Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1573: The plan of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Race

East Wilderness, Taiyi Immortal Gate.

In the Taiyi Hall, Zhang Zhanfeng sat on the main seat, Wang Qiuming sat aside, the two were chatting and laughing, like friends who had been friends for many years.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, the next time I come to your faction, I want to thank your faction for taking care of our Wang family over the years. I brought some modest gifts, but it's not respectful. I also ask Sect Master Zhang not to dislike it."

Wang Qiuming took out a string of storage beads and handed it to Zhang Zhanfeng.

Zhang Zhanfeng took the storage bead string, his consciousness swept away, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he said with a smile: "Wang Daoyou is polite, if you need our help from Taiyi Xianmen, just speak, we will do our best."

Wang Qiuming took out a letter, handed it to Zhang Zhanfeng, and said solemnly, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is a handwritten letter that my grandmother entrusted me to give to you. She said that you will understand after reading it."

Zhang Zhanfeng took the letter, and after reading the contents of the letter, he frowned and said, "Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill is the unique secret medicine of our Taiyi Immortal Sect, and there are not many quantities."

He is telling the truth. Since it is a unique secret medicine, even if it is in stock, it will not be too much. People, at a critical moment, a Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill can save a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Wang Qiuming was a little disappointed, which was what he expected.

"Two really can't be taken out, looking at Qinglian Immortal Companion's face, one is no problem, in addition, I can call the shots and give you a bottle of Qixing Pill, which is also a healing pill, and the effect is not as good as the Sanyuan Heart Pill. That's it."

Zhang Zhanfeng changed his words and said with a smile.

Wang Qiuming came to the door in person and gave a generous gift, plus Wang Ruyan's handwritten letter, Zhang Zhanfeng still wanted to give face.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Zhang."

Wang Qiuming breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully.

"Fellow Daoist Wang is very polite. Today we Taiyi Immortal Sect will help you. I hope your Wang family will also help us Taiyi Immortal Sect in the future."

Zhang Zhanfeng said solemnly, if it weren't for the strength of Qinglian Immortal Companion, coupled with the amazing potential of Qinglian Sword Master, Taiyi Immortal Sect would not be so generous at all.

"This is nature. The grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring. Our Wang family will never be slow to treat individuals and forces that are kind to us."

Wang Qiuming solemnly agreed, with a sincere tone.

Zhang Zhanfeng nodded, took out the communication disk, and made a gesture.

Half an hour later, Huang Youxin strode in and handed Zhang Zhanfeng two white jade bottles.

Wang Qiuming's eyes fell on Huang Youxin, and he said with a smile: "You are Huang Youxin, Huang Daoyou's nephew! He mentioned you to me, and it is rare to encounter you. This third-order puppet beast will give it to you!"

He took out a red ball the size of a watermelon and handed it to Huang Youxin.

Huang Youxin repeatedly claimed his thanks, and accepted the red ball with joy.

After chatting for more than a quarter of an hour, Wang Qiuming left with the medicine pill.

Zhang Zhanfeng looked at Wang Qiuming's leaving back, his eyes dignified, and he said to himself: "The Wang family has two more Nascent Soul cultivators, Qinglian Xianlu is really a lucky person, even stronger than the ancestor's fortune. After this calamity, the Wang family will become more prosperous in the next few thousand years, and it may become the first of the ten aristocratic families in the South China Sea."


Somewhere in the Eastern Wilderness, the hinterland of the demon race.

On a giant peak full of exotic flowers and plants, the ancestors of blue and white, the ancestors of black tigers, and Bai Xin stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the sky.

There was a huge thundercloud that was thousands of meters high in the sky. The wind and clouds rolled back, and the lightning flashed and thundered. A large number of monsters gathered in a radius of 10,000 miles, and the air was filled with a special smell.

Ten thousand animals roar in unison, all birds resonate.

"After so many years, is the Heavenly Wolf clan going to have a god-turning cultivator again? I didn't expect a half-demon to be able to go this far. It's really a misunderstanding."

Bai Xin said to himself.

After the disappearance of True Monarch Sirius, the monsters in the Eastern Wilderness were headless, and the human race was able to develop the Eastern Wasteland. Fortunately, there were many capable people of the monsters. Coupled with the infighting of the human race, the monsters withstood the attack of the human race. It's gone, the leader of the Eastern Wilderness Monster Race is the Blue and White Patriarch.

If it wasn't for the letter from many cultivators of the gods, there would be a catastrophe in the Dongli world, and the blue and white ancestors would not focus on cultivating Cheng Zhanxian.

"Hmph, if we didn't cultivate it carefully, he wouldn't even be able to enter the Nascent Soul. This time he can attract the gods of five or nine thunder tribulations. It's not the inner elixir that has swallowed seven fourth-order high-grade demon wolves. This is the heavenly wolf. The last treasure of the family."

Ancestor Heihu said disapprovingly, with a look of disdain.

The demon clan attaches the most importance to bloodline, Cheng Zhanxian is a half-demon, and the black tiger ancestor does not look down on Cheng Zhanxian in his heart.

"Don't talk nonsense about this kind of influence on unity in the future. It is also a good thing for us that he has entered the spirit transformation stage. The catastrophe may come at any time. It is useless to keep the demon pills of the predecessors. Some masters, the catastrophe may not be an opportunity for us."

The blue and white ancestor said solemnly, his eyes dignified.

"Did you say that the Heavenly Wolf True Monarch has ascended or fallen? In the Divine Transformation stage, it is extremely difficult to go further. There was the Heavenly Wolf True Monarch in the past, and the Four Seasons Sword Sovereign in the back. They all disappeared in the Divine Transformation stage. ."

Bai Xin asked curiously.

Ancestor Heihu smiled and said, "Neither True Monarch Heavenly Wolf nor Sword Master of the Four Seasons has left their own soul lamp, so I don't know their life and death, but the spiritual cultivator itself is a kind of deterrence, and it is better not to know life and death."

He remembered something, and then said: "By the way, fellow Daoist Bai, think about that matter carefully. It's about our future. You don't want a mother-in-law."

Bai Xin frowned and said, "I don't care, but if I really do this, wouldn't I be taking advantage of others?"

"If there is no catastrophe, then the fake drama will be done. Hmph, this time is different from the past. No matter how many people die, I don't want to be like my predecessors, and I don't have much life left."

Old Ancestor Qinghua sneered.

Bai Xin and Heihu Ancestor looked at each other and said nothing.


Northern Xinjiang, Jiuyouzong.

In Jiuyou Hall, Shangguan Wei sat on the main seat with an indifferent expression.

Lei Yiming stood aside with a respectful expression.

"Is the investigation clear? There are so many Yuanying monks in the Wang family?"

Shangguan Wei frowned and said, she never imagined that one of her orders would lead to a death feud with the Wang family.

Judging from the general signs of the Wang The Wang family obviously knows some inside information and is guarding against someone.

As long as she enters the Divine Transformation Stage, everything will be solved easily.

She has already achieved Nascent Soul Great Consummation and is looking for a breakthrough opportunity.

"It is absolutely true that the Wang family has a lot of in-laws. The Ouyang family is the most powerful in-law in the Wang family. The Murong royal family in the Central Plains, the Donghuang Tang family, and the Wu family in the northern Xinjiang have a good relationship with the Wang family."

Lei Yiming said truthfully.

"Forget it, pay more attention to the situation of the Wang family. Without my order, don't act rashly. If you kill a snake, you will be bitten. This kind of thing must not happen."

Shangguan Wei said coldly that her top priority is to impact the Spirit Transformation Stage.

"Yes, Sect Master."

Lei Yiming agreed.

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