Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1549: Elite gathered

"This palace has prepared a banquet. If you don't dislike it, you can discuss it in detail."

Zhou Ningshuang made a gesture of invitation and said politely.

This time, there were many Nascent Soul cultivators participating in the Hundred Immortals Conference. Both Haoyu Master and Qinglian Immortal Companion were not ordinary people, so Zhou Ningshuang would naturally not be neglected.

Haoyu Zhenren, Wang Changsheng, and Wang Ruyan did not object and agreed.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou Ningshuang, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Murong Bo, Haoyu Zhenren, and Li Jiong appeared in a secluded cyan pavilion, and the six were drinking tea and discussing Taoism.

The topic unknowingly talked about the civil unrest in the Qin Dynasty. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were very curious about when the unrest would end.

The Daqin Dynasty has been in civil turmoil for decades, and the turmoil has not yet ended. There are countless casualties among the people at the bottom, and there are also a lot of casualties among low-level monks. It is impossible to continue the chaos.

The bottom-level monks don’t know, and the high-level monks should have heard the news of the catastrophe, and it is impossible to let the human race monks mess around.

"Our ancestors have already come forward, and it shouldn't take long for the war to be settled and the people to recuperate."

Zhou Ningshuang said with a smile, her tone full of confidence.

The ancestor in her mouth was Zhou Xingguo, who had the cultivation base in the early days of God Transformation, and was the protector of the Dayan Dynasty.

"Senior Zhou has come forward, and he will definitely be able to resolve this matter. The civil turmoil in Daqin has been going on for too long, so it's time to end the turmoil."

Master Haoyu agreed.

"Fairy Zhou, you should have heard of the great calamity! Could the great calamity be Situ Mei? Or the origin of the great calamity is in the Central Plains?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, in the entire Dongli Realm, there has been no major incident in the Central Plains Cultivation Realm.

Zhou Ningshuang nodded.

At this moment, Zhou Ningshuang took out a light cyan magic plate and entered a magic formula, her eyes lit up and her face showed joy.

"Wait a moment, fellow daoists, a few fellow daoists have come over, let's get to know each other together."

Zhou Ningshuang pleaded guilty and got up and left.

It didn't take long for Zhou Ningshuang to come back, with three men, one woman and four Nascent Soul cultivators beside her. The one with the highest cultivation base was a young man in a golden shirt. His arms and thighs were bulging, his tendons were exposed, and his eyes were vague. Shooting out golden light, his breath was stronger than Zhou Ningshuang.

The other three were all mid-Nuan Ying cultivators. One of them was a beautiful young woman in a purple dress with a pair of peach blossom eyes, which caught Wang Changsheng's attention. The young woman in the purple dress had a silver turtle pattern on her clothes.

The Peng family of Thunder Turtle Island is one of the top ten immortal families in the South China Sea.

The other two Nascent Soul cultivators, a black-shirted youth with an indifferent expression, was full of suffocation and ghosts, and a dwarf who was three feet tall with a ferocious face. The dwarf was wearing a red Taoist robe with a lifelike fire dragon embroidered on the Taoist robe. pattern.

"Fellow Daoists, let me introduce to you, these two fellow Daoists are the Zijin Twin Immortals from Thunder Turtle Island in the South China Sea, this is the Fire Dragon Master of the Northern Fire Dragon Sect, and this is the Long Daoist friend of the East Desolate Wangui Valley. "

Zhou Ningshuang pointed to the four Nascent Soul monks and introduced.

Wang Changsheng and the other five did not dare to neglect, and they all reported to their families.

The Zijin Shuangxian refers to Peng Tianyu and Peng Tianxue. Peng Tianyu is in the late Nascent Soul and Peng Tianxue is in the middle Nascent Soul. It is rumored that Peng Tianyu has some kind of special spiritual body. As for Peng Tianxue, it is said to be the root of Tianling.

The Peng family is relatively low-key and is good at alchemy and brewing. The Zijin Shuangxian became famous earlier than Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, but they were relatively low-key. When the aliens attacked, they happened to be in retreat and did not make much credit, knowing that their low-level monks did not Not much, but most high-level cultivators have heard of Zijin Shuangxian.

Master Huolong is a legend in the world of immortal cultivation in the northern Xinjiang. His deeds are even more bizarre than Huang Fugui. He grew up in the market and was a dwarf since he was a child. He was already 30 years old when he stepped into the world of immortality, but his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. , All the way to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he once retreated with one enemy and three whole bodies, and moved one side in the name.

The good people have compiled a list of wizards. There are Huang Fugui and Fang Mu in the Eastern Wilderness, Qinglian Immortal Companion in the South China Sea, Haoyu Zhenren in the Central Plains, and Fire Dragon Master in the Northern Xinjiang.

The black-shirted youth, whose surname is Long and whose name is Qimei, is said to have dark spiritual roots, practice the ghost way, and is the successor of Wanguigu.

"Our brothers and sisters have long heard of Qinglian Immortal Companion's name. It is better to meet each other if you are famous. Daoyou Wang and Madam Wang, would you like to teach me a thing or two?"

Peng Tianyu was full of fighting spirit, his eyes fixed on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

In the entire Dongli world, there are only a handful of cultivators who are proficient in the art of combined strikes.

The cultivators present all showed interest. They had all heard of Qinglian Immortal Companion's name, but few had seen Qinglian Immortal Companion Fighting.

"Discussion? Wang also wants to learn about Peng Daoyou's magical powers. Since it is a competition, Wang is enough. If our husband and wife join forces, we will definitely not let it go."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, the secret technique of joint attack cannot be used casually in front of other cultivators, firstly, it is easy to be seen by others; secondly, Li Jiong is He is the deputy palace master of the Sun Moon Palace and Sun Palace.

"It's okay, if you can compare with the real Taihao, Peng will not be in vain, how about one move to determine the outcome!"

Peng Tianyu asked enthusiastically.

"Okay, one move will determine the outcome."

Wang Changsheng readily agreed, and he also wanted to see the difference between himself and the late Nascent Soul cultivator.

Zhou Ningshuang sent someone to release the air ban, Wang Changsheng and Peng Tianyu turned into two lights and flew out of Chongyang Mountain, followed by Haoyu Zhenren and others.

Half an hour later, Wang Changsheng and Peng Tianyu appeared in a huge valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. There were a lot of plants and trees growing in the valley. Wang Ruyan and others stood on the top of a steep mountain, and their expressions were different.

Countless golden runes appeared on Peng Tianyu's body, and dazzling golden light burst out from all over his body, as if made of gold.

With a loud shout, he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng was not afraid at all, and a dazzling blue light appeared on his body, and he greeted him.

A golden fist collided with a blue light shining fist, and a powerful air wave erupted. Wherever the powerful air wave passed, the earth and rocks cracked, the grass and trees were uprooted, and even the four emerald green peaks surrounding the valley were torn apart. Come on, the smoke is billowing.

It didn't take long for the smoke to dissipate, Wang Changsheng and Peng Tianyu were unscathed, there were dozens of thick and thin cracks on the ground, and the two were tied.

Peng Tianxue's beautiful eyes are full of shock. Peng Tianyu has a Taihao spirit body, a natural physical training, and he cultivates the earth-grade exercises to exercise his body. Peng Tianyu was tied.

"Haha, the real Tahoe is well-deserved, so happy."

Peng Tianyu smiled boldly, his eyes full of admiration.



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