Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1568: Level 4 Jiaolong Yaodan

East Wilderness, Taiyi Immortal Gate.

In the Taiyi Hall, Zhang Zhanfeng and a dozen elders were discussing something, and everyone's expressions were solemn.

Suddenly, a burly young man in yellow robe walked in quickly. It was Huang Youxin, Huang Fugui's grand-nephew.

With the help of Huang Fugui, Huang Youxin successfully entered the stage of forming pills, and is already on the sixth floor of pill forming, responsible for general affairs.

"Master Master, Qinglian Immortal Companion is here, please show Master Master."

Huang Youxin said respectfully, because of Huang Fugui's relationship, he could also talk to Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Zhang Zhanfeng was not surprised, he said to the elders, "I'll talk about this today, you all go back! Junior nephew Huang, you can invite Qinglian Immortal Companion here, you can't be neglected."

"Yes, Senior Brother Sect Master (Sect Master Sect Master)."

The monks withdrew one after another, leaving Zhang Zhanfeng alone.

Not long after, a blue light flew in, and it was a blue lotus seat, with Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan standing on the seat.

Wang Changsheng's incarnation, Wang Xin, stayed outside and did not follow.

"Friend Zhang, long time no see."

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists and said in a warm tone.

After they left Chongyang Mountain, they traveled all the way, and it took several years before they came to Donghuang.

Zhang Zhanfeng felt the powerful breath emanating from Wang Ruyan, his eyes flashed with surprise, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Wang has entered the late Nascent Soul? Congratulations!"

Wang Ruyan nodded with a smile, and said, "We passed by Donghuang and came to visit your sect on purpose. If it wasn't for the mundane affairs, we would have come a long time ago."

Taiyi Xianmen gave the Wang family a lot of help. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan wanted to come to thank them for a long time, but they were troubled by various things before and could not get out.

Zhang Zhanfeng nodded, he flipped his palm, the cyan light flashed, a cyan jade box the size of a palm appeared in his hand, he opened the jade box, inside was a snow-white demon pill, there were some cyan lines on the surface of the demon pill, exuding A strange fragrance.

"This is a fourth-order snow wind dragon's inner core, which will help the third-order Jiaolong to hit the fourth-order."

Zhang Zhanfeng's eyes were fixed on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. As we all know, Wang Qingling has an ice-type dragon.

Over the years, the Wang family has been looking for a panacea to help Jiaolong advance, and Taiyi Xianmen has also heard a little about it.

To be honest, there is a fourth-order Flood Dragon Inner Pill, and the third-order Flood Dragon does not necessarily advance to the fourth rank, it can only be said to be of some help.

Wang Changsheng's face became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, we are acquaintances. If we have something to say, it doesn't matter."

"I heard that Daoyou Wang's clansmen have entered the Feixian Ruins. I want to use this demon pill to exchange something with Daoyou Wang, how about it?"

Zhang Zhanfeng said with a smile, as we all know, the South China Sea is the origin of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, and it is also the place with the most abundant resources for immortal cultivation in the Dongli Realm. Among them, Feixian Market and Zhenxian Pagoda are particularly famous.

Town Immortal Pagoda can connect with spiritual treasures, and Feixian Market is said to be a small world.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a while, and took out three things, a piece of 10,000-year-old ghost yin wood, a section of six pure bamboos, and a piece of coral crystal. These are relatively rare materials in the outside world, and he has not obtained many high-year elixir.

These three materials were more than enough for the fourth-order Flood Dragon Demon Pill. Zhang Zhanfeng did not take out other items to exchange, but directly took out the Inner Pill of the Ice Attribute Flood Dragon. The meaning is unclear.

"Deal, this demon pill belongs to you, I hope Fairy Bailing's Jiaolong can advance to the fourth rank."

Zhang Zhanfeng said with a smile, and handed the demon pill to Wang Changsheng.

The three materials that Wang Changsheng took out were indeed rare, but Zhang Zhanfeng deliberately took out the fourth-order ice attribute Jiaolong Yaodan, and also wanted to sell it to the Wang family.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhang."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the demon pill. With this demon pill and Ao Qing's inner pill, he believed that Bingfeng Jiao had a high chance of advancing to the fourth rank.

"Qingling will be very happy if she sees this demon pill, thank you very much, fellow Daoist Zhang."

Wang Ruyan said gratefully that the Wang family's influence spreads all over the Dongli Realm, but there are still many gaps between the Wang family and Taiyi Xianmen.

Taiyi Xianmen obtained a fourth-order Jiaolong demon pill, which was easier than the Wang family.

Zhang Zhanfeng put away the three materials, smiled slightly, and said: "Wang Daoyou, Mrs. Wang, you are too polite, by the way, Xu Zihua left a last word before sitting down, and he said that you owe him a request."

"If it is requested by Daoyou Xu, we will try our best to do it."

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists and said, thanks to Xu Zihua's protection, Wang Changsheng was able to enter the stage of forming a pill.

"Master Xu's request is very simple, let you take good care of Master Wang's only son, hey, their master and apprentice are just as carved out of a mold."

Zhang Zhanfeng sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment. He thought that Xu Zihua would make excessive demands. Even if he didn't say anything, Wang Changsheng would take good care of Wang Changjie.

"Don't worry, Daoyou Zhang, we will take good care of Brother Changjie."

Wang Changsheng agreed with a mouthful of words, this was just a little effort for him.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, Madam Wang, you should have heard of it! There will be a catastrophe in the Dongli world. No one knows exactly what it is. You have great luck, be careful, and you are not allowed to be attacked by others. , kill the chickens to warn the monkeys."

Zhang Zhanfeng exhorted, in a stern tone.

Great luck also represents great catastrophe. The Four Seasons Sword Sovereign is also a great luck person. The Immortal Demon War was besieged by many powerful enemies. Fortunately, the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign has survived, and Taiyi Immortal Sect has thus become a great immortal cultivator in Donghuang.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's expressions became solemn. They also thought about it. The bark of the human shadow tree and the name of Qinglian Xianlu have spread all over the Dongli Realm. If aliens invaded, it would be fake to not target Qinglian Xianlu. .

There are six monks in Dongli Realm who have a vision, which in itself is a warning.

"We have also thought about this issue, thank you Zhang Daoyou for your suggestion."

Wang Changsheng thanked him and said that there is nothing to do now. He plans to retreat and practice for a period of time and strive to enter the late Nascent Soul. This time, if he does not enter the late Nascent Soul, he will definitely not go out.

He and Wang Ruyan are both in the late Nascent Soul, as long as they don't make a move, I believe no one can do anything to them.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left. They went to offer incense to Xu Zihua. They wanted to visit Su Bingbing and Ximenfeng, but Su Bingbing was in retreat and Ximenfeng went out and did not return.

Wang Changsheng gave Zhang Zhanfeng a piece of property and asked him to hand it over to Su Bingbing. In any case, Su Bingbing was Wang Changxue's daughter. In Wang Changxue's face, Wang Changsheng would take more care of Su Bingbing.

After leaving Taiyi Immortal Gate, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Wang Xin rushed to Qinglian Villa. Qinglian Villa has a teleportation array that can be directly transmitted to the coral sea.

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