Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1552: Conference on Taoism

Seven days passed quickly.

Zhou Xingguo recounted his own experience. He was both preaching and vindicating himself.

The expressions of the monks were different, some were confused, some were suddenly enlightened.

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face. Zhou Xingguo was also an artifact refiner. In addition to cultivation, he also talked about artifact refining. Wang Changsheng benefited a lot, and some long-troubling questions were easily resolved, but he did not gain much from his practice.

He glanced at Wang Ruyan, and found that Wang Ruyan closed his eyes, as if he had come to a realization.

In addition to Wang Ruyan, Master Haoyu, Peng Tianyu, and Master Huolong all felt something. They closed their eyes and looked calm.

"The sermon is over, and the little friends who don't understand, please leave here and don't disturb other little friends."

Zhou Xingguo's voice rang in Wang Changsheng's ears, Wang Changsheng and most of the monks stood up one after another, they bowed to Zhou Xingguo and turned to leave.

There were more than 20 monks left on the bluestone square, including Wang Ruyan and Wang Tianwen. These monks all had insights into cultivation, from the foundation-building stage to the Nascent Soul stage.

Zhou Xingguo's sleeve robe flicked, and dozens of white lights flew out, turning into dozens of white light curtains, covering Wang Ruyan and other cultivators to prevent the outside world from interfering with their cultivation.

A team of Xiu wearing uniform white robes surrounded the bluestone square to maintain order.

Wang Changsheng followed Zhou Ningshuang to a secluded courtyard, Li Jiong and Peng Tianxue were both there.

"It's a pity! The spiritual monk preached, we can't take such a good opportunity."

Li Jiong sighed, his face full of regret.

He chased Situ Mei to the Cultivation Realm in the Central Plains, but he failed his errands. He encountered a spiritual cultivator preaching.

"Cultivation still depends on us to cultivate one footstep by one. If we realize the mystery and mystery, it may be a great improvement, or it may be useless."

Wang Changsheng's mentality is very good. If he has insight, it is the best. He doesn't feel sorry for not being able to understand.

I am fortunate to get it, and I am fortunate to lose it.

Cultivation of immortals is a long run. Don't get angry when you are behind others, and practice harder in the future.

Wang Changsheng's practice focuses on resources for cultivating immortals, while Wang Ruyan's practice focuses on xinxing. It is not surprising that she has some insights.

"I agree with Daoyou Wang's opinion. Mrs. Wang has some insights. I wonder if Mrs. Wang can take this opportunity to go further."

Zhou Ningshuang said with a smile, her face full of curiosity.

Wang Changsheng smiled indifferently and said, "How can it be so easy to enter in the late Nascent Soul, I hope!"

He looked at Li Jiong and asked, "Fellow Daoist Li, do you still want to stay in the Central Plains Cultivation World to find Situ Mei?"

"Well, the two palace masters issued a must-kill order, she must die, she will not die for a day, and I cannot return to the Sun Moon Palace for a day."

Li Jiong said solemnly, according to their understanding of Situ Mei, Situ Mei's revenge must be reported, she will not die in one day, and the sun and moon will not be at ease in one day.

Wang Changsheng nodded, so it seemed that Situ Mei would be better off dying later. It would be great if Situ Mei could severely damage the Sun Moon Palace. He just thought about it, Situ Mei would be better off dying earlier.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, do you think Daoist Haoyu will take this opportunity to attack the Divine Transformation Stage?"

Peng Tianxue put forward a bold assumption, Haoyu real person is extremely talented, and he cultivated to the late Nascent Soul when he was less than 300 years old.

For most immortal cultivators, they need the assistance of spiritual objects to reach the great realm, but for a small number of monks, they do not need spiritual objects. There are very few monks who do not need spiritual objects to break through the great realm. For most monks, spiritual objects have the greatest effect and are indispensable. s things.

"It's not that easy to transform into a god!"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, even if Haoyu is a rare genius, he wouldn't be so perverted!

Zhou Ningshuang smiled sweetly and said, "Then let's wait and see, maybe it's really possible."

The Royal Family of Dayan had a good relationship with Master Haoyu. When Master Haoyu was low in cultivation, the royal family gave him some help.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Wang Changsheng and the four returned to their respective homes.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes, and meditated to adjust his breath.


South China Sea, Walrus Island.

Walrus Island has a vast area. Looking down from a high altitude, Walrus Island resembles a giant elephant lying on the sea.

The Shangguan family held a conference on Taoism and held a large auction at the same time, and brought out a lot of good things, attracting a large number of monks to participate.

There were too many monks participating in the Daoist Conference, and the Shangguan family sent more patrols, and Shangguan Hengyu was the captain of one of the patrols.

The Shangguan family has a great business, and there are tens of thousands of immortal practitioners in the clan. It is difficult to get ahead. Shangguan Hengyu is a son of a concubine, with two older sisters and an older brother. Only by cultivating Xuanpin exercises and relying on your own efforts and the help of your parents can you advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The Immortal Cultivation Family is the pinnacle of the Immortal Cultivation Family in the Dongli Realm. The Shangguan Family has grown to the ceiling. The family is divided into several factions that compete with each other. Everyone wants their own lineage to obtain more Immortal cultivation resources. There is competition among the factions, but It hasn't developed to infighting yet.

It is not surprising that this happens when it develops to a certain period of time, whether it is a family of immortals or a sect of immortals.

Shangguan Hengyu was patrolling with his clansmen. There was not much oil and water in the patrol. If he delayed the guests who came to participate in the Taoism conference, he would be punished.

"It's really unlucky. Twelve hours a day, we patrol for eight hours, and they patrol for four hours."

A young man in blue shirt in his early twenties sighed.

"Okay, don't say this kind of thing that affects unity, let outsiders listen to the joke, who made us lose the game!"

Shangguan Hengyu frowned and said that they had agreed to compete with another patrol team. The winning team patrolled for four hours, and the losing team patrolled for eight hours. They lost the competition and accepted the bet.

"It's not that he has a Otherwise, Brother Hengyu, you may not necessarily lose to them."

The young man in blue shirt said a little unwillingly.


A deafening dragon roar suddenly sounded, Shangguan Hengyu's face turned straight, and he instructed: "Someone comes here, give me some energy, don't be ashamed."

The monks were all dressed and smiling.

A fifty-foot-long white Flood Dragon flew from the distant sky. It didn't take long for the white Flood Dragon to stop, and a biting cold air spewed out of its thick nostrils. A group of monks stood on the back of the White Flood Dragon, most There is a blue lotus pattern on the monk's clothes, which is the symbol of the royal family of Qinglian Island.

Wang Qingling and Guangdong Ren stood on the head of Bingfeng Jiao, their expressions were indifferent.

"Junior Shangguan Hengyu has seen all seniors. Walrus Island is in the southeast, and it will be there after another 30,000 miles."

Shangguan Hengyu said respectfully.


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