Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1543: amazing news

Ningyuan City is the state city of Laizhou and the economic and cultural center of Laizhou.

Prefect county government office, backyard.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face, wearing a golden four-clawed python robe, and an old man with a refined face were chatting, and their faces were solemn.

Laizhou has convenient water transportation. A large number of Daqin people poured into Laizhou along the waterway. There are many merchants, hawkers, warriors and bandits. The fish and dragons are mixed, which brings great pressure to Wang Guobin, the prefect of Laizhou. It is easy for ordinary people to manage. Taking advantage of the opportunity to create chaos, Wan Xiansi had not many staff in Laizhou, so he could only put out fires everywhere.

"My lord, there are thirty-six villages, and tens of thousands of people have been sacrificed by the evil cultivator, the god-killed Daqin evil cultivator."

Wang Guobin gritted his teeth and said that the more casualties he had under his rule, the more serious his political achievements were affected.

The Daqin Dynasty took an tolerant attitude towards the monks, which was the main reason why the other four dynasties targeted the Daqin Dynasty.

The current royal family of the Daqin Dynasty relies on demons to support them, and it is not surprising that they tolerate demons.

"I have already reported to the court, and I will send more people. The Great Qin Dynasty will not fall for a day, and the evil cultivators will not stop for a day."

The middle-aged man frowned and said in a stern tone.

Zhou Tianbin, born in the Dayan royal family, Zhou Yunxiao's uncle, is the ninth layer of Dandan.

"By the way, my lord, you sent Immortal Master Chen to greet the Qinglian Immortal Companion. Are they so powerful? Do you need Immortal Master Chen to invite him in person?"

Wang Guobin asked curiously, he didn't know much about the advanced monks outside the Dayan Dynasty.

"Hey, you don't know something about this, do you remember the evil cultivator who destroyed one hundred and eight towns three years ago?"

Zhou Tianbin laughed and asked mysteriously.

"Of course I remember that it took Wan Xiansi three years, killing and injuring hundreds of cultivators, to bring this man to justice."

"If Broken Soul Loose Man meets Qinglian Immortal Companion, let alone three years, it won't last for three quarters of an hour."

Zhou Tianbin sneered and said, in his words, he was full of respect for Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Wang Guobin's eyes flashed with surprise, Qinglian Immortal Companion is so powerful?

"Zhou Xiaoyou praised it, our couple is not as good as you said."

A hearty male voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in, Wang Xin followed closely, and Chen Ping walked at the back.

Zhou Tianbin immediately stood up, bowed to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and said, "Junior Zhou Tianbin greets the two seniors."

Wang Guobin also quickly stood up, salutes the younger generation, and looked respectful.

Wang Changsheng took out a pale cyan jade slip, handed it to Zhou Tianbin, and said, "Zhou Xiaoyou, Zhou Yunxiao and Zhou Xiaoyou are in the Wanfo Temple in the Western Desert. This is what he asked us to hand over to you."

"Yunxiao! Why did he go to the West Desert?"

Zhou Tianbin was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed.

"So it turns out, no wonder he ran to West Desert. This kid is too impulsive to do such a stupid thing."

Zhou Tianbin said in a reproachful tone, Zhou Yunxiao indirectly caused the tragic death of millions of mortals and tens of thousands of monks in order to see the Seven Absolute Sword Emperors.

"Xiaoyou Zhou, do you know where Wang Wen, the deputy commander of Wanxian Division, is? We have something to do with him."

Wang Ruyan asked in a sincere tone.

Wang Wen is the pseudonym of Wang Tianwen in the Central Plains Cultivation World, and not many people know his true identity.

"Wang Wen, half a year ago, he passed through Laizhou. If I guessed correctly, he will rush to Chongzhou to participate in the Hundred Immortals Conference held by the imperial court. It is said that the real person Haoyu will also participate."

"Shen Haoyu? But a fellow Taoist who appeared in the dharma of Confucius in Jieying?"

Wang Ruyan asked curiously. On the day they formed babies, there were also many cultivators who caused a vision, namely Gongsun Yang of Taiyi Xianmen Ten Thousand Beast Island, Donghuang Taiyi Xianmen Han Tianxuan, Beijiang Sanyan Palace Song Xiruo, and Zhongyuan Haoyu Zhenren.

It is said that the real Haoyu has the blood of the demon clan and is a half-demon. He studied Confucianism and Taoism since he was a child, and received the guidance of Confucianism in the Nascent Soul period.

"Yes, Master Haoyu is known as the first person in the millennium. He has already cultivated to the late Nascent Soul. It is said that he is not yet three hundred years old.

Zhou Tianbin's face was full of envy. He cultivated to the late Nascent Soul at the age of 300, and there were not many in the Dongli world.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were stunned. They were over 400 years old, but when they had cultivated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Haoyu Daoist was less than 300 years old. They were already in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

"Hundred Immortals Conference? It seems that we are going to Chongzhou, hoping to make friends with Master Haoyu."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, since he came to the Cultivation World in the Central Plains, it would be a pity not to make friends with the real Haoyu.

"In addition to the local monks of the Central Plains Dynasty, it is said that the seniors from Northern Xinjiang and Donghuang will also participate. The Hundred Immortals Conference is a grand event held every five hundred years by our Dayan Dynasty. Seniors, don't miss this opportunity."

Every five hundred years, the Dayan Dynasty will hold a grand meeting, also known as the Hundred Immortals Conference because of the large number of Yuanying monks participating.

"By the way, Xiaoyou Zhou, do you know the situation in the South China Sea? Is there anything unusual in the South China Sea recently?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually, they have left Qinglian Island for nearly ten years, and they don't know the current situation of the family.

"South China Sea? Really."

Zhou Tianbin's expression was a bit strange, Qinglian Immortal Companion seemed to be traveling abroad and didn't know the situation in the South China Sea.

"What? What happened to the South China Sea?"

Wang Ruyan asked, logically speaking, Qinglian Island has Wang Qingling, Ye Haitang, Wang Qiuming, Wang Mengbin, and the fourth-order puppet beasts should be fine.

"Zhang Wuchen of Zhang's family in Qingli Island is Situ Mei, the deputy master of the Sun Moon Palace and Moon Palace. She assisted the evil cultivator to break into the Puppet Emperor's Tomb and released the Nether Spider. The Sun and Moon Shuangsheng found Situ Mei on Jinlian Island and killed her partner. However, Situ Mei escaped. The three forces of Sun Moon Palace, Wanjianmen, and Ouyang Family joined forces to offer a reward of tens of thousands of spirit stones to capture Situ Mei. The reward from Sun Moon Palace was particularly generous. Spiritual objects, spirit stones, choose a few."

Zhou Tianbin said slowly, the Dayan royal family is also very interested in this, and sent someone to arrest Situ Mei. According to the information, Situ Mei was seriously injured. As long as she dared to show up, she would definitely die.

"What? Zhang Wuchen is Situ Mei, the deputy master of the Sun Moon Palace and Moon Palace?"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were taken aback. They were hiding in the Sun Moon Palace. They didn't expect that Situ Mei, the deputy palace master of the Sun Moon Palace, was by their side. The news was too shocking.

"It's absolutely true, Senior Wang, the arrest operation is on Jinlian Island. I heard that most of the square market has been destroyed. No matter how specific the situation is, the junior is not clear."

Zhou Tianbin said truthfully, what he said was no secret.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's faces became ugly. The square city was destroyed and could be rebuilt. Situ Mei was a scourge. If she randomly climbed and bit the Wang family, the Wang family might be implicated.

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