture.


The ice sculpture was torn apart, and the red giant scorpion directly turned into a large rain of blood, and died.

Seeing this scene, the other red giant scorpion didn't dare to stay for a long time, fluttered its wings and flew towards the distance.

The white giant python twisted its thick waist and climbed back to the nest.

Wang Changsheng was a little disappointed, the fourth-order mid-rank monster was really not easy to deal with, it didn't matter, Wang Qingling should have succeeded.

A dirt bag lit up on the ground nearby, and Wang Qingling drilled out from the ground.

"Ninth Uncle, you guessed right, Tanshui is the fourth-order spiritual water."

Wang Qingling took out a white jade bottle and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

They found that there was an ice snake fruit tree growing in this cave, but it was guarded by a fourth-order mid-grade monster. Wang Changsheng was not a monster's opponent, so they used Tianyue Shenshui to lure two fourth-order monsters and fourth-order monsters. The monsters were fighting so that Wang Qingling could pick the spirit fruit tree.

Wang Changsheng took the white jade bottle, and a biting chill came from his palm.

"Yes, it's not worth our troubles to lure the golden-tailed scorpion, the wood demon is still injured, it's okay..."

Before Wang Changsheng could finish speaking, a deafening roar sounded.

"No, the beast found out that the fruit tree was stolen, run away."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Qing's spirit bodies glowed with yellow light, and they disappeared into the ground.

In a secret cave, Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong sat cross-legged on the ground. Lin Yuzong's face was pale, and there was a terrifying bloodstain on his left arm, and white bones could be seen.

A black giant bear more than two feet tall fell to the ground, and its head was chopped off by a sharp weapon.

Zhang Wuchen's body was shrouded in a silver glow, and from Lin Yuzong's point of view, it seemed like a silver moon was behind her.

After a while, the silver light on Zhang Wuchen's body dissipated and he opened his eyes.

She pressed her right hand towards Lin Yuzong's arm, and a large piece of silver light poured out, covering the wound.

An astonishing scene appeared, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, just go back to recuperate for a while, and there will be no future troubles."

Lin Yuzong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The Yinyue Yuanyuan Technique is too powerful, but unfortunately it can only cure skin injuries. If it can cure internal injuries, it will be even better."

"Hmph, the Yinyue Yuanyuan Technique is the unique secret technique of the Moon Palace. It would be good to heal flesh wounds. If you didn't have to kill this fourth-rank middle-rank demon bear, you wouldn't be hurt."

Zhang Wuchen snorted softly and said coldly.

Lin Yuzong pursed his lips and was about to say something when he suddenly sensed something and said, "Young Daoyou Wang and the others are here, let's go out!"

Put away the body of the black demon bear, and they walked out together.

Out of the cave, in front of it is an endless plain.

A small earthbag quickly moved towards them. After a while, the earthbag stopped, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingling emerged from the ground.

There are too many fourth-order monsters in Tianxu Cave, and there are many fourth-order monsters, and it is safer to escape.

"Mrs. Zhang, Fellow Daoist Lin, are you all right!"

Seeing that Lin Yuzong's face was not very good, Wang Changsheng asked with concern.

"It's okay, I got some flesh wounds."

Zhang Wuchen glanced at the sky and said, "It's not too long for us to enter Tianxudongtian. Let's make a quick decision! Get out of here early."

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "According to the map, the lair of the fire unicorn beast is not far from Let's go!"

The four of them turned into four escaping lights and ran towards the northeast at a very fast speed.

After a cup of tea, they stopped outside a long and narrow red valley. There are a lot of huge pits in the valley. The stones are all fiery red, which is very strange. On both sides of the valley are two black peaks more than a thousand feet high. There were also two human skeletons lying there.

Wang Qingling released a pony puppet beast and walked towards the valley.

As soon as the pony puppet beast entered the valley, a muffled sound suddenly came from the sky, and several giant fireballs the size of houses fell from the sky and smashed on the pony puppet beast one after another.


After a loud roar sounded, the pony puppet beast was torn apart and disappeared without a trace.

"There is obviously a fire attribute restriction here, and the two monks have to break through. The paths on both sides should be different."

Wang Changsheng calmly analyzed that he released hundreds of gold-devouring ants and flew towards the black peaks on both sides.

There was no abnormality at the beginning, but when it flew to the middle of the mountain, several thick red lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck the golden swallowing ant.

The Gold Swallowing Ant was struck by red lightning and disappeared immediately.

"What's the matter? Mrs. Zhang, you haven't been to this place before?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, who knows what restrictions are ahead? If you have to break through here, you are gambling your life. If you are lucky, there will be no problem. If you are unlucky, the two corpses will be a lesson in the future.

On the way here, Wang Changsheng asked several times, but Zhang Wuchen did not say that there were restrictions on the road.

"Don't worry, this ban won't last for too long, it will weaken in a few days, but it only takes an hour. I've calculated this before I dare to call Daoyou Wang to collect the treasure. Our speed must be as fast as possible. quick."

Zhang Wuchen explained in a sincere tone.

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