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Chapter 1572: The Murong family is destroyed

Chongzhou, Murong royal family.

Murong Yuyao successfully married her baby, and the Murong family held a grand celebration to celebrate Murong Yuyao.

In a secluded courtyard with green tiles, Murong Bo was talking to a beautiful middle-aged woman who was round and jaded.

There are a total of five Yuanying monks in the Murong family, and only four are known to the outside world. There is also a Yuanying monk who sits in the Cangjing Pavilion all the year round. Even the children of the Murong family do not know that the clan of the Cangjing Pavilion is a Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Yuyao has become a baby, haha, when Yuhua enters the stage of infancy, we will have six Yuanying monks, and if we can get eight Yuanying monks, we can open the secret place left by our ancestors, I heard that there There is cold marrow in the secret place, and the cold marrow can increase the probability of the monsters advancing to the fourth rank. In addition to the cold marrow, there are a lot of heaven and earth treasures, open the secret land, and our Murong family will usher in a take-off."

Murong Bo's face was full of smiles. After tens of thousands of years, the Murong family has hope to restore the glory of their ancestors, and maybe even replace the Dayan royal family.

"It's a pity that Situ Mei was not caught, otherwise he would have gained more territory from the Sun Moon Palace."

The middle-aged beautiful woman said with some regret that the Murong royal family was a branch of the Murong family in the South China Sea. In order to escape to the Central Plains to develop in the immortal world, she changed her body and became one of the kings with different surnames of the Dayan Dynasty.

The development of the Murong family in the Dayan Dynasty reached the ceiling. In order to break through, they looked to the South China Sea, hoping to get a better site.

The Sun Moon Palace offered a huge reward to Situ Mei, including islands. Murong Bo personally helped and severely damaged Situ Mei. Unfortunately, Situ Mei was still allowed to run away. Afterwards, Sun Moon Palace gave the Murong Royal Family more than a dozen islands. One of the islands has a third-order high-grade spiritual vein.

The Murong royal family was not satisfied. In order to obtain the island with the fourth-order spiritual veins, they sent many people to look for Situ Mei, but they all failed.

Murong Bo nodded and said, "Yeah! Who would have thought that she could be rescued from under our noses. The eldest princess searched the Dongli world and found more than a dozen suspects, but after careful investigation, they There is an alibi to save Situ Mei right under our noses, this person is the most unfortunate and is in the middle of Nascent Soul, there must be a flying spirit treasure or some kind of secret talisman."

"If I knew that Situ Mei had such a powerful accomplice, we wouldn't get involved."

Murong Bo was a little remorseful, thinking about being secretly stared at the Murong Royal Family by a mid-Yuan Ying cultivator, he was terrified for a while.

Li Jiong mentioned to him that if Situ Mei has revenge, the means are very cruel, and the boat is done. Murong Bo has no choice but to mobilize more people, hoping to find Situ Mei and kill him.

"Do you regret it now? It's too late, the ceremony of conceiving a baby? Hmph, I'm going to make you into the ceremony of crying to the grave."

An indifferent woman's voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, there was a sudden ripple in the void, and a white light suddenly appeared, which was a white flying shuttle with a length of 10 feet. Wait for the four Nascent Soul monks to stand on the white jade shuttle.

Except for Song Yuzhen, the other three were wearing bronze masks with radiant aura.

Even if the late Nascent Soul monks used secret techniques, they would not be able to discover their true colors.

Situ Mei's side had one late Nascent Soul and three middle Nascent Souls, while Murong's family only had two middle Nascent Souls, and the other three were early Nascent Souls.

"You guys are so bold, you dare to break into the residence of our Murong royal family and seek death."

Murong Bo was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted. With a flick of his sleeve robe, a dazzling blue light flew out, heading straight for the four of Situ Mei.

Situ Mei's body surface is full of silver light, his hands are clasped together, and one more point, a half-moon-shaped silver light blade emerges out of thin air, and the silver moon cuts the spirit blade.

With a flash of silver light, the Yinyue Slashing Spirit Blade flew out, slicing the blue light in half, and headed straight for Murong Bo.

Murong Bo hurriedly threw out a gleaming azure shield, which instantly swelled up to protect his body. At the same time, cyan runes appeared on his body, turning into a thick cyan armor, wrapping his entire body.

With a muffled sound, the Yinyue Slashing Spirit Blade hit the cyan shield, and there were a few small cracks on the surface of the cyan shield.


There was a deafening roar from high in the sky, and a huge five-color thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and you could see thunder snakes with thick waists walking around.

After a loud thunder sounded, dozens of thick lightning bolts fell from the sky and struck Murong Bo. The lightning was colorful, like fireworks.

"Kill, don't keep one, let the Murong royal family's ceremony of conceiving babies become a ceremony of crying graves."

A man said coldly. He was holding an aura-like flag in his hand. The flag of the flag was filled with arcs of five colors, exuding a violent aura.

There are still a few months before the Murong Royal Family's Infant Wedding Ceremony. They deliberately rushed into the Murong family at this time, just to hope that it would be a good thing. When the Infant Wedding Ceremony was held, there must be many experts participating, and it would be more troublesome to destroy the Murong Royal Family.

A Nascent Soul cultivator with a somewhat hunchback threw out a gleaming green flag and entered a tactic. The flag rose against the wind and made a shrill devil cry. The gloomy wind was blowing, and the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. The wind blows back.

The aftermath of the fighting method disturbed the Murong family cultivators, and they rushed out of their residences, wanting to support Murong Bo.

The flag of the green flag suddenly rose, and five ghosts with different shapes flew out and rushed towards the Murong family children who came to support.

The ghost shadow pierced through the body of a Murong family disciple, and the Murong family disciple fell down immediately and turned into a mummified corpse.

The four Situ Mei, plus five ghosts from the Nascent Soul stage, were more than enough to destroy the Murong family.

In a certain secret room, Murong Yuyao sat cross-legged on a blue futon, eyes slightly closed.

It had been more than two years since she had conceived a baby, and the family was going to hold a ceremony for her, and Murong Yuyao did not reject it.

At this moment, she seemed to sense something, and suddenly opened her eyes, took out a light blue Dharma disk, entered a magic formula, and a hurried man's voice suddenly sounded: "Aunt, something is bad, Situ Meidai People came in, four Yuan Ying monks, and five Yuan Ying ghosts."

"What? Situ Mei? Why didn't the Protectorate Formation react? Why didn't the enemy even come in and didn't react?"

Murong Yuyao's face changed color and she wondered.

"I don't know! Auntie, come out to support, or we...ah!"

There was a burst of cries of old people and children from the blue Dharma disk, mixed with a huge explosion.

Murong Yuyao did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed out of the secret room.

As soon as she rushed out of the secret room, she saw a five-colored thunder curtain in the distance. The Murong family cultivator was smashed into **** by the five-colored thunder light when he approached. Five ferocious ghosts scurried around, and the Murong family's children fell down one by one.

The entire Murong family was like a purgatory on earth, and a somewhat embarrassed figure flew out from the five-colored thunder, which was the target.

His whole body was covered with scars, blood flowed nonstop, his breath was sluggish, and his left shoulder was charred black.

"Yuyao, hurry up, Situ Mei is going to destroy our Murong family."

Murong Bo shouted loudly, looking sad.

"Let's go, ask me, Situ Mei, if I will answer, I said, let the ceremony of the birth of a baby turn into a ceremony of crying to the grave."

Situ Mei's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, five hideous ghosts rushed towards Murong Bo.

Murong Bo's body swelled violently, Murong Yuyao seemed to have thought of something and exclaimed, "Don't..."


With a deafening loud noise, Murong Bo revealed to himself that the dazzling blue light drowned out an area of ​​more than ten kilometers.

Murong Yuyao's expression was sad, she bit her red lips and turned into a flash of light and walked away.

She hadn't run far when a half-moon-shaped light blade lased.

At this moment, a cyan tornado with a height of more than one hundred meters swept in, blocking the silver blade of light.


A huge roar sounded, the cyan tornado and the silver blade of light perished together, and a powerful air wave erupted.

An old man in green robe with white hair and beard rode a huge lion beast and flew into the air. The old man in green robe exuded an amazing spiritual pressure. He was a middle Nascent Soul ~ Twenty-two uncles! "

Murong Yuyao was surprised that she did not know that this uncle was a Yuanying monk.

"Yuyao, run, run as far as possible, don't show up easily."

The old man in green robe commanded in a deep voice.

Murong Yuyao nodded, her escape light soared, and there was a deafening roar behind her, as well as the screams of the clan.

"Situ Mei, I'll be a human being if I don't avenge this revenge."

Murong Yuyao gritted her teeth and said, with tears in her eyes, she sped up her escape.

A few days later, the news of the extermination of the Murong royal family quickly spread throughout the Dayan Dynasty. According to reliable sources, it was the Tianmozong of the Daqin Dynasty. The relationship with the Qin Dynasty became tense again.

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