Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1553: Dongfang Liang

Wang Qingling nodded, and the ice wind Jiao flew towards the southeast, with a very fast speed, and soon disappeared, disappearing into the sky.

"Tsk tsk, that's Fairy Bailing! It's really lavish to have a third-order Flood Dragon as a walking spirit beast."

The blue-shirted youth said with envy on his face.

"Yeah! I heard that the Wang family has a flying magic weapon of nine dragons, and they use nine dragons to pull the car."

"The Wang family's complete sets of puppet beasts are also very powerful. Our family has ordered several sets of complete sets of puppet beasts to train the younger generation. The five of us together are not the opponents of the complete sets of puppet beasts."

Dongfang Hengyu frowned and scolded unceremoniously: "I know that you can grow other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige. The Golden-winged Lei Peng, the guardian spirit beast of our Dongfang family, has a trace of the golden-winged Dapeng bloodline, and has grown to The fourth-order mid-grade, Jin Guangpeng, the descendant of Golden-winged Leipeng, flies very fast. The family has formed a Pengwei specially to control Jin Guangpeng. In terms of speed, the Lion Peng beast of the Murong Royal Family of the Dayan Dynasty is comparable to Jin Guangpeng. Besides, there are nine Nascent Soul cultivators in our family, and we will not lose to the Wang family in any way."

"Yes, yes, what Brother Hengyu said is that we shouldn't grow other people's ambitions."

"Yes, our family is much stronger than the Wang family."

Dongfang Hengyu's expression softened, and he ordered, "Okay, let's stop talking, let's continue patrolling!"

Wang Qingling and others stood on the backs of Bingfeng Jiao, the speed of Bingfeng Jiao was very fast, and the wind whistled past, blowing the clothes of the monks to sway, and their expressions were excited.

Wang Yingjie stood in the front position, looking excited.

Wang Qingling brought Wang Yingjie in the Eastern family held a conference on Taoism, which made Wang Yingjie very happy.

Among Wang Qingling's descendants, Wang Yingjie has entered the stage of forming an elixir, and she will naturally bring Wang Yingjie with her.

The Dao Discussion Conference was held for the Yuanying cultivators. The Eastern Family held a Dao Discussion Conference every six hundred years. For some reason, the Dao Discussion Conference was held earlier, which was an opportunity for Wang Yingjie.

Wang Qingling greeted him a long time ago. Wang Yingjie almost went bankrupt and borrowed a lot of money from many of his family members. Only then did he exchange a set of third-order puppet beasts with his family, hoping to exchange good things with other monks, such as knots. Baby spirits or top rare materials.

The last time he exchanged for a fourth-order demon pill and a piece of sea soul jade, he was praised by Wang Changsheng afterwards.

Before long, the speed of the ice wind Jiao slowed down, and an island resembling a giant elephant appeared in front of them.

Icewind Jiao landed on an open area on Walrus Island. A few hundred feet away was a majestic giant city. The city wall was more than a hundred feet high. The city wall reflected a light blue aura. If you look closely, you can see A large number of Lingbei were scattered all over the city wall, and the runes kept flashing.

Above the city gate hangs a blue-light shining plaque with three large golden characters of "Giant Elephant City" written on it.

Wang Qingling and others jumped off the back of the ice wind Jiao, she put away the ice wind Jiao, and the group walked towards the Giant Elephant City.

It didn't take long for them to appear on the spacious and clean streets of Giant Elephant City, which immediately attracted the attention of many monks.

"Look, the Qinglian Wang family is here."

"Tsk tsk, that is Fairy Bailing! I heard that she has a third-order Flood Dragon as a spirit beast, and she made a splash when dealing with aliens."

"The Wang family's complete sets of puppet beasts are famous. I don't know if I can buy two sets of second-order complete sets of puppet beasts from them. It would be good to use them to hunt monsters."


The nearby monks were whispering in low voices, but Wang Yingjie could hear them clearly.

Hearing the words of praise from the monks, he couldn't help showing a proud look on his face. The Wang family did not have the name of a family of immortals, but they already had the reality of a family of immortals.

A group of cultivators soon appeared on the street, headed by a burly old man in white robes with a childlike appearance. He was impressively cultivated in the early Nascent Soul.

Dongfang Liang, one of the eleven Nascent Soul cultivators of the Dongfang family, two of them are unknown and are the hidden power of the Dongfang family.

The overall strength of the Dongfang family can rank in the top three among the top ten immortal clans in the South China Sea. With the Murong clan as an example, none of the top ten immortal clan clans in the South China Sea will confront the top ten sects in the South China Sea, making more friends and less enemies.

The rise of the Wang family is unstoppable, and the Dongfang family has been in contact with the Wang family a lot over the years.

"Fairy Wang, Fellow Daoist Guang, you can count on it. This old man has been waiting for you for a long time. Are you all right?"

Dongfang Liang's tone was warm. He entered the Nascent Soul Stage later than Wang Qingling, and his reputation was not as good as Wang Qingling's. From the outside world, Wang Qingling's strength ranked fourth in the Wang family. The strength will be stronger and should not be underestimated.

Wang Qingling smiled sweetly, and said politely, "I'm worried about you, Taoist friend Dongfang. It took a while to meet the wind on the way. We're not late, right?"

"No, you have worked hard all the way. The old man has already arranged accommodation for you. Tonight, I will hold a banquet for you to catch up with the wind and dust. By the way, I will introduce a few fellow Taoists to you. Please come here."

Dongfang Liang made a gesture of invitation, personally led Wang Qingling and others, and gave the Wang family face.

There are many forces who come to participate in the Daoism Conference, but not all forces can receive a grand reception from Dongfang Liang.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the royal family of Qinglian Island, senior Dongfang personally received it."

"That is, if it is me, I will also host the Wang family cultivators grandly. If Qinglian Immortal Companion enters the late Nascent Soul, I am afraid that the spiritual cultivators will be able to deal with them."

"Hey, the Shen family is getting more and more declining. According to the current drive, the Wang family will replace the Shen family and become a family of cultivators. Fengshui will take turns. There is no undefeated family of cultivators, and there is no immortal cultivator."

The monks on both sides of the street talked non-stop, and in their words, they were very optimistic about the Wang family.

As long as they are not blind, anyone with discernment can see that sooner or later the Wang family will become a family of cultivators, it is only a matter of time.

The northwest corner of Fang is a manor with a size of 100 acres, with rockery gardens, pavilions and pavilions, long corridors and waterside pavilions, Dongfang Liang and others standing in the manor.

"Fairy Wang, Fellow Daoist Guang, are you still satisfied with this cave? If you are not satisfied, the old man will change it for you immediately. When you arrive at Walrus Island, don't be polite, just be your own home."

Dongfang Liang's tone was warm.

"No, it's pretty good here, we just need to stay here, we have Taoist friend Dongfang, if you are free another day, you must visit our Qinglian Island as a guest."

Wang Qingling said politely, she knew very well that Dongfang Liang would not be so enthusiastic about them for no reason.

"Definitely, then you all have a good rest first, and the old man will take care of you in the evening."

Dongfang Liang readily agreed and left with his clan.

"Let's meet fellow Taoist Dongfang for the first time! It's strange that he is so enthusiastic."

Guangdong Ren muttered to himself that this was for Wang Qingling and the others.


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