Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1548: Haoyu real person

Chongyang Mountain, a blue attic with carved beams and painted buildings.

On the third floor, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Murong Bo and Li Jiong were sitting together drinking tea and chatting. Li Jiong's face was a little ugly.

In order to capture Situ Mei, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng spent a lot of money and purchased two fourth-order thousand-legged blood Gu worms with Myriad Beast Island. The soldiers searched for Situ Mei in two ways. Now, they searched all over a million miles, but couldn't find Situ Mei's whereabouts, so they could only give up.

The other party used the Thunder Dao supernatural power to save Situ Mei from under their noses. At least he had the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul. Following this clue, he might be able to find the murderer.

There are not many cultivators in the late Nascent Soul in the Dongli Realm. They are either proficient in the thunder technique or possess rare treasures of the thunder attribute.

Unable to find Situ Mei, Li Jiong had to send someone to contact Du Xu and Fang Yue, and when he learned that the Dayan Dynasty held the Hundred Immortals Conference, he rushed over immediately.

Every time the Hundred Immortals Conference is held, a large number of Nascent Soul cultivators will participate. Maybe someone knows a special tracking secret technique and may be able to find Situ Mei.

"Fellow Daoist Li, is Situ Mei really that powerful? The three of you joined forces, and she ran away?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and asked, he thought that Situ Mei would definitely die, but Situ Mei was rescued, which is not a good thing.

Li Jiong knew the in-laws of the Wang family and the Zhang family, and it was only natural for Wang Changsheng to ask about Situ Mei's life and death.

"That person's **** passed through people, and we couldn't see people, so Situ Mei was rescued. It should be a flying magic weapon at the Lingbao level, not much worse than our Sun Moon Palace's treasure, the Sun Moon Shuttle."

Li Jiong said solemnly, his tone was full of unwillingness.

If it wasn't for Wang Changsheng to ask, he wouldn't say it, it's too embarrassing.

"Lingbao-level flying magic weapon?"

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise. The Qinglian Dharma Throne is a flying magic weapon, but it is not a spiritual treasure. If there is a flying spiritual treasure in hand, I am afraid that the spiritual cultivator can stop them.

The materials for refining flying spirit treasures are too rare, even in the top ten sects of the South China Sea, there are only a handful of monks who have flying spirit treasures.

"It's a pity that there is no Tier 4 Thousand-legged Blood Gu worm, otherwise, I can still use secret techniques to find Situ Mei."

Murong Bo said in a regretful tone, the Murong family wants to return to the South China Sea for development, they have already touched the ceiling in the Central Plains Cultivation World, if they want to go further, either the Central Plains will be completely chaotic, that is impossible, don't look at the chaos of the Daqin Dynasty , The cultivators who died and wounded were mainly the cultivators of Jiedan, and the cultivators of Yuanying rarely fell.

The Central Plains were not too chaotic. If the Murong family wanted to go further, they could only go to the South China Sea, where there were many islands and rich resources for cultivating immortals.

The remuneration given by the Sun Moon Palace is too generous, otherwise the Murong family would not be willing to join in. Who would have thought that Situ Mei would be successfully killed, but it would fall short.

It is difficult to cultivate fourth-order thousand-legged blood gu worms, and the Myriad Beast Island has cultivated four fourth-order thousand-legged blood gu worms. All of them are used up. They can no longer use the thousand-legged blood gu worms to use secret techniques to find Situ Mei. I don't know where to look for Situ Mei.

"She has been severely injured and cannot be healed without a hundred years. She has more than one hundred years of life left. If she can't be found, she will be boiled to death."

Li Jiong said viciously, as long as more than 100 years passed, it would be difficult for Situ Mei to do evil.

Situ Mei recovered without much lifespan left, and it was almost impossible to enter the Divine Transformation Stage.

"I heard that Master Haoyu will also participate in the Hundred Immortals Conference, Daoyou Li, you can ask Master Haoyu to help."

Wang Ruyan suggested with a smile.

"The old man thought so too, but the whereabouts of Master Haoyu are uncertain. I heard that Master Tianmo and Master Haoyu are friends. This old man wants to visit Master Tianmo, and I hope she can introduce him..."

Before Li Jiong's words were finished, Murong Bo suddenly took out a silver-white magic plate and typed a magic formula, and a line of small words appeared on the magic plate.

"Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, Li Daoyou, the real person Haoyu is here, just outside."

"Oh, then let's go see the real person Haoyu! Wang has long wanted to see the real person Haoyu."

Wang Changsheng got up and walked out, and the three of them followed Murong Bo.

Murong Bo was a native monk of the Dayan Dynasty. He had never met the real Haoyu, let alone Wang Changsheng.

On the spacious and clean street, a gentleman in white shirt walked slowly with a faint smile on his face.

The Confucian scholar in white has a white face like jade, a blue Confucian crown on his head, and a white folding fan tied around his waist.

Haoyu Zhenren, less than three hundred years old, has cultivated to the late Nascent Soul, and his cultivation speed is second only to that of the Seven Absolute Swordsmen.

Qijue Daohuang likes to challenge local masters everywhere. Haoyu does not have this hobby. He likes to teach and educate people, kill demons and demons, and care for the people.

A large number of monks gathered on the street, and their eyes were focused on Haoyu Master. The expressions of the monks were different, or curious, or in awe, or envious.

Zhou Ningshuang walked out of the crowd, with a smile on her face, she walked quickly to the real person and gave a salute, saying: "Fellow Daoist Chen, you are here, little sister, wait. You have been a long time."

"The eldest princess is very polite, Chen Moujie Xianyun Yehe, can't afford to be the eldest princess with such courtesy."

Immortal Haoyu surrendered and said politely.

"Daoyou Chen is joking. If you can't afford it, there is no other person in the Dayan Dynasty who can afford it. I don't represent the court, I represent the people of the world."

Zhou Ningshuang said solemnly, Master Haoyu really did what the sage Kong said was educated and indifferent. He went to the farmland to teach the children of farmers to read and write. From the cultivators, down to the people of Dawn, Haoyu Zhenren has taught them.

"Chen Mou is ashamed. This is the responsibility of the subordinate. It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. The subordinate just did what the subordinate should do."

Master Haoyu said modestly.

"Well said, listening to Daoyou Chen's words is better than reading ten years of books."

A bold male voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, Murong Bo walked out of the crowd with a smile on his face.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood behind Murong Bo, and they looked at the real Haoyu curiously.

Master Haoyu glanced at Murong Bo and stopped paying attention, his eyes fell on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

He nodded at Murong Bo, walked to Wang Changsheng with a stride, and said, "I've heard the name of Qinglian Immortal Companion for a long time, and today I finally meet the real person."

There were only six monks who caused the vision in Dongli Realm, and Qinglian Immortal Companion at the same time caused the vision and attracted special attention.

"Haha, Daoyou Chen is being polite. Our husband and wife have also admired Daoyou Chen for a long time. We finally met the real person. When we met today, it really lived up to its reputation."

Wang Changsheng smiled boldly and praised.

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