Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1570: 30 years

Spring comes and autumn comes, and cold comes and summer comes. Thirty years have passed quickly.

South China Sea, Qinglian Island.

In the council hall, Wang Mengfen was holding a clan meeting, with more than 20 clan elders participating, and each clan elder's expression was extremely solemn.

Decades ago, the Eastern family held a conference on Taoism. The human race and the alien race reached a certain agreement, and the relationship was eased. High-level monks were not allowed to hunt and kill fourth-order monsters. Violators were severely punished. In addition, the human race. All forces are strictly forbidden to attack each other, and Yuan Ying cultivators are not allowed to fight casually between life and death.

After the Dao Discussion Conference, let alone fourth-order monsters, third-order monsters are rare, and the income of the major forces in the South China Sea has dropped sharply. , Going to sea for several years may not be able to find a third-order monster, the income has decreased, and the training speed has naturally slowed down.

The number of high-level monsters has dropped sharply, and the Wang family has shifted its focus to the northern border and the central plains. The income has been affected to a certain extent, but the impact is not large.

"Patriarch, there are currently six Nascent Soul cultivators in our clan, fifty-seven cultivators of Pill Formation, and a total of 14,300 cultivators from the South China Sea, 80% of which are concentrated in the Wulong Sea Area."

The development trend of the Wang family is good, but the growth of high-level monks is slow. With more resources, the number of monks is scarce. Now the number of monks is increasing, and the resources for immortal cultivation are becoming less and less. There are more monks and less porridge. The growth rate of high-level monks naturally slows down.

"Patriarch, we currently have eleven third-order Jiaolongs. Not long ago, there was a Lei Jiaolong, which was sent to Meng Bin's ancestors."

Wang Mengbin practiced the thunder system, and it was more appropriate for him to be driven by Lei Jiao.

"Tell the family, we currently have an island..."

A huge thunder sounded, the wind rolled back, and colorful auras suddenly appeared in the void.

Wang Mengfen flew out of the conference hall for the first time. He looked at the five-colored aura in the void and looked excited.

"Juying Tianxiang, haha, that's great."

Wang Mengfen laughed and said excitedly.

Needless to say, the celestial phenomenon of Jie Ying was brought in by Wang Qingqing or Wang Qingjun. If you count the time, they have been in retreat for a hundred years, and it is time to attract the celestial phenomenon of Jie Ying.

The small half of Qinglian Island was shrouded in five-colored spiritual light, and a large number of monks of the Wang family were alarmed, but soon some clan elders came out to maintain order and prevent them from getting close to the place where Lei Jie was located.

A huge thundercloud suddenly appeared over Qinglian Island, with lightning and thunder, and the roar continued.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, a huge black thundercloud appeared in the other direction, with lightning and thunder, and silver thunder snakes could be seen walking non-stop in the thundercloud.

"Two groups of thunderclouds, it seems that Qingjun ancestors and Qingqing ancestors attracted thunderstorms at the same time. I hope they can survive the Nascent Soul period."

Wang Mengfen said to himself, his eyes fixed on the two thunderclouds high in the sky, his eyes were full of worry.

Two people in the Wang family failed to conceive a baby, namely Wang Mingren and Wang Huati. I wonder if Wang Qingqing and Wang Qingjun would succeed.

In a secluded small courtyard with green tiles, Fairy Cailian stood in a blue stone pavilion, looking at the two thunderclouds high in the sky, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Great-grandfather is right. People close to those who are lucky can get some luck. Good luck and misfortune depend on it. Great luck often represents a catastrophe."

Fairy Cailian said to herself, her face dignified.

In a certain secret room, Wang Qingqing sat cross-legged on a futon with his eyes closed, with a porcelain vase and two jade boxes placed in front of him.

Suddenly, she frowned, and then, her facial features twisted, as if suffering some kind of pain.

In another secret room, Wang Qingjun was sitting cross-legged on the ground. A large number of mysterious red runes were inscribed on the stone wall. The fire spirit here was abundant, which was very suitable for Wang Qingjun to practice.

He closed his eyes tightly, frowned, sweat oozes from his forehead, clenched his teeth, and seemed to be facing something terrifying.

On Qinglian Peak, Wang Ruyan stood on the eaves of a blue pavilion, looking at Wang Qingqing's residence from a distance, her face full of worry.

"It's been over a hundred years, Qingqing, you have finally attracted the celestial phenomenon of a baby."

Wang Ruyan muttered to himself, and his tone revealed a bit of worry.

A quarter of an hour later.


A deafening roar came from high up in the sky, and the spiritual energy in a radius of hundreds of miles converged under the two thunderclouds, turning into two huge aura vortexes, and the spiritual energy vortex slowly fell towards the ground.

Wang Ruyan's heart tightened, his eyes fixed on the vortex of spiritual energy.

Under her gaze, the aura vortex slowly disappeared into Wang Qingqing's residence.

After half a quarter of an hour, the two aura vortexes disappeared, and the two thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently, with lightning and thunder, and a huge thunder sounded, and two thick lightnings flew out and slashed downward.


A huge thunder sounded, and a dazzling silver thunder light flooded the two courtyards.

Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of the dangling heart. After the calamity of the heart, thunder calamity is not a big problem.


Central Plains, Dayan Dynasty.

Lingzhou, as the name suggests, is full of spiritual energy, rich in products and outstanding people.

The Bailing Mountains are located in the northwest corner of Lingzhou, stretching for millions of miles. This place is covered by thick fog all the year round. The woodcutter or hunter accidentally breaks into the depths of the mountain range, and will spin around in place, unable to go out until he wakes up the next day and appears in the mountain range. Outside, it is said that the depths of the mountains are where the gods live.

What ordinary people do not know is that this is a secret place of the royal family, used to entertain high-level monks.

Deep in the mountains, there is a towering giant peak that towers into the sky. There are pavilions and palaces on the giant peak, and the buildings spread from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain is a huge bluestone square, on which stands more than a dozen pavilions and palaces with carved beams and painted buildings.

In a five-story cyan pavilion, Zhou Ningshuang is playing chess with Li Jiong. Li Jiong has been busy catching Situ Mei these years, but unfortunately, no matter how much the bounty is mentioned, Situ Mei has not been found.

"It seems that Situ Mei is not in the Cultivation World in the Central Plains. It's time for this old man to leave. Thank you for the hospitality of the eldest princess. In the future, when the eldest princess is a guest in the South China Sea, the old man represents the Sun Moon Palace and will definitely welcome her."

Li Jiong said politely, Zhou Ningshuang did a lot of help, and this favor should be repaid.

Zhou Ningshuang nodded and said, "Sure, I'll send you off, Fellow Daoist Li."

At this moment, a deafening thunder sounded, and the wind was blowing. The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and a large number of five-colored auras appeared in the void.

Li Jiong was a little surprised, but he quickly reacted and clasped his fists to congratulate him: "Jieying Tianxiang! Congratulations! Princess, it seems that you have another Yuanying cultivator in the Dayan royal family."

Zhou Ningshuang smiled lightly and said, "Young Daoyou Li is being polite, and it is not our royal family that attracted Jieying Tianxiang, but Wang Wen, the deputy commander of Wanxiansi."

Wang Wen, whose real name is Wang Tianwen, was born in the royal family of Qinglian Island.

Naturally, Zhou Ningshuang would not tell Li Jiong these words.

Li Jiong didn't think much about it, he said goodbye and left. He wanted to rush back to Nanhai to report to the two palace to see if there was any way to find Situ Mei. After sending Li Jiong away, Zhou Ningshuang looked at Leiyun high in the sky with a happy expression on her face.

"Wang family, will it be the next Taiyi Immortal Sect? It seems that luck can't be underestimated."

Zhou Ningshuang said to himself that the Sword Sovereign of the Four Seasons is also a person of great luck. Because of the Sword Sovereign of the Four Seasons, the Taiyi Immortal Gate has its current status. Judging from various signs, the Wang family is likely to be the next Taiyi Immortal Gate. .

A quarter of an hour later, accompanied by a huge thunderous sound, the thundercloud rolled violently, and a thick silver lightning struck a certain blue attic.

After a loud noise, the blue attic was torn apart, and a piece of silver lightning flooded the blue attic.

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