Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1577: Eastern Wilderness War

A half-demon with a bird-winged body was full of pride. His body was covered with red spirit patterns, and there was a terrifying blood hole on his left arm.

He hadn't been complacent for long when a blue sound wave swept in and arrived in front of him instantly.

The half-demon stepped forward with both arms, and at the same time opened its mouth and spewed out a red flame as thick as an adult's arm, facing the blue sound wave.

The red flame seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and it instantly extinguished. The blue sound wave quickly swept across the half-demon's body.

An incomparably sharp yellow sword light lased and hit the half-demon, with a muffled sound of "keng" and sparks flying everywhere.

Huang Guang is a yellow flying sword with a flash of aura, and the aura is compelling.

"Break it for me."

An indifferent man's voice sounded, and the yellow flying sword suddenly burst into a dazzling yellow light, piercing the body of the half-demon, and the half-demon turned into a rain of blood, and died.

The yellow flying sword circled and flew back into the hands of a young man with strong facial features. A young woman in a blue dress with a graceful figure stood beside him, it was Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan.

There are fewer and fewer ghosts in the Wangui Sea Area, and the number of spirit medicines and yin beasts is also getting smaller and smaller. They are forced to make a living and plan to go to the Eastern Wasteland to try their luck. Not long after they arrived in the Eastern Wasteland, they encountered the monster race invading the human race. They were recruited to participate in the fight against the demon clan. In order to motivate the loose cultivators, the six immortal gates promised that as long as they made enough credits, they would be able to exchange for the corresponding cultivating resources, such as the spirit of the baby.

If they want to form babies, they will naturally fight hard to kill the enemy. Since the start of the war, the two have killed many half-demon who were at the stage of forming a pill, and they became famous.

Zheng Nan flicked her wrist, and a blue light shot two places, entangling the half-demon's corpse, pulling it back to her side, and she put the half-demon's corpse into the storage beads.

clang clang!

A rapid bell rang, and the two clans quickly separated, retreating in an orderly manner, and both sides treated the wounded one after another.

Now it is a small fight for three days, a big fight for seven days, the small fight is the fight below the Nascent Soul, and the big fight is the fight of the Yuanying cultivator.

On the plain stands a huge cyan city that covers an extremely wide area. Above the gate of the city is a lacquered gold plaque with three silver characters of "Destroy the Demon City" written on it. There are various buildings in the city, and a large number of monks are walking on the street. , most of the monks are injured.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan returned to Monster Destruction City. Not long after, they appeared at the gate of a resplendent palace. This was the place to exchange resources for cultivating immortals. The two walked in together.

It didn't take long for the two of them to walk out with smiles all over their faces.

This time I have gained a lot, and I am one step closer to exchanging the Infant Spiritual Artifact.

They wandered along the spacious street, and after a quarter of an hour, they appeared in a bluestone square with a size of 100 acres, and a large number of monks were setting up stalls.

They walked around to see if there was anything good, hoping to catch a leak.

"Senior Huang, why are you selling brand new instruments? It's not like you."

"Looking at what you said, is it possible that Senior Huang sells junk? Senior Huang took the initiative to participate in the war, and specially bought a batch of cultivation supplies from Nanhai, and sold them to us at a low price. Look at the prices of other stores, and then compare the sales of Senior Huang. You can tell at a glance which commodities are better and which are worse.”

"That is, with Senior Huang's strength, wouldn't it be easy to kill Tier 3 monsters and earn Spirit Stones? What kind of bad intentions does he have! You actually use the heart of a villain to treat a gentleman's belly, you are confused."

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan looked at each other and smiled. The senior Huang mentioned by these monks was none other than Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui was in charge of escorting the supplies. He brought a large number of magical instruments and some magical treasures, all of which were brand new. He acquired various resources for cultivation, especially treasure maps and the like.

In the center of the square is a round high platform with a size of 100 feet. Huang Fugui sits on the round high platform. There are a lot of things in front of him. There are medicine pills, magical instruments, magical treasure fragments, magical treasures, and demon pills. He uses these things. No, it happens to be sold to low-level monks.

"Senior Huang, I heard that you are good at escape, can you teach us?"

"That's right! That's right! Teach us the escape technique."

A group of low-level monks were booing, Huang Fugui was approachable and was very popular with low-level monks.

"The items have not been sold out yet, which means that there are many young friends who are short of doctors and medicines. When I think of this, the old man is heartbroken and has no heart to preach."

Huang Fugui took a long sigh. He didn't worry about spirit stones at all. He started his career with the ancient monk's cave. It was too difficult to go further. Fugui hopes to take this opportunity to collect some good things, such as the ancient monk's cave, the secret map and so on.

"I bought this magic weapon."

"Senior Huang, I bought this piece of magic weapon."

The monks took out the spirit stones to buy the goods sold by Huang Fugui, and some even took out the so-called treasure remnants in exchange for the resources of cultivating immortals.

Huang Fugui is open to all who come. He has collected more than a dozen pictures of the so-called hidden treasures, and he can't tell whether they are true or false. As long as one is true, it will be fine.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, cast a wide net and catch more fish.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Huang Fugui's goods were sold out, and he began to share his escape technique.

"Faced with a strong enemy, knowing that we will lose it, we should flee... choose to avoid its edge, and leave the green hills without fear of running out of firewood. When escaping, we must watch the six roads and listen to all directions, where there are many people. Where to run, if you meet other daoists, it is best. When escaping, you need to pay attention to a few points. First, if the demon beast is chasing you, it is best to choose the land or the water. If... ·"

Huang Fugui spoke righteously, and the monks listened very carefully.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan smiled and left Qingshi Square without staying longer, and returned to their residence to practice.

In a secluded red-tiled courtyard, two women and one man were sitting in a stone pavilion chatting, it was Situ Mei and the three of them.

They killed Bai Linger and stabbed the hornet's nest. One of the Yuanying monks died in battle, and Song Yuzhen and Situ Mei were both injured.

"How long will you stay here? The demon clan is desperate this time. Staying here, we will die sooner or later."

Situ Mei frowned.

According to the plan, they should immediately evacuate from Donghuang. Whoever thought that the other party would stay, Situ Mei had no choice but to stay.

"Observe it for a while, in case they are acting! Bai Linger died so easily, I always think it's weird."

Song Yuzhen's tone was indifferent. Bai Linger, as the descendant of the cultivator, was killed by them, which was really unreasonable.

"You still don't believe what you saw with your own eyes? You guys used that immortal to deceive her by pretending to be her cousin. She was trapped by the formation, and she broke the formation by self-destructing. Can it be fake? You are just too hearty."

Situ Mei said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of, as long as the cultivator of the gods doesn't make a move, and there are dry lights and shadows in hand, no one can stop us."

A black-robed youth snorted softly and said proudly.

"Don't be too confident. What I'm afraid of is not the monster clan, but the six immortal gates. If they find out who we are, they will die without a place to be buried."

Situ Mei said with a cold face, her life is in the hands of others, and she has no other choice.

"After leaving Donghuang, we are going to the South China Sea. We can help you deal with the Sun Moon Palace, but we want you to help us kill two more Nascent Soul monks."

Song Yuzhen said with a smile but not a smile.

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