Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1544: Mystery man

Situ Mei is now desperate, wanted by Northern Xinjiang and Nanhai Xiu Xianjie, either to the East Wasteland or the Central Plains.

Thinking from another perspective, if Wang Changsheng was Zhang Wuchen, he would most likely come to the Cultivation Realm in the Central Plains. I don’t know how the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng found out that Situ Mei was hiding in the Golden Lotus Island. It should be some kind of secret technique. Profound heritage.

As long as there is a secret technique that can lock Situ Mei's position, she can only hide far away. The Central Plains Xiu Xian world is in chaos and densely populated, making it easier to hide.

"Thank you, Xiaoyou Zhou, we still have something to do, so I won't stay any longer and say goodbye."

Wang Changsheng said hello and left with Wang Ruyan and Wang Xin.

The Qinglian Chamber of Commerce opened many stores in the Dayan Dynasty. If they wanted to know more about the inside story, they could ask the person in charge of the Qinglian Chamber of Commerce.


Youzhou, the Chongguang Mountains are located in the southeast of Youzhou, stretching for millions of miles.

There was a deafening roar from the depths of the mountain range, and a huge red fire cloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, which could be seen for hundreds of miles.

Deep in the mountains, Situ Meiyi did not cover his body, and his body was covered in scars. There were several terrifying bloodstains on his left shoulder, and the blood flowed non-stop.

A 30-foot-long lion-peng beast and a silver-white giant tiger fell to the ground, their heads missing.

There is a black iron chain with dim light on the ground, a large number of mysterious runes can be vaguely seen on the surface of the chain, and a large number of monster patterns are engraved on the surface of the chain.

The ground is bumpy with multiple large holes.

Murong Bo, Zhou Ningshuang, and Li Jiong surrounded Situ Mei with indifferent expressions.

With the help of the Thousand-legged Blood Gu worm, they found the place where Situ Mei was staying. In order to kill Situ Mei, five or five Nascent Soul cultivators had already died in battle, and two fourth-order spiritual arts had been destroyed.

The price of Situ Mei is not small. The Jiuyou Chain Demon Chain that was taken from the deputy suzerain of Jiuyouzong was destroyed.

"Situ Mei, your sins are unforgivable, and today is your day of death."

Li Jiong said coldly, in order to find Situ Mei, the Sun Moon Palace dispatched a large number of people, the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng rushed to the East Wasteland, he led people to the Central Plains, and the Northern Xinjiang Xiu Xianjie was also looking for Situ Mei.

"Unforgivable sin? I have a Yuehua spirit body, I was born a baby at the age of one hundred, and I cultivated to the late Nascent Soul before I was three hundred years old. Why can't the palace master of the moon palace be me? You can't rob me."

Situ Mei said with a wicked smile, the smile was a little creepy.

Zhou Ningshuang said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense with her, and solve her as soon as possible, so as not to have long dreams at night."

In order to solve Situ Mei, the Sun Moon Palace offered generous conditions, which the Dayan Royal Family could not refuse.

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky, and a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky. The thundercloud was hundreds of miles in size, covering the sky and the sun.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and hundreds of fist-thick silver lightning flew out, slashing at Zhou Ningshuang and others.

"How is this going?"

Zhou Ningshuang was stunned for a moment, and quickly cast a spell to resist.

One after another huge silver lightning fell from the sky, and there was a silver screen of thunder in a radius of 100 miles, as if there was a thunderstorm.

If a low-level cultivator passed by here, he would have thought that someone would cross the calamity again!

After ten breaths, a thick red light suddenly lit up in the silver thunder curtain, straight into the sky, cutting the thunder cloud in half, the sky returned to normal, the silver thunder curtain disappeared, and Situ Mei actually disappeared.

"Where did she go? Someone must have helped."

Li Jiong's face became ugly. Seeing that Situ Mei was sure to die, he was rescued under their noses. Could it be a spiritual cultivator? Should not be, who would it be! It would actually save Situ Mei.

"I don't believe that she can escape from here. I will contact Wanxian Si immediately and ask them to send someone to assist. Situ Mei must not be allowed to leave the Dayan Dynasty alive."

Zhou Ningshuang's eyes were full of cold light, and in Situ Mei's state, she definitely couldn't escape.

Now is the best time to kill Situ Mei. If Situ Mei escapes, she will definitely take revenge on the Dayan Royal Family.


South China Sea, Qinglian Island.

In the conference hall, Wang Qingshan sat on the main seat, Wang Mengfen stood aside, and a dozen clan elders sat on both sides, each with a very solemn expression.

Zhang Wuchen is Situ Mei. This incident has little impact on the Wang family. The trouble is the monks who died in the aftermath of the fighting. These monks come from different forces. There are children of the immortal clan and the immortal sect. Responsibility.

In addition to the loss of personnel, there was also the loss of goods. Most of the square city was destroyed, and various resources for cultivating immortals such as magic weapons, magic tools, medicinal herbs, and talismans were destroyed, and the loss exceeded ten million spirit stones.

The Sun Moon Palace, Wanjianmen, and Ouyang's family all helped to deal with the aftermath. Even so, the Wang family suffered heavy losses. The Golden Lotus Island has been rebuilt, and its popularity is not as good as before. It is conservatively estimated that it can be restored in 50 years.

"Meng Fen, is there no news about the ninth uncle and ninth aunt?"

Wang Qingshan frowned and asked, this matter must be told to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are traveling, and it is difficult to determine their location.

"Not yet, I have already passed the news to the strongholds of the clan, as long as the ancestors have contact with the clansmen, they will know about it."

Wang Mengfen said truthfully that it is very common for high-level cultivators to go out and travel. They are not in contact with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and they can only pass on the news.

In fact, this matter is not a big deal. The source of the trouble is Situ Mei. As long as Situ Mei dies, this matter will come to an end.

"The order goes on. When doing business in Jinlian City, the rent will be waived for one year. The previous tenants will be exempted from rent for ten years. In addition, the compensation for each family will increase by 40%."

Wang Qingshan instructed in a deep voice, if you want Fang City to restore its former prosperity, you must give in.

"Yes, old ancestor, what about the Zhang family? Someone is looking for trouble with the Zhang family."

Wang Mengfen asked cautiously, Situ Mei seized the Zhang family, and she left, leaving a mess. Wang Changsheng's great-grandson, Queen Tianqing, married the Zhang family.

If it wasn't for the words of the god-turning cultivator of Wanjianmen, the Zhang family would have been wiped out long ago.

The Zhang family in Qingli Island is still there. Because of Situ Mei's relationship, the Zhang family has been pushed to the cusp of the storm and has been coveted by many forces. If it wasn't for the Wang family, the Zhang family would not have been wiped out, and their power would have been greatly reduced.

"What is the attitude of the Zhang family?"

"The Zhang family is willing to join our Wang family. In addition, Zhang Sichun is already the head of the Zhang family, and the monks in the room close to Zhang Wuchen have all abolished their mana."

The Zhang family currently has only one Nascent Soul cultivator, and Zhang Wuchen has too many enemies. With only one Nascent Soul cultivator, it is difficult for the Zhang family to support it. If there is strong support from the Wang family, other forces will also be afraid of one or two.

Zhang Sichun is Wang Tianqing's Taoist companion. As the head of the family, he can already explain the problem.

"Then accept the Zhang family! Don't say it clearly, just imply Zhang Sichun. It's better to have a real name and no name."

Wang Qingshan instructed that the Zhang family is now a hot potato, and the Wang family dare not take over directly. It is the best choice to let Zhang Sichun control the Zhang family.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengfen agreed, and he thought so too.

In this way, the Wang family has absorbed thousands of monks, and its strength has grown considerably.

Wang Qingshan told him a few words and let everyone else go down, leaving Wang Mengfen behind.

"Meng Fen, I plan to retreat to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. You can handle the affairs of the clan! It's not about the life and death of the clan, so don't disturb me."

Wang Qingshan instructed in a deep voice, he didn't know how long Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan traveled, and he retreated to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it would take twenty or thirty years at least, and more than a hundred years.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Mengfen agreed that the probability of the Wang family's genocide crisis was very low, and it would not disturb Wang Qingshan's cultivation.

"By the way, how long has it been since the tenth sister left?"

The Eastern Family held a Taoism The Wang family also received an invitation, and Wang Qingling brought a group of clansmen to participate in the round Taoism conference.

Guangdong Ren and An Ran also attended the Wheel Dao Conference, Ye Haitang was in charge of Jinlian Island, and Wang Qingshan, Wang Qiuming and Wang Mengbin were in Qinglian Island.

"It's been more than two months, I guess it's coming soon!"

Wang Qingshan nodded thoughtfully, with Guangdong Ren accompanying him, he was not worried about what would happen to Wang Qingling.

Back at the residence, Wang Qingshan released three cunning songs and let it move freely in the yard.

Wang Qingshan sat down with his knees crossed and sat quietly for a while. He took out the Qinglian sword and nine Qingli swords, and pinched the sword.

The ten flying swords made clear and loud sword chants. The Qinglian sword hung on the top of Wang Qingshan's head, shaking non-stop. The sword's body swept across the sword light, and the nine Qingli swords quickly rotated around Wang Qingshan. , The speed is extremely fast, the sword light is like electricity, and the sword energy is like a rainbow.

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