Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1556: Daijia

"This is a bottle of diluted ten thousand poison ointment. Ten thousand poison ointment is a kind of spiritual thing of heaven and earth. Poisonous insects and poisonous beasts like it the most, and it has certain benefits for them to advance."

Dongfang Shiyu explained that the poison of the ten thousand poison is too strong, not much worse than the ten poisons, even the Yuanying cultivator dare not touch the ten thousand poison, and the ten thousand poison can be used for alchemy and refining equipment, and can also be used to form formations. , but the quantity is scarce, and the toxicity is too strong, alchemists often dilute the ten thousand poison paste to use.

"Diluted ten thousand poisonous pulp!"

Wang Yingjie was a little disappointed, if he didn't have the diluted Ten Thousand Poison Pulp, he would still be interested.

The most valuable thing on him is the set of puppet beasts, which are worth millions of spirit stones, so naturally he needs to exchange some good things.

What Dongfang Shiyu brought out was not bad, but it wasn't what Wang Yingjie needed, and it wasn't that Wang Yingjie wasn't interested.

More than a dozen cultivators talked to Dongfang Shiyu through voice transmission, took out treasures and exchanged them with Dongfang Shiyu. Dongfang Shiyu exchanged several good things with a strong smile on his face.

The monks took turns to show the treasures one after another, and said what they wanted to exchange. Most of the things they wanted to exchange were pills, followed by magic weapons, high-level talismans, or formations and other things that could improve their personal strength. Only some monks went well. Exchange for what you need.

After a cup of tea, Wang Yingjie took out four metal **** with sparkling aura. Each ball had a different color and was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns.

The four elephant puppet beasts can set up four sets of demon killing formations, which can be controlled by two cultivators.

Every puppet beast is a low-grade third-order beast. The price of this set of puppet beasts is about 3.5 million spirit stones. In order to exchange for this third-order puppet beast, he almost went bankrupt and borrowed a large amount of money from many of his peers. Pen stone.

If he can't get what he likes, Wang Yingjie can return the four elephant puppet beast to the family and exchange most of the property.

If he succeeds, he may become the second hero of the selected family, and he has a greater chance of entering the Nascent Soul period. If he relies on his own strength, it is impossible to enter the Nascent Soul period, unless he wants Huang Fugui to have great luck. Get property worth tens of millions of spirit stones.

"A complete set of puppet beasts? It's still Tier 3!"

Dongfang Shiyu's eyes flashed with surprise, and his breathing became heavy. There are not many forces selling Tier 3 puppet beasts in the South China Sea Xiuxian Realm. The most famous is the Shenbing Palace, one of the top ten sects, followed by Qinglian Island. The Wang family, the complete set of puppet beasts of the Wang family is powerful, and the flaws are also obvious, which consumes a lot of consciousness.

The Wang family rarely sells complete sets of third-order puppet beasts. A low-grade third-order puppet beast sells for 700,000 spirit stones, and a complete set of puppet beasts is more expensive.

The set of puppet beasts that Wang Yingjie took out can sell 3.5 million spirit stones at least, but this is a huge sum of money, and the cultivators present can collect it.

"In exchange for the fourth-order thunder attribute demon pill, the ice attribute Jiaolong demon pill, rare refining materials, or materials of equal value."

Wang Yingjie said loudly that he knew that the cultivators present could not come up with anything to exchange for the Four Elephant Puppet Beast, but if a few cultivators gathered together, they should be able to get it together.

The cultivators present were all interested in this set of Tier 3 puppet beasts, especially Miao Yunwei.

The Miao family had two Nascent Soul cultivators, but the number of cultivators was relatively small, and there were not many masters. Buying this set of Tier 3 puppet beasts could enhance the family's heritage, but he couldn't come up with what Wang Yingjie wanted.

The monks sent voice transmissions to Wang Yingjie and took out the treasures for Wang Yingjie to check.

The things that these monks brought out were good, such as medicinal pills, secret talismans, fourth-order formations, etc. to improve their mana. Wang Yingjie was a little tempted, but he didn't exchange anything he wanted.

Seeing that no one came out with what he wanted, Wang Yingjie was a little disappointed, put away the four elephant puppet beast, and sat back in place. Miao Yunwei stepped forward and took out more than a dozen materials to exchange. He wanted to exchange alchemy materials, seven or eight. A hundred-year-old elixir or a third-order demon pill can be used.

Miao Yunwei successfully changed to a few third-order demon pills, and his face was full of joy, in sharp contrast to Wang Yingjie, who was full of disappointment.

An hour later, the exchange meeting was over. Most of the monks exchanged what they needed, with faint smiles on their faces.

After chatting for half an hour, the cultivators left one after another and went back to their homes. Wang Yingjie walked out of the attic glumly, and Miao Yunwei chased after him.

"Friend Wang Dao, stay."

"Friend Miao, what advice do you have?"

Wang Yingjie asked politely, a trace of anticipation rose in his heart.

"Nothing, meeting is fate, let's go shopping together!"

Miao Yunwei said enthusiastically that the influence of the Wang family in the world of immortal cultivation in the South China Sea is not small.

Miao Jiale and Wang Qingshan knew each other, but their friendship was not deep. After all, the two did not have much contact.

Wang Yingjie was a little disappointed, nodded, and the two wandered around in Fangshi. With the approaching of the Daoist Conference, the number of monks in Fangshi increased sharply. These monks came from all over the world, and most of them were monks from the Nanhai Cultivation World.

After a cup of tea, Wang Yingjie and Miao Yunwei appeared in a thousand-acre bluestone There were a lot of stalls in the square. The stalls had a variety of things, most of which were ordinary goods.

Wang Yingjie and Miao Yunwei chatted while looking at the goods on the stall.

After a circle, they saw a lot of strange things, and there were not many things that interest them.

"Friend Miao, what a coincidence!"

A silver bell-like female voice suddenly sounded, Miao Yunwei looked at the source of the voice and saw a young girl with a graceful figure and gorgeous facial features.

The young girl was wearing a long blue dress, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, full of femininity.

"Friend Miao, who is this?"

Wang Yingjie asked casually.

"This is Fairy Dai, Fairy Dai was born in the Dai family in Qingfeng Mountain, and the Dai family is a family friend with our Miao family.

Miao Yunwei enthusiastically introduced that the Dai family has been inherited for more than 3,000 years, and almost became a king of different surnames in its heyday, but the Dai family has fallen, and there are no Yuanying monks in the clan.

"Under Wang Yingjie, I met Fairy Dai."

Wang Yingjie greeted politely. He had never been to the Central Plains Xiu Xianjie, nor had he heard of the Dai family.

"It turned out to be friend Wang Dao, disrespectful and disrespectful."

The girl in the green skirt said enthusiastically, with a warm tone.

The Wang family is thriving and the Dai family is declining, so she naturally hopes to befriend Wang Yingjie.

"Let's find a place to chat! It's okay to be idle anyway."

Wang Yingjie suggested, Miao Yunwei and the two agreed.

Half an hour later, the three of them appeared in the box of a tea house.

The three were chatting over tea. During the chat, Wang Yingjie learned that the girl in the green skirt was called Dai Ruoyun. She was the only daughter of the head of the Dai family and the best choice for the next head of the Dai family.


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