Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1328: tie

Early the next morning, there was an open field full of gravel.

Wang Ruyan and Li Linger stood in the distance, Wang Changsheng and Wuchang were three hundred feet apart.

Wang Changsheng's face was solemn, and Wuchang's eyes were frantic. Last time, Wuchang was too conceited and lost to Wang Changsheng. This time, Wuchang was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he had the confidence to defeat Wang Changsheng.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, this time Wu will not keep his hand, you have to be careful."

Wuchang said with a dignified expression, a dazzling red light appeared on his body, and the temperature in the vicinity suddenly rose.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Although Martial Daoist friend makes a move, Wang also wants to see Martial Daoist friend's new supernatural powers."

Wuchang flipped his right hand, a red light flashed, and a red axe about three feet long appeared in his hand.

The surface of his body glowed with red light, and there was a bone sound of "crackling" in his body. The whole person grew a lot taller, and the robe on his body lit up with a dazzling aura, and then grew bigger, his arms became thicker and bigger, blue veins Exposed, full of power.

Wuchang moved his arms, and there was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and two red axe shadows more than a hundred feet long flew out, instantly in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Saber, slashed towards the void above his head, and a golden blade with a length of more than 100 feet flew out.


The golden blade was smashed by two red axe slashes, and a powerful air wave erupted, blowing a large amount of gravel.

Wang Changsheng's figure swayed, and two red axe shadows split into the air. After the two loud noises, there were two huge grooves more than a hundred feet long and more than ten feet deep on the ground.

Wuchang waved his axe and charged towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng was not afraid at all, the blue light on his body flashed, and he went up to meet him.

There was a muffled sound of gold and iron colliding, and the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword collided with two red axes, a large spark erupted, and powerful air waves swept away in all directions, and a large amount of gravel was swept away by the powerful air waves. Rolled into the sky, and landed on the ground.

The roar continued, the red light kept colliding with the blue light, and they were evenly matched.


The blade of the Taihao Spirit Slaying Knife slashed on a red axe, the blade lit up with a burst of white light, and a large piece of bone-piercing white cold air emerged. The red axe froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ice layer quickly spread.

Wuchang snorted lightly, the red axe lit up countless red runes, and a large flame poured out, and the ice layer quickly melted.

A khaki aura lit up under his feet, turning the soil into sand, and the ground for several miles quickly turned into soft quicksand. The wind whistled, and a large amount of yellow gravel flew in the wind, turning into a sharp yellow flying sword. , slashing at Wang Changsheng from all directions.

Wang Changsheng turned into an afterimage, like a gust of fresh wind, quickly drifting behind him, and the yellow flying sword changed direction, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

There are thousands of yellow flying swords, gathered together, making people feel numb.

Wang Changsheng shook his hands, and the blade of the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword turned golden, and the sound of breaking the wind was loud, and the sharp golden blades flew out one after another.


A series of roars sounded, and the yellow flying swords burst open, turning into a large piece of yellow sand, splashing in all directions.

A monstrous heat wave approached, and a red volcano with a height of more than 100 feet slammed into Wang Changsheng with a roar.

Wang Changsheng's arm flicked, and a large golden blade flew out, intertwined into a golden net hundreds of feet long, covering the red volcano.

In a thunderous roar, the red volcano was torn apart and flames splashed.

The sky suddenly turned fiery red, and a giant axe over a hundred meters long, wrapped in billowing flames, slashed head-on.

Before the giant axe was cut down, an unbearable heat wave came oncoming, giving people a feeling of being in a volcano.

The Taihao Spirit Slasher in Wang Changsheng's hand burst into a dazzling blue light, and a large piece of water vapor appeared all over his body. Meet the Great Axe.

The sky-high axe and the sky-high giant blade, the red firelight and the blue water vapor collided, and a large white mist erupted.

After a loud noise that shook the sky, the giant axe and the giant blade died together, and a strong white air wave covered the area for ten miles.

A dazzling yellow light erupted from a gravel behind Wang Changsheng, and Wuchang suddenly appeared. The red axe in his hand disappeared, replaced by a pair of red shining gloves, and a large piece of red flames erupted from his hands. With a monstrous heat wave, it hit Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and suddenly turned around. He didn't know when he put on a pair of golden gloves, clenched his hands into fists, and slammed into the opposite side under the wrapping of a large blue glow.

The four fists collided, the red fire light and the blue water vapor collided, and a powerful air wave erupted. Countless gravels were blown up by the powerful air wave, and the ground was torn apart, and a hundred meters long, more than 20 meters long appeared. In the deep groove, their hair fluttered in the wind.

Almost at the same time, Wuchang and Wang Changsheng retreated at the same time, Wuchang retreated three steps, and Wang Changsheng also retreated three steps.

Wuchang's face flushed red, Wang Changsheng's breathing became heavier, and soon returned to normal.

"I didn't expect that Daoyou Wang is also a physical practitioner, and his strength is not under Wu Mou."

Wuchang said with some surprise, the two were tied on the bright side, but in fact he lost. His cultivation is a small realm higher than Wang Changsheng's, which means that Wang Changsheng's physical body is stronger than him. Either Wang Changsheng has had adventures, or Wang Changsheng's cultivation skills. The quality of the law is not low.

It is rumored that Qinglian Immortal Companion is good at combining Wuchang analysis, Wang Changsheng's cultivation technique is at least earth grade, and may even be heaven grade. There are exercises, and with the improvement of the cultivator's cultivation, the cultivator's vigor will also increase.

"The Martial Dao friend has praised it badly. In the early years of the next year, there was a chance, so let's call it a tie! I don't know what the Martial Dao friend thinks?"

Wang Changsheng said humbly, "Kuishui Zhenjing" uses spiritual water to quench the physical body. The fourth-order spiritual water obtained from Tianxu Dongtian is of good quality. He has used the fourth-order spiritual water to cultivate for four years, and his physical body and vigor have been improved to a certain extent. , This is still a short training time. If all those fourth-order spiritual waters are refined, his physical body and vigor will definitely be greatly improved.

"It's exactly what I want, even if it's a tie!"

Wuchang readily agreed, Wang Changsheng's physical body was stronger than him, and it would be meaningless to continue fighting.

Wang Ruyan smiled slightly, and said enthusiastically: "After the discussion, let's go back to drink tea! We have something to discuss with the martial arts friends."

A quarter of an hour later, the four of them appeared in a secluded courtyard, sitting in the stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

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