Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1327: The storm is coming

"Top of Qinglian (

He was also a little curious as to why Zhou Ningshuang didn't go to Wanjianmen or Sun Moon Palace, because it was about the safety of Donglijie.

The strength of the Wang family is far less than that of the Sun Moon Palace and Wanjianmen.

Even if the safety of Dongli Realm is really involved, Zhou Ningshuang should not go to the Wang family.

Zhou Ningshuang sighed lightly and said, "More than fifty years ago, your nephew went to visit the Dayan Dynasty. By chance, he entered a forbidden area. You all know about it!"

"Yes, Qingshan told us, but he doesn't know much about it. Please ask Mrs. Zhou to explain it in detail."

Wang Changsheng said vaguely that Wang Qingshan happened to be near the forbidden area at that time, and many cultivators saw him entering the forbidden area. This was undeniable.

Zhou Ningshuang nodded and said in a stern tone: "There is a demon sealed in that forbidden area, his name is Zhou Sihong, he was born in a royal family, but he came from a degenerate, and used the energy of true demons to infuse his body into a demon. After he broke free of the seal, he went on a killing spree and killed more than ten Yuanying monks before and after, but he was also severely injured and disappeared. According to our royal family's analysis, he may have fled to the South China Sea. The power of your royal family in the South China Sea No small, we hope you can help pay attention to his news, this is his portrait and magic power."

She took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"Mrs. Zhou, what does this person have to do with the safety of Donglijie? Even if we discover this person's whereabouts, he is not his opponent, why don't you contact Wanjianmen? Our Wang family's strength is weak, if Wanjianmen is willing to help , I think it will be a lot easier."

Wang Ruyan was full of confusion. Zhou Sihong had killed more than ten Yuanying cultivators before and after, which must be something special. To put it in a bad way, all the Yuanying cultivators in the Wang family combined are not enough to fill Zhou Sihong's teeth.

"Thousands of years ago, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect opened the space channel and let the demons enter the Dongli Realm, which led to the loss of life. It was at that time that Zhou Sihong was bewitched by the demons, and he used the energy of the real demon to infuse his body and became a demon, because some For a special reason, Zhou Sihong was sealed up. He probably knew about other space passages leading to the devil world, and this space passage was most likely in the South China Sea. We also sent people to contact Wanjianmen and other major forces, and Wanjianmen agreed. , but I still want to tell you about it."

At the beginning, in line with the principle that family ugliness should not be made public, the Dayan Dynasty planned to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, but Zhou Sihong killed too many Yuanying monks, causing panic. Only then did the Dayan Dynasty disclose the real situation to the public. They checked it out. The classics of the royal family's Book Collection Pavilion, discover more unknown secrets.

More than 4,000 years ago, a part of the demons from the demon world invaded the Dongli realm through the space channel. The space channel was in the South China Sea, and Zhou Sihong was in the South China Sea at that time. Now, all the invading demons were killed, but Zhou Sihong had a special status and was sealed.

Thousands of years ago, the main battlefield was in the South China Sea. It was all due to the timely response of the South China Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, which blocked the space passage in time. However, as the only survivor, Zhou Sihong must know many secrets, and he may even know other space passages.

"It has been sealed for more than 4,000 years. Is it possible? Is the lifespan of the demons so long?"

Wang Changsheng asked in a puzzled way, if his longevity is enough, Zhou Sihong should find a place to hide and practice, and it will not be too late to come out after practicing until the late Nascent Soul.

"His cultivation technique is quite special, his lifespan is longer, but according to our analysis, his lifespan is not much, even if he kills more Nascent Soul cultivators, he will not live long, so he will definitely look for opportunities. Open the space channel, and once again lead the demons to invade the Dongli world, he will have a chance of life."

Zhou Ningshuang explained patiently that she mainly wanted to say hello to Qinglian Immortal Companion. After all, Qinglian Immortal Companion had a very good reputation in the South China Sea Immortal Cultivation World, and the Wang family was not weak in the South China Sea.

This matter still requires the big forces such as Wanjianmen to nod, and the ten major sects of the South China Sea are willing to come forward, and things will be easy to do.

"We will send someone to pay attention to this matter. If we discover his whereabouts, who shall we notify?"

When it comes to the safety of Dongli Realm, Wang Changsheng is willing to help, but he intends to let Yun Haizong come forward to find Zhou Sihong's whereabouts. The Wang family must not be the first to get involved. Not a wise choice.

"I will be stationed in the South China Sea, and I will leave some people to work in the Wulong Sea Area. You guys can help take care of it. If there is news about Zhou Sihong, you can just send someone to inform them, and let me handle the rest. "

Zhou Sihong is a scum among the royal family, and the Dayan royal family should come forward to clear the door. It is good that other forces are willing to help find Zhou Sihong's whereabouts.

Wang Changsheng agreed and said, "There's no problem with We will definitely help out, by the way, our in-law Ouyang family has also sent someone over, we will introduce you, if the Ouyang family is willing to help, they should easier."

"Then thank you Wang Daoyou."

Zhou Ningshuang smiled happily. The Wang family has a relatively large network in the South China Sea. There will definitely be many forces sending people to participate in the Qinglian Swordsman Infant Ceremony, and it is just this opportunity to get in touch with other forces.

After chatting for more than an hour, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan got up and left.

Back at Qinglian Peak, the two of them frowned.

It has been less than a hundred years since the end of the Shemale War, is the South China Sea going to be in chaos again? If Zhou Sihong really opened the space channel to the demon world again in the South China Sea, it would definitely be a disaster for the world of immortal cultivation in the South China Sea.

They are going to move a group of clansmen to the East Wasteland and Central Plains, just in case.

"The storm is about to come, we must improve our cultivation as soon as possible. If the demons invade the Dongli world again, we must have enough strength to protect ourselves."

Wang Changsheng said with a frown, his eyes firm.

"It's really necessary to take measures to deal with it. Let's move some of the clansmen at the Zhenhaizong Ruins! But they haven't lived in the ruins for a long time, and their cultivation bases are not improving quickly. Let's wait for a while!"

Ye Haitang would enter the Zhenhaizong site every once in a while. She knew the situation of the group of clansmen living in the Zhenhaizong site. The cultivation of these clansmen was generally not high, and they were still in the growth stage. It was not a wise move to move at this time.

"The clansmen can move later, but we have to prepare for the response and buy a lot of supplies for the cultivation of immortals. I hope we can plan ahead!"

Once there is a war, the consumption of strategic materials will definitely be huge, especially the medicinal pills. During the war, the price of medicinal pills will rise at the fastest rate and the highest.

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