Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1545: Chongyang Mountain

Chongzhou, Chongyang Mountain is located in the southwest of Chongzhou. It is the largest city in Chongzhou and the venue of the Hundred Immortals Conference.

The Dayan Dynasty held the Hundred Immortals Conference every 500 years. It has been held dozens of times. Every time the Hundred Immortals Conference is held, it will attract a large number of monks to participate. The Dayan Dynasty attaches great importance to this event, and this time is no exception.

As early as half a year ago, Chongyang Mountain started most of the bans, and sent more patrolling monks.

Chongyang Mountain is full of exotic flowers and plants, and strange rocks. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are buildings of different sizes, including simple stone houses, magnificent palaces, and elegantly decorated attics. A large number of monks are walking on the street. , The traffic was busy, the voices were full of people, and it was very lively.

Wang Tianwen and Murong Yuyao were walking on the street. They talked and laughed and got along very well.

Wang Tianwen was responsible for contacting Prince Li of the Qin Dynasty, and he did a good job. During the mission, he encountered Murong Yuyao being chased by a demon cultivator, so he rescued Murong Yuyao. With this relationship, the two Getting closer.

This time, the Hundred Immortals Conference was held in Chongzhou. Chongzhou was a site controlled by the Murong royal family. Murong Yuyao was ordered to go to Chongyang Mountain to maintain order, but she did not expect to encounter Murong Yuyao.

"Wang Daoyou, thanks to you last time, otherwise the little sister will be in danger. This is our home court, you don't want to see me outside, and let the little sister show the friendship of the landlord."

Murong Yuyao's voice was clear and gentle, which made people feel very comfortable.

Wang Tianwen nodded with a smile and said, "No problem, I..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly picked up the pace.

Murong Yuyao was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction Wang Tianwen was walking towards. Seeing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan approaching, she had a sudden realization and heaved a sigh of relief.

She naturally knew about the relationship between Wang Tianwen and the Wang family, but few outsiders knew about it.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for many years, and your cultivation has improved a lot."

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Tianwen up and down and praised him.

Wang Tianwen has already cultivated to the ninth level of forming pills, and he can try to hit the Nascent Soul stage, but the spirits of forming infants accumulated by the Wang family have long been used up. This time, the Hundred Immortals Conference is an opportunity.

Among so many clansmen in the Core Formation Stage, Wang Tianwen suffered the most. He traveled to the Central Plains Cultivation World during the Foundation Establishment Stage. With the help of his family, he slowly opened up the situation and promoted all the way. He has been able to reach today because of his personal hard work and family help.

The "Qiu" generation is Wang Qiuming, an alchemist, and the "Tian" generation is Wang Tianqi and Wang Tianwen. Wang Tianqi is mainly responsible for inquiring about information. She suffers less than Wang Tianwen. Running around, almost dying many times.

"The ancestors praised him wrongly. Thanks to the help of the family, otherwise the grandson would have died."

Wang Tianwen said in a voice transmission, with a respectful expression.

Murong Yuyao walked over, bowed her body, and said, "Junior Murong Yuyao pays respects to the two seniors. If the ancestors knew that the two seniors came to Chongzhou, they would definitely be very happy."

"You are the little friend Murong! Tian Tian mentioned you to me, yes, Tian Tian has a good vision."

Wang Changsheng laughed and joked, in fact, Wang Tianwen never mentioned Murong Yuyao, he never mentioned personal affairs to the family, and Wang Changsheng said it casually.

Murong Yuyao heard this, a blush on her face, a little shy.

Seeing Murong Yuyao's expression, Wang Ruyan knew there was a drama. If Wang Tianwen liked Murong Yuyao, they could go to Murong's house to ask for relatives.

With the friendship between the two families and the face of Wang Changsheng and his wife, the Murong family should not refuse.

Wang Tianwen quickly waved his hand and explained, "I have nothing to do with Fairy Murong, we are just..."

"Okay, let's find a place to talk."

Wang Ruyan interrupted Wang Tianwen, for fear that he would say something he shouldn't have said.

"The clan elders are looking for the juniors, so the juniors will not bother you. Let's say goodbye first, Daoyou Wang, I will go first. I will host a banquet for you in a few days."

Murong Yuyao pleaded guilty and left.

Wang Tianwen didn't say much, and in response, he took Wang Changsheng and the three to a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, a three-story cyan loft and a small pond.

As the deputy commander of Wanxian Division, Wang Tianwen naturally has an independent residence.

Walking into the blue attic, Wang Tianwen activated the ban in the courtyard.

Wang Changsheng's face condensed, and he asked in a stern tone: "Ten Tian, ​​have you seen Shangguan Wei, the sect master of the Nine Nether Sect?"

According to reports from the Wang family in the Dayan Dynasty, Wang Tianwen had met Shangguan Wei.

Wang Tianwen looked at Wang Xin and hesitated.

"He's his own, don't worry about it!"

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Tianwen explained the incident in detail. He participated in the investigation afterwards, interrogated some members of the Song family, and obtained more information.

"Manipulating the seven emotions and six desires of immortal cultivators? Why didn't Shangguan Wei kill the cultivator of the Song family?"

Wang Changsheng asked a little puzzled, Shangguan Wei used the magical power of the "Nine Netherworld Illusory Collection" to easily control the cultivators of the Song family's Pill Formation, and attacked the place where the ancestors of the Song family retreated.

"She might be concerned about the Dayan Dynasty! Senior Ouyang of the Ouyang family is more polite to our Wanxiansi people. The Ouyang family has a lot of business in the Dayan Dynasty, and Shangguan Wei is not a good person at first glance."

Wang Tianwen said truthfully, if he hadn't worked in Wanxian Division, he would have died.

"Shangguanwei won Ouyang Hongguang so quickly! He is indeed the suzerain of the faction."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, judging from Wang Tianwen's description, Shangguanwei won Ouyang Hongguang with almost no effort. This strength is too terrifying.

According to the information, Ouyang Hongguang is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul was taken down by Shangguan Wei so easily?

"By the way, she also has a fourth-order spiritual bird, which is so fast that I didn't see it clearly."

Wang Tianwen added.

Wang Changsheng nodded thoughtfully, the fourth-order spiritual bird Wang Tianwen said should be the Jiuyouque.

"By the way, Tian Tian, ​​is Haoyu real person in Fangshi? Can you recommend us?"

Wang Ruyan inquired about the real person Haoyu. They participated in the Hundred Immortals Conference, hoping to make friends with the real person Haoyu.

"The grandson doesn't but the grandson knows one person, he may know the whereabouts of Haoyu Zhenren."


"Shen Tianmo, he has a good personal relationship with Master Haoyu. He may know the whereabouts of Master Haoyu, and his grandson knows where he lives."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's faces were a bit strange. Listening to the name, Tianmo Zhenren was a demon monk. According to the current situation, how could he come to participate in the Hundred Immortals Conference because everyone in the Daqin Dynasty was a character that was called to fight? Aren't you afraid that the Dayan Dynasty will be poisoned?

"Tianmo Zhenren abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and has already taken refuge in the Dayan Dynasty."

Wang Tianwen saw the doubts in Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's heart, and quickly explained,

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Okay, then you recommend us."

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