Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1569: Situ Mei joins the enemy

South China Sea, Wulong Sea, Qinglian Island.

A azure light flew from the distant sky, and it didn't take long for the azure light to stop near Qinglian Island.

In a flash of blue light, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Wang Xin appeared. They stood on the Qinglian Dharma Seat with joy on their faces.

They have been traveling for nearly 20 years this time, and they have finally returned.

When Wang Changsheng's magic tactic was pinched, the Qinglian Dharma throne rose and flew into Qinglian Island.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared at Qinglian Peak.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk and contacted Wang Mengfen, asking about the current situation of the family, especially Wang Qingqing's situation.

"Old Ancestor, everything is fine in the family, Qingqing ancestors and Qingjun ancestors are still in retreat."

Wang Mengfen answered truthfully, that Wang Qingjun and Wang Qingqing have been in retreat for more than 70 years. According to the records of the classics, it was only after 150 years that the cultivator Jiedan retreated to attract the celestial phenomenon of Jieying. Wang Qingqing and Wang Qingjun were nothing.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan sank in their hearts, this is not good news.

"By the way, what happened to Qingling?"

Wang Changsheng asked about Wang Qingling's situation, and they got the fourth-order Jiaolong Yaodan, which happened to be used by Bingfeng Jiao.

"The ancestors of Qingling are in retreat, and the ancestors of Qingshan are also in retreat."

When the catastrophe will come, the Wang family is also preparing for the battle, and most of the high-level monks of the Wang family are retreating to a higher realm.

"Understood, don't work too hard, spend more time on cultivation."

Wang Changsheng exhorted a few words and put away the communication disk.

He took out the Jiaolong Demon Pill, handed it to Wang Ruyan, and said, "Madam, I plan to retreat to the late Nascent Soul. Give this Pill to Qingling. I hope Bingfeng Jiao can advance to the fourth rank."

Wang Ruyan doesn't plan to retreat immediately. She plans to continue making talismans and strive to refine the five elements of talisman soldiers of the Nascent Soul period. At this Taoism conference, the Wang family has collected a lot of rare materials, plus the materials collected over the years, she is confident Refining the Five Elements Talisman of the Nascent Soul Period.

Wang Ruyan nodded and accepted the Dragon Demon Pill.

Wang Changsheng released the tortoise and the wood demon and let them move freely in the yard.

When he came to the basement, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, he closed his eyes and rested.

After a quarter of an hour, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes and adjusted his condition to the best. He took out a light blue jade bottle and punched a magic formula. The blue liquid flew out, wrapping Wang Changsheng's body.

He slowly closed his eyes, ran the exercises, and started to practice.

Before long, a large blue glow appeared on the surface of his body, covering his entire body.


Bailing Peak, Wang Ruyan stood in the void out of thin air, and she sent Wang Qingling a message.

It didn't take long for Wang Qingling to fly out of her residence, her face full of joy.

"Aunt Jiu, you're back, where's Uncle Jiu!"

Wang Qingling smiled when she saw Wang Ruyan.

"Your ninth uncle has retreated, and he asked me to give you this fourth-order Jiaolong Yaodan, hoping to help the ice wind Jiao advance."

While talking, Wang Ruyan took out a jade box and handed it to Wang Qingling.

Wang Qingling opened the jade box and saw the demon pill inside. He was overjoyed and said excitedly, "Thank you, Nine Uncles and Aunts. With this demon pill, Xiaobai has a higher chance of advancing to the fourth rank."

Two fourth-order Jiaolong demon pills, one of which is the fourth-order high-grade Jiaolong demon pill, plus other ice-type spirits, as long as Bingfeng Jiao is not too useless, he can advance to fourth-order.

Wang Ruyan smiled indifferently and said, "As long as you help Bingfeng Jiao, you don't need to see outsiders."

Wang Qingling invited Wang Ruyan to the residence. Wang Ruyan was surprised to find that the ice wind Jiao was lying in the ice lake, and the whole lake was frozen.

Most of the yard was frozen, and the nostrils of Bingfengjiao kept spewing cold air, and the ice layer spread.

"Xiaobai ate that fourth-order high-grade demon pill, and he has already fallen asleep. If he eats this fourth-order Jiaolong demon pill, he will sleep more deeply."

Wang Qingling said, walking to Bingfeng Jiao's side, she opened Bingfeng Jiao's big mouth and threw the demon pill into its mouth.

"Two demon pills, it should be able to advance to the fourth rank, I don't know how long it will sleep."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, she left after chatting with Wang Qingling for a while.

Wang Qingling looked at the sleeping Bingfeng Jiao and said to himself, "Xiao Bai, you must advance to the fourth rank, this is our agreement."

Bingfeng Jiao turned around, the ice surface shattered, its nostrils spewed out a vast white cold air, and its eyes were tightly closed.

Wang Qingling sighed lightly and walked towards the attic not far away.


The Central Plains, the Dayan Dynasty, is a vast and boundless yellow desert, with raging winds and yellow sand flying all over the sky.

Under the ground, there is a cave with a size of several acres, and the stone walls of the cave are covered with mysterious yellow runes.

Situ Meipan sat on a yellow magic circle that was more than ten feet long, with a ruddy face. On the opposite side of her was an old man in yellow robes who was as thin as a bamboo pole and had oddly small eyes.

"Thanks to the pills you gave, I've almost recovered. What do you want me to do for you, just tell me!"

Situ Mei's tone was flat, and it was naturally not something that one person could do to save her from under the eyes of Zhou Ningshuang and the three of them.

"Hey, this old man likes to deal with smart people. We need to sacrifice a few treasures and need the blood of the Nascent Soul cultivator. How about you help us kill other Nascent Soul cultivators? Let me remind you, as long as I have a thought, I will eat the baby. The worm will swallow your Nascent Soul, if you kill me, the baby-devouring worm will also swallow your Nascent Soul, don't think about playing tricks."

The old man in yellow robe said with a chuckle, the threat of threat was undoubtedly revealed.

"Kill me! Treat me as a fool? Kill if you want! I hate being used as a fool the most."

Situ Mei's tone was calm, with a light-hearted look.

Let her act as a thug, but without clarifying her origin and purpose, she made it clear that if she wanted to kill her, she would have to die sooner or later. Situ Mei would rather die early than complete the other party.

The old man in yellow robe frowned, and a silver bell-like female voice suddenly sounded: "Our purpose is very simple, to kill the Nascent Soul cultivator and sacrificing treasures, you help us, we can help you deal with the Sun Moon Palace, the Sun Moon Palace offers a heavy reward. After arresting you, you don't want to take revenge on the Sun Moon Palace?"

As soon as the words fell, a yellow light emerged from the stone wall, and Song Yuzhen walked in with an indifferent expression.

Hearing the words "Sun Moon Palace", Situ Mei was a little moved.

"Are you worried that we will kill you afterwards? We want to kill you, and we can kill you now. We tried our best to save you, but not for you to help kill a few Nascent Soul cultivators. There is no room for you in Dongli Realm. Now, you can think about it, there is only one chance, if you don’t cooperate, some people will cooperate with us.”

Song Yuzhen said slowly, her tone flat.

"I can cooperate with you, but I have a condition. You help me hit one of the Sun and Moon Sages. It's better to kill them."

A cold light flashed in Situ Mei's eyes, and his face was full of killing intent.

Song Yuzhen gave her a roll of eyes and scolded her unceremoniously: "With that ability, we still need your help? We can help you deal with the Sun Moon Palace and kill several Nascent Soul monks in the Sun Moon Palace. This is our bottom line. "

"In the deal, in addition to the Sun Moon Palace, there are also the Dayan Dynasty, the Murong Royal Family, the Jiuyou Sect, the Sanyan Palace, and the Shengfu Palace. I will not spare any of the forces and individuals who have participated in dealing with me, haha."

Situ Mei said with a wicked smile, she was seriously injured this time, even if she It is almost impossible for her to advance to the late Nascent Soul. In this case, she will break the jar and pull it up before she dies. The enemy backs up.

She is not good, and she will not make others feel good.

It is better for me to bear the world's people than the world's people to bear me.

"No problem, we appreciate you for that, because we are one kind of people."

Song Yuzhen said with a smile, a look of anticipation in her eyes.

"You should recuperate at ease! When you are completely healed, let's deal with the Sun Moon Palace."

After Song Yuzhen said this, she turned and left.

"You are otherworldly monks?"

Situ Mei suddenly said this.

The old man in yellow robe looked as usual and did not answer.

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