Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1557: Shark Pearl, Yan Guang, Ao Xin, Wu Yaoer

The Dai family originally had Yuanying monks. More than a hundred years ago, Zhou Sihong broke out of the seal and made a scene in the Dayan Dynasty, killing more than a dozen Yuanying monks. The ancestor of the Dai family was unfortunately killed. Since then, the Dai family has officially Going downhill, Nanhai has abundant resources for cultivating immortals, and the Dai family has also placed people in the Nanhai cultivating world. Dai Ruoyun personally led people to participate in the conference on Taoism, hoping to get a baby spirit or a treasure of great power.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there are quite a few monks coming to this conference on Taoism. The Dongfang family will hold a large auction. Has your Wang family put out any good things for auction? Is it inconvenient for you to reveal some inside information?"

Dai Ruoyun jokingly said that even if there was an auction of baby-born spirits, the Dai family might not be able to buy them. The Wang family's complete sets of puppet beasts are famous in the South China Sea Xiu Xian world, but the Wang family would not easily sell third-order sets of puppet beasts.

"Our family has prepared a set of five-element puppet beasts. This is a complete set of puppet beasts, which the ancestors personally refined. Each puppet beast is a third-order top-grade, and it is fully driven to resist the monks in the early Nascent Soul. , is naturally not the opponent of the Yuanying cultivator."

Wang Yingjie's face was full of pride. As far as he knew, the five-element puppet beast was refined by Wang Changsheng himself, and he could play a few tricks with the Yuanying cultivator, but a dandan cultivator could not control it.

"Five-element puppet beast!"

Miao Yunwei and Dai Ruoyun looked at each other, both of them were very interested.

The difficulty of refining fourth-order puppet beasts is relatively high, mainly because the materials are difficult to find. There are no fourth-order puppet beasts for sale on the market. The five-element puppet beasts that can resist Nascent Soul cultivators are made by Master Taihao himself, and the quality is sure. no problem.

But soon, the two of them were full of sad faces. The five-element puppet beast that could resist the Nascent Soul cultivator was definitely not cheap. They couldn't get so many spiritual stones on them.

"The Five Elements Puppet Beast personally refined by Master Taihao must be very powerful, but unfortunately we missed it."

Miao Yunwei sighed, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"That's not necessarily true. The difficulty of refining the five-element puppet beast is relatively high. Our family intends to exchange some special materials, such as the fourth-order ice-type dragon's demon pill, the fourth-order thunder-type monster bird demon pill, and the fourth-order wood demon. nuclei or other rare refining materials."

Wang Yingjie explained that the Wang family is not short of spirit stones now, but the rare materials for refining and demon pills. After Wang Changsheng was able to refine the fourth-order puppet beast, he would not look down on the five-element puppet beast. Wang Qingling wanted to exchange the Five Elements puppet beast for some rare materials.

The big forces may not be willing to exchange rare materials for the Five Elements puppet beasts, and not necessarily the small forces like the Dai family.

Dai Ruoyun heard this, a pair of clear phoenix eyes suddenly brightened, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"I have a set of Four Elephant Puppet Beasts on me, which is not as powerful as the Five Element Puppet Beasts, but it is not a problem to deal with five or six Pill Formation Cultivators under the control of two Pill Formation Cultivators."

Wang Yingjie meant something, and his eyes fell on Dai Ruoyun.

Dai Ruoyun smiled without saying a word. The biggest purpose of her trip was to conjure up baby spirits, followed by powerful treasures.

Wang Yingjie suddenly took out a gleaming azure dharma plate, frowned, and clasped his fists and said, "Sorry, two fellow Daoists, I'm in a hurry, so I'll take my leave."

Dai Ruoyun and He Yunwei quickly got up to see each other, not daring to neglect.

After walking out of the teahouse, Wang Yingjie quickly returned to his residence.

"Hey, why did the barbarians and the sea clan also send people over?"

When Wang Yingjie passed a blue attic with carved beams and painted buildings, he was surprised to find that there were a barbarian and a sea at the entrance of the attic.

Hundreds of years ago, the demon clan, the sea clan, and the barbarian clan joined forces to cause heavy casualties to the people of the South China Sea. Unexpectedly, the barbarian clan and the sea clan also sent people to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference, and most of the high-level people reached a reconciliation.

He didn't think much, and quickened his pace.

In the blue attic, a hot girl in a blue dress was talking to a burly red-robed man.

The girl in the blue dress is tall and tall, with a few light blue scales on her arms and light blue eyes. She is the sea clan saint, the shark pearl. In the late Yuanying period, she chased down Qinglian immortal companions in her early years.

The red-robed man wore a red earring on his left ear, his hands and feet were thick, and his eyes shone faintly with a gleam of fire.

"The scale of this Taoist discussion conference held by the Dongfang family is unprecedented. Both of our clans have sent people here. If the demon clan does not send people over, is it possible that the senior Ao of the demon clan is gone?"

Shark Pearl frowned and asked.

"It's possible, according to what my ancestor told me, Senior Ao is more than three thousand years old, and the human race's god-turning cultivator is only two thousand years old. If Senior Ao is still there, the demon clan will not be unable to unify their voices. , Or, Senior Ao has other plans."

Yan Guang guessed that after Ao Qing disappeared, the demon clan fell into a leaderless state, and the seven major demon clan fought frequently, but they exercised restraint, and the high-level did not end.

There are three possibilities, either the demon clan cannot contact the god-turning cultivator in the clan, or the god-turning cultivator in the clan has fallen, or there are other plans.

Sharma Mingzhu shook his head and said, "Who knows! Senior Ao has a very close relationship with Senior Tiger from Donghuang. As long as the Donghuang demon clan is still, they will not sit back and watch the Nanhai demon clan die."

"Do the two fellow Daoists know much about our demon clan?"

A somewhat playful male voice suddenly sounded.

Shaming Pearl and Yanguang's expressions changed, and they looked towards the door. As soon as the door opened, a young man in a golden shirt with piercing eyes and bright eyes walked in, and a young girl in a silver skirt with a hot figure walked in. The breath of people is weaker than that of Shaming Pearl and Yanguang.

The young man in the golden shirt is an elite disciple of the Jiaolong clan, Ao Qing's great-grandson Ao Xin, in the middle of Yuan Ying.

The girl in the silver skirt is Wu Yao'er from the Wufeng clan. She was seriously injured by Wang Changsheng during the war. She has cultivated for many years. She is currently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"Why are you here? Who among you represents the demon clan?"

Sharma Mingzhu said in surprise, her eyes full of confusion.

Could it be that the cultivator of the demon race is back? There were still a lot of gaps between the seven major demon clans before, and no one was convinced.

"Can you come? Why can't we come?"

Ao Xin's tone was indifferent. Jiaolong's physical body was notoriously powerful. 1 Even though he was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he was not afraid of the late stage of Nascent Soul.

"It's a bit boring to stay in the clan for a long time. The ancestors asked me to come and see the world."

Wu Yao'er stretched her waist, her face full of satisfaction.

"Fairy Wu, you were seriously injured by Daoist Master Taihao, and you haven't shown up for a long time. I heard that the Dongfang family invited Wang's family to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference, aren't you afraid of meeting Qinglian Immortal Companion? You can't even handle Taihao Master. Not to mention dealing with Qinglian Immortal Companion."

Yan Guang laughed and joked.

"That was before. If Qinglian Immortal Companion wanted to learn from each other, my little sister would accompany her."

Wu Yaoer's tone was indifferent. When she mentioned this matter, she became angry. If Wang Changsheng hadn't severely injured her, she might have entered the late Nascent Soul.

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