Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1554: 0 Mile Cloud Dragon

Wang Qingling understood, her face condensed, and she said to the clan: "Be diligent for no reason, if you are a traitor or a thief, you have to be careful in everything, make fewer enemies and make more friends, and don't smear the family, you know?"

"Yes, my ancestor."

The Wang family members agreed in unison, looking respectful.

Wang Qingling instructed them a few words and told them to step back and move freely. She and Guangdong Ren walked towards the main courtyard.

The main courtyard is spacious and clean, with many exotic flowers and plants. What attracted Wang Qingling's attention was that there was a white lake with a size of more than ten acres in the courtyard. Thin ice chips.

"Dongfang Liang has a heart. This is probably prepared for your Ice Wind Jiao."

Guangdong Ren said with a smile, even though he was a hundred feet away, he could feel a biting chill.

None of them practiced ice-attribute exercises, and this ice lake was obviously prepared for the Ice Wind Jiao.

With a flick of Wang Qingling's wrist, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and the ice wind Jiaoyu flew out of the spirit beast bead. It circled over the yard and submerged into the ice lake.


A large amount of lake water splashed and fell to the ground, and the ground quickly froze.

A large number of white spirit fish with golden beards jumped out of the lake, and the ice wind Jiao opened its **** mouth and exhaled a white cold air. The white spirit fish was frozen into a huge block of ice, and the ice wind Jiao swallowed the frozen spirit fish.

It swam around in the ice lake, and white fish jumped out of the lake and were eaten by it.

Bingfeng Jiao let out an excited roar, Wang Qingling could clearly feel that Bingfeng Jiao looked very happy.

Two white spirit fishes with a body length of five feet jumped out of the lake. Their tentacles were about ten feet long. White ice arrows spewed out from their mouths, hitting the ice wind Jiao dragon. There was a muffled sound of "bang bang". Like a tickle, the Ice Wind Jiao was unscathed, its thick tail swept away suddenly, and hit a white spirit fish accurately.

The white spirit fish flew out and smashed into the lake, splashing a lot of lake water. Before it came back to its senses, a large mouth of blood fell from the sky and bit its head off. A third-order fish demon was just like this The ice wind Jiao ate it, and the blood stained a large area of ​​the lake!

"Golden beard ice fish! This kind of spirit fish is not easy to raise! The Dongfang family is so kind?"

Wang Qingling frowned and said, the Wang family once wanted to raise golden-bearded ice fish, but failed to raise it. This kind of spirit fish has delicious meat and is very difficult to raise. Many ice-type spirit beasts like to swallow golden-bearded spirit fish and eat them in large quantities. Ice-type spirit beasts have certain benefits.

The Dongfang family is good at raising spirit fish and cultivating spirit birds. The Dongfang family relies on raising spirit fish to make a fortune, and other spirit fishes are not a problem. It is very difficult to artificially cultivate the golden beard ice fish. The Dongfang family does not sell it easily. The rank puppet beast bought a batch of golden-bearded ice fish from the Dongfang family, and after the ice wind Jiao ate all of them, he was promoted to the third-rank top-rank.

The Binghu and Golden Beard Bingyu were obviously deliberately arranged by the Dongfang family, and the purpose was self-evident, to please Wang Qingling.

Wang Qingling was thinking about deep-seated reasons, whether the Dongfang family wanted to make a deal with the Wang family. As far as she knew, the Wang family had the largest number of third-order flood dragons in the entire South China Sea cultivating world, and some major forces also raised third-order flood dragons, but The number is not as good as the Wang family.

There are fourth-order Flood Dragon forces, only Myriad Beasts Island. Currently, there is no second force in the South China Sea Xiu Xian world that has a fourth-order Flood Dragon.

The children of the Huangfu family once plotted against Wang Qingling's Bingfeng Jiao. Due to the strength of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, the Huangfu family did not forcibly take the Bingfeng Jiao. With the increase of the Wang family's power, no one dared to mention this.

Bingfeng Jiao is Wang Qingling's natal beast. If Bingfeng Jiao is killed, she will also be injured. In this case, she cannot give Bingfeng Jiao to others.

The Wang family's complete sets of puppet beasts are more famous, but third-order puppet beasts are rarely sold. With the strength of the Dongfang family, they should not look down on third-order puppet beasts, unless they are fourth-order puppet beasts.

She participated in the Dao Discussion Conference, and also hoped to get a panacea to help Ice Wind Jiao advance.

Ao Qing's Inner Elixir is too powerful, and it can only be said that Ao Qing's Inner Elixir is of some help to Bingfeng Jiao's advancement.

"Who knows! This Taoism conference may also be an opportunity for us, and it is also an opportunity for Bingfeng Jiao."

Guangdong Ren said with a smile that the biggest purpose of his trip was to get An Ran's baby spirit, and other things were second, and he couldn't bring out anything too precious.


In a small courtyard with green tiles planted with a large number of exotic flowers and plants, a group of pale blue spirit butterflies danced in the sea of ​​flowers.

There is a cyan stone pavilion in the courtyard, Dongfang Liang and a young man in red shirt with handsome features are talking.

The young man in red shirt was tall and burly, his eyes flashed faintly, wearing a red jade crown and a sapphire belt around his waist.

"Fellow Daoist Baili, the people from the Wang family are here. As you expected, Fairy Bailing is leading the team. I thought that Qinglian Fairy would be able to attend the Dao Discussion Conference."

Dongfang Liang said in a slightly disappointed tone.

The catastrophe does not know when it will appear. The Dongfang Family holds a Dao Discussion Conference, mainly to collect all kinds of rare materials, and at the same time to have a good relationship with powerful forces and individuals. General Assembly, really not good, Qinglian Jianzun or Wang Qingling.

"Fairy Bailing's strength is not weak, if her ice wind Jiao enters the fourth rank, I am afraid I am not her opponent."

The young man in red shirt said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Baili is joking, let alone Fairy Bailing, Sword Master Qinglian is not necessarily your opponent."

Dongfang Liang complimented, with a sincere The young man in red shirt, surnamed Baili and named Yunlong, came from the Baili family, one of the top ten immortal cultivators in the South China Sea. The overall strength of the Baili family is somewhat stronger than that of the Dongfang family.

The Baili Family is the longest-running family of the Ten Immortal Cultivators. They are good at alchemy and are famous in the Immortal Cultivation World for their alchemy skills. However, the children of the Baili Family are relatively low-key. Most monks in the Nanhai Immortal Cultivation World have heard of Qinglianxian. Companion, not many monks know about Baili Yunlong.

The Dongfang family and the Baili family are family friends. Others don't know the situation of Baili Yunlong, but Dongfang Liang is very clear.

It is said that Baili Yunlong has some kind of spiritual body, and has practiced fire attribute exercises. He has practiced Taoism for less than 300 years. It is already in the late Nascent Soul. Exist, but there are not many monks who know their existence.

"Qinglian Jianzun! If he comes to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference, I really want to discuss with him, but I want to discuss with Qinglian Immortal Companion the most, but my ancestors repeatedly told me not to let me discuss with other Daoists casually. "

Baili Yunlong sighed, there was a hint of helplessness in his words.


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