Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1314: Zhang Wuchen was shocked

"Top of Qinglian (

In the upper left corner of the cave, there are four small black flowers about a foot high, with round petals and some golden patterns.

As soon as Fu Bing approached the cave, two golden orb beasts discovered it.


The two golden beasts let out an angry roar at the same time, and the golden horns on their heads each spurted a golden light, heading straight for the rune soldiers.

Fu Bing stomped the ground with his right foot, and a yellow earth wall several feet high rose from the ground.


The yellow earth wall was shattered, and two golden lights were lasing.

Fu Bing moved his fists and smashed towards the two golden lights.

Two muffled noises, two golden light holes penetrated Fu Bing's fists, and thick wounds appeared on the fingers of Fu Bing's fists. A large yellow light emerged from Fu Bing's fists, and the wounds healed quickly, as if they had never appeared before.

The nearby stone wall suddenly lit up with a golden light, and a golden orb beast drilled out of the stone wall.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a ball of golden light, hitting the rune soldiers.


With a loud noise that shook the world, the talisman soldiers suddenly exploded.

Outside the cave, Wang Changsheng frowned.

Fu Bing was destroyed, and the ray of spirituality he had placed on Fu Bing was gone, but fortunately it was just a ray of spirituality.

"Golden escape technique! These two evil beasts know the golden escape technique, Madam Zhang, you have to be more careful."

Wang Changsheng's expression was solemn, Zhang Wuchen was alone to lure two fourth-order monsters, and he was indeed very courageous.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, why don't you go with me to lure the Jinlin beast! My husband has suffered some minor injuries, so it is inconvenient to cooperate."

Zhang Wuchen turned his beautiful eyes and suggested sincerely.

Wang Changsheng thought about it and agreed.

Wang Qingling and Lin Yuzong set up a formation near the entrance of the cave, just waiting for the monsters to get in.

After setting up the formation, Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen walked into the cave together.

They hadn't gone far when Zhang Wuchen suddenly shouted: "Be careful, they're coming out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up on a stone wall beside Wang Changsheng, and a golden orb beast emerged from the stone wall without warning.

The sound of the breaking wind was loud, and a golden fist suddenly smashed on the head of the golden beast. The golden beast let out a painful roar, opened its mouth, and a ball of golden light flew out, hitting Wang Changsheng accurately.


Wang Changsheng's body suddenly burst open, obviously a phantom.

Wang Changsheng had already appeared more than ten meters away, wearing a pair of golden gloves on both hands, Zhang Wuchen took out a white short sword about two feet long, and with a flick, the white sword energy swept out from the sky, towards the stone wall. hit go.

Ding Ding Ding!

There was a muffled sound of gold and iron colliding, and the white sword qi hit the stone wall, and there was a shallow white mark on the stone wall.

The entire cave suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light, and thick golden arrows drilled out from the ground and stone walls, like a **** mouth full of sharp thorns, quickly closing, trying to pierce Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen.

The white short sword in Zhang Wuchen's hand burst out with a dazzling white light, the sound of the sword sounded loudly, and a large piece of white sword energy flew out, smashing the golden arrows.

Wang Changsheng took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Saber, the golden light flashed, the tip of the blade turned golden, and a few feet of blade light emerged, slashing towards the top of the head.


The ground shook, the cave was torn apart, and a dazzling golden light flew out into the sky.

Two golden orbs emerged from the ground without warning, and the sharp horns on their heads each spurted a golden light, hitting Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen respectively.

Countless white light spots suddenly emerged, turning into a white shield with a height of ten feet, blocking them in front of them.

Two muffled noises, the white shield suddenly burst open, and a large piece of white sword energy flew out, hitting the two golden lights, and a powerful air wave erupted.

The white light flashed, and a white light blade with a length of more than one hundred meters flew out, smashing on the body of a Jinlin beast, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing. The layer has not spread yet, the golden light on the body of the Jinlin beast radiated, and the ice layer quickly shattered.


With a loud bang, the cave burst open, Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen smashed away, and fought fiercely with the golden beast in the narrow area, they were easy to suffer.

The two golden orbs stayed in the lair well, Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen came to trouble them, how could they be willing to give up.

They turned into two golden lights and chased them out, chasing after Wang Changsheng and Zhang Wuchen respectively.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, his sleeves flicked, and a blue light flew out. After one blurred, it turned into a huge blue giant bead, with a low roar, smashing at a golden orb.

Naturally, the Jinlin Beast did not dare to take it hard, and wanted to avoid it. A thick white light came from below. It responded very quickly. The white light passed by slightly on the side of the body, the abdomen froze, and the ice layer quickly spread.

Countless blue light spots appeared without warning and turned into a big blue hand more than ten feet long, which was quickly photographed.

The Jinlin Beast quickly fell towards the ground, and before it landed, there was a low muffled sound from the ground, and a small dirt bag moved quickly on the ground.

The sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air sounded, and dozens of yellow earth ropes with the thick arms of adults drilled out from the ground, and all of a sudden wrapped around the limbs of the Jinlin beast.

A clear and loud bird chirping sounded, and a black flame descended from the sky, hitting the body of the golden beast, and the billowing flames covered the body of the golden beast.


Three thick golden lights flew out from the sea of ​​​​fire and hit nine huge Dinghaizhu.

Dozens of yellow earth ropes were all broken and turned into a large piece of yellow powder.

A golden light flew out of the sea of ​​​​fire, and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qingling, it was the golden beast.

A look of panic flashed in Wang Qingling's eyes. At this moment, a yellow earth wall more than ten feet high rose from the ground, blocking Wang Qingling's face.

With a muffled sound, two golden light holes penetrated the yellow earth wall and hit Wang Qingling's body protection aura. Wang Qingling flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

The Jinlin Beast wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack, and an angry dragon roar suddenly sounded, and a thick dragon tail fell from the sky, hitting it accurately.

The Jinlin Beast was like a meteor falling to the ground, and it quickly smashed towards the ground.

As soon as it landed, dozens of thick yellow earth ropes drilled out of the ground, tying it up.

The Ice Wind Jiao opened its **** mouth and spewed out a large piece of white cold air, hitting the Jinlin Beast.

The unicorn of the golden lin beast spurted a golden light, collided with the white coldness, and suddenly burst open.

There was a muffled sound from high in the sky, and it suddenly rained heavily, and the ground was quickly wetted by the rain.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking the air came from behind, and the golden beast wanted to avoid it. A rapid bell sounded, the golden beast's response was half a beat, and a white light blade with a length of more than 100 meters flew towards it. Everywhere along the way, the ground froze.


The white light blade hit the Jinlin beast, and the surface of the Jinlin beast quickly froze, but the golden light on the body of the Jinlin beast shone, and the ice layer melted again. At this moment, the nearby ground lit up with a blue light~www. appeared the figure of Wang Changsheng, the tip of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword in Wang Changsheng's hand turned snow-white, and he slashed fiercely at the Jinlin beast.

There was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, the skin of the Jinlin beast was thick and fleshy, the blade of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Saber slashed on its body, and there was a shallow bloodstain on the surface of the Jinlin beast, but a thick layer of ice spread rapidly.

The unicorn of the golden lin beast spurted out a golden light, which instantly pierced through Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng disappeared into a large cloud of water vapor.

With a flash of blue light, Wang Changsheng appeared behind the Jinlin beast, wearing a pair of golden gloves in both hands, holding four Dinghaizhu in each hand, and moving his arms, the dense golden fist shadows smashed on the body of the Jinlin beast.

A series of roars sounded, and the head of the golden lin beast was smashed into flesh by Wang Changsheng, and the red and white material flowed all over the place.

At this time, Zhang Wuchen lured another Jinlin beast into the formation. A huge black thundercloud floated above the head of the Jinlin beast. She and Lin Yuzong controlled the formation and released silver lightning bolts that struck the Jinlin beast. on the body.

After a deafening thunder sounded, an incomparably thick silver lightning fell from the sky and slashed on the golden lin beast.

A round of silver scorching sun with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared on the ground, and a powerful air wave erupted.

It didn't take long for the silver sun to dissipate, and the golden beast fell into a huge pit, its whole body scorched black and emitting a burning smell.

Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Wang Changsheng and saw the Jinlin beast smashed into flesh by Wang Changsheng. Lin Yuzong was shocked, and Zhang Wuchen's eyes flashed a touch of joy.

Zhenhaizong's three major Zhenzong exercises, "Kuishui Zhenjing" is a dual-cultivation exercise, and the water-based exercises with the effect of refining the body are rare in the entire South China Sea. Wang Changsheng's exercises should be "Kwaii" The Sutra of Water.

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