Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1571: The storm is coming

A vast and boundless yellow desert, the wind is raging, and the yellow sand is flying all over the sky.

Under the ground, in a cave with a size of several acres, Situ Mei was sitting on a yellow circle that was more than ten feet in size. Her body was covered with a soft silver light.

After a while, Situ Mei opened his eyes, and a burst of dazzling silver light shot out of them.

She is still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but her injuries have completely recovered.

"You don't need to hide in the dark to observe. What's there to see, come out! It's time to go out and do some activities."

Situ Mei stood up, moved his body, and looked indifferent.

A soft yellow light lit up on the stone wall, and Song Yuzhen and an old man in yellow robes drilled out of the stone wall.

"Who do you want to deal with? Let me remind you first, we are not the opponents of the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng. The Sun and Moon Shuangsheng is looking for you everywhere. If you go to the Sun Moon Palace now, it is easy to hit the gun."

Song Yuzhen frowned and said in a stern tone.

"Don't worry, I understand Senior Sister Fang and Senior Brother Du. Persimmons still have to be soft. Take the Murong Royal Family's sacrificial flag first. The two Nascent Soul cultivators also dare to do something to me.

Situ Mei had a murderous look on her face. Among the forces involved in the encirclement and suppression of her, the Murong royal family's power was in the middle, so it was the most suitable for them to sacrifice their flags to stand up for their prestige.

"The Murong Royal Family? What are you going to do?"

Song Yuzhen asked in a deep voice.

"Go straight to the door and destroy the Murong royal family. One kills one, and two kills a pair."

Situ Mei grinned, his eyes full of killing intent.

"We can promise you that after this is done, you will go to the East Wasteland with us and kill someone. If you go back on it, we will kill you immediately."

Song Yuzhen said coldly, with a hint of chill in her tone.

"Hmph, I, Situ Mei, will do what I say, no problem, let's talk! Kill someone."

Situ Mei snorted softly and said disapprovingly.

The old man in yellow robe took a deep breath and said sternly, "Qingqiu Mountain Bai Linger."

"Bai Linger? You want to kill Bai Linger?"

Situ Mei was stunned for a moment, her expression a little weird.

Of course, she knew Bai Linger's status. If she killed Bai Linger, it would easily cause a riot in the Eastern Wilderness Monster Race.

Song Yuzhen narrowed her eyes and asked, "What? You dare not?"

"Hmph, I dare to do anything now, and this deal is also worthwhile. You help me once, and I will help you once."

Situ Mei snorted and agreed.

Song Yuzhen and the old man in yellow robe looked at each other, and the two nodded to each other.

After half an hour, Song Yuzhen, the old man in yellow robe, and Situ Mei returned to the ground.

Situ Mei took a deep breath, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, with a ferocious expression that could be heard clearly from a distance of a hundred miles.

Song Yuzhen and the old man in yellow robe looked at each other, their eyes were full of vigilance, Situ Mei is too crazy, this kind of person can't control them well and will hurt them.

The three turned into three rays of light and disappeared into the sky.


South China Sea, Qinglian Island.

Qinglian Peak, a blue attic with carved beams and painted buildings.

Wang Qingqing was lying on the bed, his breath was sluggish, and there were many burn marks on his body.

Wang Qingqing and Wang Qingjun successfully entered the Nascent Soul Stage, but perhaps because they retreated for too long, the thunder calamity was relatively severe. They survived the thunder calamity and their vitality was severely damaged. According to Wang Ruyan's estimation, they would have to recuperate for decades at least. If there is a panacea , the recovery speed will be faster.

Wang Ruyan stood aside, she held Wang Qingqing's palm tightly, and said with concern: "Qingqing, I have sent Qiu Ming back to Donghuang to ask Taiyi Xianmen for help, I hope I can ask for two Sanyuan Heart Protection Pills for you He Qingjun will recover faster."

"Mother, it doesn't matter to me, just take a while to recuperate."

Wang Qingqing said weakly, the most difficult thing is the inner demon gate. The inner demon turned into Zhao Ziyu and complained that Wang Qingqing did not avenge him. Fortunately, she woke up in time and passed the inner demon.

"Your father is closing his life and death. This time, he won't go out until the late Nascent Soul, otherwise we will go to Taiyi Xianmen in person, and Taiyi Xianmen should give us this face."

Wang Ruyan sighed and said, Wang Qingqing and Wang Qingjun's injuries were so severe that they almost lost their lives.

The Wang family did not have a fourth-order alchemist, nor a unique healing holy medicine. The Yuanying monks were injured, so they could only ask other forces for help.

"Mother, I saw Ziyu at Duxin Demon Pass. I promised to avenge him. Shangguan Wei must die."

Wang Qingqing clenched Wang Ruyan's palm tightly, gritted his teeth, and said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said solemnly: "Don't worry, this is the hatred of our whole family. When your father enters the late Nascent Soul, we will seek revenge on Shangguan Wei."

"You should heal your wounds first! I'll go see Qingjun."

Wang Ruyan exhorted, got up and left.

Not long after, she came to another secret room. Wang Qingjun was lying on the bed with white cloth wrapped around his limbs, and his head was exposed. Wang Qingqi was applying medicine to Wang Qingjun.

Wang Qingjun's injury is even more serious than Wang Qingqing's. He can't move freely now. If it hadn't been treated in time, he would have died.

Wang Ruyan walked over to Wang Qingjun, frowned, and asked, "Qingqi, how is Qingjun?"

"The twelfth brother is fine now. His injury is more serious than that of the eighth younger sister, and he needs to be recuperated for a longer time. The Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill is the unique secret medicine of Taiyi Xianmen. I don't know if Qiu Ming can get Sanyuan. Heart Protection Pill."

Wang Qingqi sighed and said with a sad face. If he was a Nascent Soul cultivator and could refine a healing medicine, then there would be no need for trouble.

"Taiyi Immortal Sect should give us this face, I told Qiu Ming, there is no Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill, other healing pills are also available, Qing Qi, during this time, please pay more attention to take care of Qing Jun, I will Responsible for taking care of Qingqing."

Wang Ruyan warned.

"Yes, Aunt Nine."

Wang Qingqi agreed, this was his duty.

Wang Ruyan exhorted a few words, then turned and left.

She wants to activate the family network, get the fourth-order healing medicine, and help Wang Qingqing and Wang Qingjun heal.

The Wang family has been operating in the South China Sea for many years. With the reputation and status of Qinglian Immortal Couple, they should have the power to sell their favor and be willing to sell the Wang family two fourth-order healing pills.


Central Plains, Dayan Dynasty, Bailing Mountains.

In a blue pavilion with carved beams and painted buildings, Zhou Ningshuang and Wang Tianwen sat opposite each other. Wang Tianwen was full of joy, and his body exuded a breath like a vast sea. He was already a cultivator of Nascent Soul.

"Wang Daoyou, you have just entered the Nascent Soul Stage, so don't rush back to the South China Sea. You should retreat for a period of time before returning to the South China Sea. In the past thirty years, the South China Sea has been calm and the waves have been calm, and your Wang family is prosperous, so you don't have to rush back. "

Zhou Ningshuang said calmly.

Wang Tianwen clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for the kindness of the I promised my ancestors that I would return to the South China Sea when the baby was born. I will leave again next month!"

"As you like! By the way, Murong Yuyao of the Murong royal family has entered the Yuan Ying period. The Murong royal family held the baby ceremony for her, and our royal family also sent people to participate."

Wang Tianwen didn't find it strange. Murong Yuyao was the core child of the Murong royal family. It was not surprising that she entered the Yuan Ying period. He had a good impression of Murong Yuyao.

"Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle. I will go and congratulate Fairy Murong and return to the South China Sea!"

Wang Tianwen said with a smile.

Zhou Ningshuang nodded and said nothing.

After chatting for a while, Wang Tianwen got up to leave and returned to his residence to practice.

Half a month later, Wang Tianwen left the Bailing Mountains and rushed to the Murong royal family.

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