Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1313: golden beast

"Top of Qinglian (

Wang Changsheng frowned slightly. If Zhang Wuchen made it clear to him in advance, he could accept it, but Zhang Wuchen concealed the existence of the ban and concealed the risks, which made Wang Changsheng very dissatisfied. This was a blatant deception.

"Mrs. Zhang, I asked you several times, but you didn't say there is a ban."

Wang Changsheng said with some dissatisfaction, Zhang Wuchen was playing him like a monkey, how could he bear it.

"Don't get me wrong, Daoyou Wang, the concubine has an exotic treasure in her hand, and she specifically restrains this restriction. The weakened restriction is not much different from the no restriction. Every hundred years, Tianxu Cave will have a period of weakness. Hua, the concubine will have to wait for more than a hundred years, I can promise you, after the completion of the matter, I can tell you the whereabouts of the Xuanbing cold, what does the Xuanbing cold mean, you will not be clear!"

Zhang Wuchen's tone is full of temptation. Xuanbing cold air is a kind of heaven and earth spirit that can only be born from glaciers that last more than 10,000 years. For monks who practice ice-attribute exercises, Xuanbing cold air is definitely a great supplement. With the cold air, the cultivator's magical powers will be greatly improved.

"Xuanbing cold air? Really?"

Wang Changsheng frowned, a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Of course it's true. Our two families are relatives by marriage. There is no need to lie to you as a concubine. I must get the flower for nourishing the soul."

Zhang Wuchen's expression was solemn. If she didn't make up for the lost Yuanshen, it would be difficult for her to cultivate to the middle stage of Yuanying.

"Can the exotic treasure in your hand really remove the power of the ban?"

Wang Changsheng still had some doubts, Zhang Wuchen lied to him once, which made it hard for him to believe Zhang Wuchen.

"If Wang Daoyou is worried, we will walk in the front and you will walk behind."

After hearing this, Wang Changsheng thought for a moment and agreed.

Zhang Wuchen took out a map and discussed strategies to deal with monsters.

Her plan is to lure two fourth-order low-grade Jinlin beasts out of the nest, then use the formation to trap them, and take the opportunity to pick the soul-cultivating flowers; the second plan is to take the method of splitting them up, Wang Qingling and Lin Yuzong entangled one There was only one golden orb beast, Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen started to kill the other golden beast, and then turned around and killed the second golden beast; the third plan was that Zhang Wuchen and the three entangled the two golden beasts, and Wang Qingling took the opportunity Picking soul-raising flowers.

The first plan is the best plan, but the operation is more difficult, the fourth-order monsters are not so easy to lure, and the second plan is more practical.

"Qingling, do you have any suggestions?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qingling, if Wang Qingling had another way, it would be better.

"The golden unicorn has a trace of Qilin blood, and it is not easy to deal with. The three plans given by Senior Zhang are all good, and I have no other opinion."

Wang Qingling honestly said that she was lucky to be able to attract the blood glass beast before.

The ban is only one hour of weakening time, and there is not much time for her to plan. If the terrain here is not special, she can lure other fourth-order monsters to fight with the golden beast.

"Let's follow the second set of plans! If it can't be done, change to the third set of plans."

Zhang Wuchen's tone was full of confidence, she had been preparing for this day for a long time.

Three days passed quickly.

Zhang Wuchen released two ape puppet beasts and walked towards the valley.

As soon as they stepped into the valley, several red fireballs the size of grinding discs pierced the sky and quickly smashed into the two ape puppet beasts. Judging by the size of the fireballs, the power of the ban was indeed weakened a lot.


After a few muffled noises, a piece of red flame drowned the two ape puppet beasts.

Two ape puppet beasts rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire and exited the valley. There were signs of melting on their bodies, but they were still active.

Zhang Wuchen repeated the test several times, and it was certain that the power of the ban had been weakened by more than half, and it would be fine if they exited the valley, which made them feel a lot more relieved.

Lin Yuzong sacrificed a red bead the size of an egg. The surface of the bead was covered with mysterious runes, emitting a fiery high temperature.

He punched a magic trick into the red ball, and the red ball flew to the top of their heads, red light flashed, and the red ball spurted a thick red glow, covering their whole bodies.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, we're going one step ahead, you can follow up later."

After Zhang Wuchen said this, he walked towards the valley with Lin Yuzong.

As soon as they entered the valley, there was a muffled sound from the sky, and several red fireballs the size of grinding discs suddenly appeared and hit the red glow. The curtain is intact.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingling stared at Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong, for fear of something abnormal.

It didn't take long for them to reach the humanoid skeleton and searched the corpse's belongings.

Seeing this scene, Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, sacrificed three Dinghaizhu, and with a pinch of the magic trick, the three Dinghaizhu suddenly released blue light, and a little water vapor emerged, which turned into three thick blue water curtains. keep them inside.

As soon as they entered the valley, several red fireballs fell from the sky, smashed on the blue water curtain, and disappeared directly.

After walking more than a hundred steps, there was no abnormality, and the worry in Wang Changsheng's eyes slightly lessened.

The valley is long and winding, and the ground is covered with a kind of red stone.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng and the four walked out of the valley and appeared in an open field.

Hundreds of feet in front stood a red peak more than a thousand feet high. The mountain was a little steep, and there was no grass on the mountain. There was a hole in the middle of the mountain.

"The lair of the golden beast is here, let's move fast."

Zhang Wuchen's expression was a little dignified. They had to deal with two golden orbs within an hour. After an hour, they wanted to leave here, but it was not so Want to lead the fourth-order monsters out of the lair , not easy. "

Wang Qingling frowned and said that not every fourth-order monster is affected by the fragrance of the beast.

"It's simple. I'll lead them out myself. I don't believe that they don't leave the nest."

Zhang Wuchen is full of self-confidence, she intends to use herself as a bait to lure the golden beast in person.

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. He thought that Zhang Wuchen had some special method, but he didn't expect her to use her body as bait.

More than a hundred years ago, in order to deceive other Nascent Soul monks, Zhang Wuchen sacrificed the lives of a group of monks named Jiedan and inflicted heavy damage on the enemy.

"Mrs. Zhang, let me give it a try! If you can't, you can try to seduce the golden beast."

Wang Changsheng suggested.

"Then let's give it a try! Be quick, we don't have much time to waste."

Zhang Wuchen agreed and urged impatiently.

Wang Changsheng flipped his right hand over, and a yellow gleaming talisman appeared on his hand, with a human-shaped pattern on the surface of the talisman.

With a flick of his wrist, a yellow talisman shot out, and a magic trick hit the yellow talisman. Countless yellow runes lit up, and the yellow light was released. A young man in yellow shirt with a dull expression came out of the yellow light. , it is Fu Bing.

Wang Changsheng raised his eyebrows a little, and separated a ray of spiritual thought, which he pinned on Fu Bing.

Fu Bing turned into a yellow light and flew into the cave.

The cave is somewhat meandering, and there is a faint golden light on the stone wall.

It didn't take long for Fu Bing to reach the end of the cave, a cave with a size of hundreds of feet. Two exotic beasts with golden light all over the cave were lying on the upper right corner of the cave. Golden horns.

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