Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1319: 7 Star Sword Saint's Inheritance

"Mrs. Zhang, you are highly skilled, and Wang admires it. You can completely wipe out the enemy this time. You have contributed greatly. The Seven-Star Demon Slaying Sword belongs to you! If you want anything else, it's fine."

Wang Changsheng's tone is sincere and his strength is not as good as others, that's all he can say.

For the sake of treasures, it is not uncommon for friends to turn their faces over the years. The Nascent Soul cultivator fights, if he has a spiritual treasure in his hand, the odds of winning will be great.

In addition to Huang Longxi, Zhang Wuchen may have other spiritual treasures in his hands, which are used as a killer. In addition, there is Lin Yuzong.

Zhang Wuchen married a baby much earlier than Wang Changsheng. It was not necessary for Zhang Wuchen to turn against Zhang Wuchen for a Lingbao.

Zhang Wuchen was about to say something, but Lin Yuzong said firstly, "If Wang Daoyou said that, it would be disrespectful below."

He knew that Zhang Wuchen wanted to befriend Wang Changsheng, but it was too extravagant to use a Lingbao as a favor.

Zhang Wuchen frowned, Lin Yuzong said so, and she was not easy to refute.

The double-eyed mouse emerged from the ground, holding a storage ring in its right paw.

"All we need is the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, and the rest will belong to you Wang Daoyou! Just treat it as a reward for you to accompany us into the Tianxu Cave!"

Zhang Wuchen is also sensible, the seven-star sword saint's life and magic weapon belongs to them, and the other things belong to Wang Changsheng, which is considered a reward.

As for whether there is a second psychic magic weapon in the storage ring, that is not her concern.

Lin Yuzong didn't say anything either. He strode to the blue round pier and grabbed his palm towards the blue water curtain.

As soon as his palm touched the blue water curtain, a large blue electric arc suddenly surged out, hitting him, he let out a scream, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

"I'll give it a try!"

The tip of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword in Wang Changsheng's hand turned snow-white and slashed towards the blue round pier.

The white light flashed, and a white light blade more than ten feet long flew out, and disappeared into the blue water curtain in a flash. The blue water curtain suddenly froze and turned into a huge ice ball.

The small white sword in Zhang Wuchen's hand trembled slightly, the sound of the sword sounded loudly, and a large piece of white sword energy swept out, turning into a sword light.


The white ice sphere was smashed by the sword light of Qingtian, revealing the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword, and traces of water vapor emerged in the stone chamber, and the water vapor rushed towards the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword.

Lin Yuzong appeared in front of the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword with a single stride, grabbed the hilt with both hands, and pulled out the Seven-Star Demon Slayer Sword.

The majestic mana in his body poured into the Seven-Star Demon Slaying Saber, and a blue blade light with a length of 10 feet suddenly emerged from the blade. It slashed towards the void, and a sharp blue blade light flew out and slashed on the stone wall.

With a loud noise, the stone room was cut in half, and the cut was extremely smooth.

Wang Changsheng was secretly shocked, and there was a bit of envy in his eyes.

"Okay, the things are in hand, let's leave Tianxudongtian as soon as possible! We are already located in the depths of Tianxudongtian, if we encounter those fourth-order beasts, it will be troublesome."

Zhang Wuchen urged, put away the belongings of the two barbarians, and threw two fireballs to burn the bodies.

After leaving the cave, the three returned along the way they came.

A deserted island in the Tianyun Sea.

Wang Qingling sat cross-legged under a coconut tree, staring at the calm sea.

After a while, three escape lights suddenly flew out from the bottom of the sea. After a few flashes, they landed in front of Wang Qingling. It was Wang Changsheng and the three of them.

"Let's go! Qingling, let's go back!"

Wang Qingling nodded, released the Ice Wind Jiao, and the four jumped onto the Ice Wind Jiao's back.

The ice wind Jiao turned into a white light and disappeared into the sky.

After half a year, Wang Changsheng and Wang Qingling returned to Qinglian Island.

This time, Wang Qingling's trip to Tianxudongtian was without any danger. Her biggest gain was that the bottleneck was loosened, and she planned to retreat and practice for a period of time.

As soon as he approached Qinglian Peak, Wang Changsheng heard a cheerful sound of the piano.

Walking into the residence, Wang Changsheng saw Wang Ruyan playing in the stone pavilion, and the tortoise playing in the lake.

"Husband, you are back! Are you all right on the way!"

Wang Ruyan withdrew her hand, and the sound of the piano stopped.

"It's nothing. It's a little tricky to meet two barbarians in the Nascent Soul stage, but Zhang Wuchen's strength is relatively strong, and he killed them."

Wang Changsheng briefly talked about what happened. He was trapped by the enemy's magic weapon at the time, and he couldn't see the process of Zhang Wuchen's destruction of the enemy. However, it can be seen from this battle that Zhang Wuchen's strength is extraordinary.

"The strong has its own strong hands. I chatted with Junior Sister Tian during this period of time. She found that Zhang Wuchen's consciousness was stronger. She said that Zhang Wuchen's consciousness was comparable to that of the late Nascent Soul. I still don't believe it. Now it seems, Our in-laws are a bit more powerful than the rumors in the outside world."

"Yeah! In this trip to Tianxudongtian, in addition to the fourth-order spiritual water, there is also the inheritance of the Seven-Star Sword Saint. We can form a sword hall and select some clansmen to practice swordsmanship."

That cave mansion is indeed the seat of the Seven-Star Sword Saint. The most precious Seven-Star Sword Slayer was taken away by Zhang Wuchen, and Wang Changsheng got the inheritance of the Seven-Star Sword Saint.

There are two earth-grade exercises, "Royal Sword Collection" and "Hua Jiao Forging Spirit Dafa", both of which can be practiced to the stage of spiritual transformation. "The Great Law of Transforming the Flood Dragon" is a body training method, which can be transformed into the form of a dragon to fight against the enemy.

In addition to the cultivation method, there is also a refining method for the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure.

The seven-star slayer sword, the materials for refining are too rare, and the seven-star sword sage used a lot of Please invite a fourth-order refiner to refine the seven-star demon sword.

There are still a lot of rare refining materials in the storage ring. It is no problem to use it to refine a spiritual treasure, but the materials are too small. With Wang Changsheng's refining level, it is temporarily impossible to refine spiritual treasures. If you can get more. Rare materials, he and Fairy Ziyue worked together to refine, and should be able to refine a spiritual treasure.

"The Sword Hall, the Sword Hall, and the Jiaolong Hall and the Puppet Hall. What we lack now is time, husband, the murderer, let's put it aside for now! Improve your strength and then go to the northern border!"

Wang Ruyan suggested that what the Wang family lacks now is time, and there are too few high-level cultivators. Wang Qingqi can refine the elixirs, and it will not take a hundred years for the Wang family to double the cultivators.

"Well, that's what I thought too. I got a lot of spiritual water. I plan to retreat for a while. In addition, I will study the "Royal Sword Collection". That's no problem."

Wang Changsheng refined the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword. The moves were very simple, and he could not use the more advantages of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword. He was confident to upgrade the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword to a Spirit Treasure. Learning a few more moves could increase its power.

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