Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1576: Qingshan exit

In a certain secret room, Wang Qingqing sat cross-legged on the stone bed, covered by a blue glow, his eyes were slightly closed, Wang Ruyan stood aside, his eyes were full of concern.

After a while, the cyan glow on Wang Qingqing's body dissipated, he opened his eyes, and his face was rosy.

"The effect of this Seven Star Pill is really good. If you take a few more pills, you will be able to recover in a few years."

Wang Qingqing smiled happily, the effect of the fourth-order medicinal pill was really good.

"That's good, Qing Jun has also taken the Seven Star Pill, the Eastern Wilderness is in chaos, and maybe the South China Sea will be in chaos. In troubled times, it would be better for you to recover as soon as possible."

Wang Ruyan said in a warm voice, the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill is too precious, only one, and it is not suitable for anyone to take it, not to mention that it is an eventful time now, keeping the Sanyuan Heart Protection Pill can play a major role at critical moments.

"Mother, haven't Dad and Seventh Brother been out yet? Tenth Sister hasn't been out yet?"

Wang Qingqing stood up and asked curiously.

"They are all in seclusion. Your father will never leave the seclusion until he enters the late Nascent Soul. Qingshan has been in seclusion for more than 40 years, and Qingling has been in seclusion for more than 30 years. It is estimated that they will exit sooner."

Wang Ruyan said with some uncertainty, she suddenly sensed something, took out a light blue Dharma plate, and entered a Dharma Judgment, Wang Mengfen's hurried voice suddenly sounded: "Old Ancestor, Taiyi Immortal Sect is coming, and Meng Tianzheng is the leader. ."

Meng Tian was an old friend of the Wang family. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan had met Meng Tianzheng before they formed the pill.

Meng Tianzheng came to visit, probably asking for help. If so, how fierce the war was!

"Understood, you personally invite Fellow Daoist Meng in, don't neglect it, I'll go right over."

Wang Ruyan instructed, eat people with short mouths and soft hands, just got the fourth-order medicinal pill from Taiyi Xianmen, if Taiyi Xianmen asks for help, the Wang family is really hard to refuse.

Wang Ruyan said a few words and left the secret room.

Not long after, Wang Ruyan appeared in the council room, and a red light flew in, it was Meng Tianzheng.

Meng Tianzheng's face was serious. This time the Eastern Desolate Monster Clan invaded very fiercely. It was different from before. The human race suffered heavy casualties. The Wang family had already developed, and its strength was not weak. Taiyi Xianmen wanted to ask the Wang family for help.

After a few simple greetings, Meng Tianzheng talked about the serious business: "Mrs Wang, you should have heard about it! The Eastern Wilderness Monster Race rioted, and more than ten countries were captured by the Monster Race. We sent people from all over the country to come back to help. , but a drop in the bucket, I hope the nobles can help."

The sub-rudders of Taiyi Immortal Sect scattered in various places have dispatched personnel to return to Donghuang. If their hometown is lost, it will be worth it.

"The offensive of the demon clan is so fierce? Have more than ten countries been captured?"

Wang Ruyan was surprised and said that she was in a bit of trouble. The war was so fierce that the Yuanying cultivator might fall. She wanted to stay on Qinglian Island. As the secret power of the Wang family, it will not appear on the table, and who to send is a problem.

Meng Tianzheng frowned, the Wang family is now strong and strong, and if the Wang family refuses to send troops to help, it will be a white eyed wolf.

"The Eastern Wilderness Monster Race is in chaos? It seems that they haven't been beaten down before."

A man full of energy suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, a burly figure walked in. The person who came was tall, dressed in a blue shirt, handsome in facial features, and carrying a blue flying sword on his back. It was Wang Qingshan.

After retreating for decades, Wang Qingshan successfully entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He comprehended the Taiyi sword wall and understood a set of sword formations.

"Qingshan, you're out of customs! That's great."

Wang Ruyan is overjoyed, if Wang Qingshan leads the team, there should be no problem.

Meng Tianzheng was surprised when he saw Wang Qingshan. To be honest, although there were many Nascent Soul monks in the Wang family, Qinglian Xianlu was the most famous, followed by Qinglian Jianzun and Bailing Fairy. The others were not famous. , If Wang Qingshan is willing to lead the team to support, that would be the best.

"Ninth Aunt, let me take someone for a trip! Those who are not of my race will have different hearts. The Eastern Wilderness Monster Race is in chaos. As a human race, I should contribute my strength. I will bring Meng Bin and Qiu Ming to the Eastern Wilderness. Support!"

Wang Qingshan said sternly, this is a good time for military training, the dead are certain, and the ones who survive are the elites.

The big waves wash away the sand, this time the Eastern Wilderness Monster Race is in chaos, it may not be an opportunity for the low-level monks.

In troubled times, there are heroes. Some people take advantage of the chaos to advance to a higher realm, some people avoid it without fighting, and some people die.

Wang Ruyan nodded and warned: "Okay, be careful on the road, bring some more people! It's good to train them, by the way, bring a few more sets of puppets."

"Got it, Aunt Nine."

Wang Qingshan agreed, and he said to Meng Tianzheng: "Meng Daoyou, wait a moment, it will take some time for me to mobilize the people."

"No problem, it's better to rush to the East Wasteland as soon as possible. The Yaozu has dispatched a lot of people this time. By the way, Huang Fugui has already rushed to the East Wasteland to support. , If you make great achievements, there will be no problem with forming baby spirits and spirit treasures."

Meng Tianzheng said seriously, the six immortal gates are really serious. You must know that the six immortal gates did not ask for help in the past few times when the demon clan invaded, so he repelled the attack of the demon clan. A reward is offered, it can be seen that the offensive of the demon clan this time is not small.

"Huang Fugui! This guy won't be delivering supplies again!"

Wang Qingshan smiled knowingly, Huang Fugui was greedy for life and fear of death, it was impossible for him to face the demon clan, and it was no problem to run errands.

Meng Tianzheng smiled and said, "His escape speed is relatively fast, so it is more suitable to **** supplies."

After chatting a few words, Wang Qingshan went to mobilize the manpower. Wang Yingjie took the initiative to participate in the battle, and Wang Qingshan asked him to accompany him.

After more than an hour, Wang Qingshan and others left Qinglian Island. This time, Wang Qingshan brought more than 500 immortal practitioners to support Taiyi Immortal Sect, three Nascent Souls, and fifteen Pills, which gave enough to Taiyi Immortal Sect. face.

The end of this will definitely free up a lot of territory, and in the new round of shuffling, the Wang family may be able to occupy more territory.


East Wasteland, an endless green grassland, tens of thousands of monks are fighting with the demon clan, blood is flowing into rivers, there are a large number of fragments of magic weapons scattered on the ground, and there are also a large number of corpses, including the corpses of human monsters.

Some monks had not yet completely died, and they lay on the ground and let out a painful scream. The monster was seriously injured and let out a painful howl.

The roar continued, and the air was billowing.

Hundreds of cultivators were fighting against the demon clan in the sky, and the colorful magic auras lit up in the sky like fireworks.


With a deafening loud noise, a charred corpse fell from the sky, smashed to the ground, and the corpse shattered.

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