Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1320: News from Ximen Feng

It takes too long to revise the exercises, and cultivating the exercises at the same time will delay the cultivation. Wang Changsheng is not greedy, he just needs to learn some tricks.

"I found that Zhang Wuchen has some problems. She seems to be deliberately concealing her true supernatural powers and using flying swords to fend off the enemy, but she just learned some simple moves. ."

When Wang Changsheng thought of this, he was puzzled.

When dealing with the two Nascent Soul barbarians, he was a little restrained, but Zhang Wuchen seemed to be restrained, and she directly sacrificed Huang Longxi, the spiritual treasure.

"Zhang Wuchen came to warn us before, and then came out at a critical moment for our family. Their Zhang family is so enthusiastic about our Wang family. I always feel that there is something tricky. I can't tell where it is."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, the Zhang and Wang families are relatives by marriage. It stands to reason that Zhang Wuchen took the initiative to come to the door to warn him. He has already done his best. Zhang Wuchen has been staring at the whereabouts of Huanglong Zhenren? The Wang family doesn't have such a big face yet!

The Zhang family has more than one in-laws in the Wang family. The Zhang family is also very good to the Wang family!

Wang Changsheng agreed with this point of view and said: "Zhang Wuchen and Lin Yuzong are called couples, but I feel that Lin Yuzong has no sense of existence. Zhang Wuchen is in charge of everything. When contacting Zhang Wuchen, we have to be careful."

"Let's not talk about Zhang Wuchen, I got a blood glass zhi, and give it to Tian Shimei to heal her injuries!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to Fairy Ziyue's residence and sent a message.

It didn't take long for Fairy Ziyue to come out, her complexion was slightly pale, and her complexion was much better than before.

After a few simple greetings, Wang Changsheng took out a cyan jade box and handed it to Fairy Ziyue. He was about to say something when Wang Ruyan hurriedly said, "Sister Tian, ​​this is a thousand-year-old blood glass, and my husband specially went to Tianxudongtian for this purpose. We can't find any other elixir that you picked, and we can't make it into an elixir to take. You can take it raw! The effect is definitely not as good as elixir, but it's not a problem to use it to heal wounds, and it can speed up your recovery. "

If Wang Changsheng was asked to speak, he would definitely answer truthfully, with a completely different meaning.

Fairy Ziyue was stunned for a moment, glanced at Wang Changsheng with a dazed face, and smiled knowingly, she naturally saw that Wang Changsheng didn't go to Tianxu Dongtian to pick it on purpose. Tianxu Dongtian picked elixir for her? Unless Wang Changsheng is the seed of infatuation, but judging from her contact with Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng is obviously not such a person.

She guessed that Wang Changsheng got Xue Lizhi by accident, and did not go to Tianxu Cave to pick it on purpose.

Seeing it through, Fairy Ziyue smiled sweetly and said gratefully, "Thank you, Senior Brother Wang."

With a thousand-year-old blood glass, she recovers faster.

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​you're welcome, you can rest assured! If you get another healing medicine, we'll bring it to you."

After chatting for more than half an hour, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan said goodbye and left.

Wang Changsheng called Wang Mengfen to ask about the current situation of the family. Wang Mengfen answered truthfully. There are too many monks with different surnames in the Wang family, but he has always encouraged fertility.

Wang Qingqi is the only third-order alchemist in the Wang family. He is under a lot of pressure. In addition to refining the elixir, he also has to refine other elixir, elixir to improve mana, elixir to restore mana, and replenish qi and blood. 's elixir.

This is also something that can’t be helped. The rise of the Wang family is too fast, the middle and high-level combat power is seriously insufficient, and there are very few skilled talents. The Wang family wants to introduce a third-order alchemist, but how can a third-order alchemist easily join the Wang family? Pill cultivators who can refine third-order medicinal herbs can support themselves, and there is no need to join other forces.

Wang Jiyu was originally the second third-order alchemist of the Wang family, but he made a big mistake and was executed.

"Increase the training of alchemists! By the way, how is Changjie?"

Strictly speaking, Wang Changsheng and Wang Changjie had not met several times. Wang Changjie was not very old, but his seniority was there.

"He's a good old man, and Uncle Qingqi Gao praised him for his talent in alchemy."

Wang Changsheng nodded, just as he was about to say something, Wang Ruyan walked in quickly, with a sad expression, and said solemnly: "Husband, Uncle Mingren failed to conceive a baby, and he died."

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng and Wang Mengfen were stunned. After a while, Wang Changsheng came to his senses and asked, "Is the news true? Who sent the news?"

"It's Aunt Ximen. She brought back Uncle Mingren's ashes. Uncle Mingren really left."

Wang Ruyan sighed, his face was full of sadness, and the road was ruthless. After Wang Mingren was detected with double spiritual roots, he lived with them. Even though Wang Mingren was wrong, Wang Ruyan felt very sad to learn that he had failed to conceive a baby.

Familiar clansmen passed away one by one, and Wang Ruyan would feel sad every time he learned that a familiar clansman passed away.

Wang Changchang sighed and asked, "Where is Aunt Ximen? Let's go see her. No matter what, Uncle Mingren is from our Wang family and should be buried with him."

Wang Mingren's failure to conjure a baby was beyond Wang Changsheng's expectations. It has become a reality, and it is useless to say more.

"She's at Changjie's residence. I'll call Qingqing and they've gone. Let's go too!"

"Let's go! Meng Fen, let's go too!"

Wang Changsheng shouted and walked out.

In a courtyard with many exotic flowers and plants, Wang Qingqing, Wang Qingqi, Wang Qiuming, Wang Qingling, Wang Qingshan, Ye Haitang, Wang Tianmi and others stood in the courtyard.

In front of it is a three-storey cyan pavilion. Ximen Feng and Wang Changjie are wearing burlap and filial piety. Wang Mingren's spiritual tablet and urn are placed on the offering table.

Ximen Feng's expression was sad, Wang Changjie's expression was a little dazed, he couldn't accept this heavy blow for a while.

The news of Wang Mingren's failure to attack the Yuanying period was too shocking.

"Husband, I sent you back to Qinglian Island."

Ximen Feng said softly, tears flashing in her eyes, she took a deep breath, her face condensed, and asked Wang Changjie:

" Do you still remember the meaning of the name Changjie and I named you?"

Wang Changjie nodded honestly and said, "Baby remember, father and mother hope that Babe will become an outstanding talent in the family. Babe has always worked hard, you can ask the hospital owner."

"This is your father's last wish. What he can't do, you must do it for him. In this way, he will also rest his mind under Jiuquan, you know?"

"The boy will do it, he will do it."

Wang Changjie said seriously, his eyes were very firm.

Ximen Feng nodded in relief, and walked out with Wang Changjie.

At this time, Wang Changsheng and the three also came here.

"Auntie Ximen, my condolences, Uncle Mingren is gone. You have to take care of your body. We will take care of Changjie for Uncle Mingren."

Wang Changsheng sighed lightly and said comfortably.

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