Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1578: Tianlanjie

Situ Mei frowned and asked in confusion, "Who?"

"Qinglian Immortal Companion! Your former relative."

The black-robed youth said with a half-smile, a playful expression on his face.

Situ Mei looked at the black-robed youth with an idiot-looking expression. She knew very well that Wang Changsheng was a descendant of Zhenhai Sect, and he had a fourth-order Zhenhai Ape and a fourth-order puppet beast. They could trap and kill Bai Linger. Said to be a fluke, it is extremely difficult to kill the Qinglian Immortal Companion, and the odds of winning are not great.

The two deputy sect masters of Zhenhai Sect relied on the secret technique to join forces with the sect master, Situ Mei was the mastermind behind the scenes, she knew very well the power of Qinglian Immortal Companion's secret technique.

Even if Qinglian Immortal Companion can be killed, she will die, and all the spiritual treasures on her body will be destroyed. If they really fight, she will suffer.

"What? You've been in-law for hundreds of years, and you're not willing?"

Song Yuzhen's tone was cold, and her face was frosty.

"It's not that I don't dare, if you want to die, I won't stop you, don't get involved with me, I want to live a few more years."

Situ Mei's tone was indifferent.

"What do you mean? Don't say they are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, even if they are in the late stage of Nascent Soul, bring a few more Nascent Soul cultivators and have a few spiritual treasures in hand, I don't believe that they can't be killed."

Song Yuzhen sneered, with a look of disdain, naturally she did it on purpose.

Situ Mei agreed to cooperate with them, but did not reveal that she knew the situation, and Song Yuzhen didn't want to ask too much, so as not to reveal her flaws.

"How many more Nascent Soul cultivators? How many spiritual treasures? You are not from the Heavenly Demon Sect, but the Heavenly Demon Sect is so arrogant? You monks from other worlds? Thousand Gourd World? Or Tianlan World? Or Ice Sea World?"

Situ Mei's eyes were full of doubts. She had been in contact with Song Yuzhen and others for so long, and found that their cultivation base was relatively high, or they were proficient in formation, or proficient in insect breeding, or proficient in illusion, and the lowest was in the middle of Nascent Soul, Tianmo. Zong is not so strong.

She had a bold assumption that Song Yuzhen and her group were not from the Dongli Realm. The reason was very simple. She had never heard of the spirit worms and spirit beasts raised by the other party, the names of the formations, and some secret techniques.

What surprised her most was that the other party trapped and killed Bai Linger. They wanted to kill Bai Linger. It was impossible not to find out. Bai Linger was the descendant of the cultivator. The clan wars, the war is not enough, they have not run away, they have to stay to observe, there are always signs that the other party is not a monk of the Tianmozong at all, it seems that they are deliberately causing chaos in the Dongli world.

The Sun Moon Palace has a long heritage and contains a large number of classics. In order to break through the transformation of the gods, Situ Mei had consulted the classics in this area, and knew a few interfaces similar to the Dongli Realm.

Hearing this, Song Yuzhen and the black-robed youth looked as usual. They had long expected that they could not hide Situ Mei. After all, Situ Mei was much older than them, and they were even younger than Situ Mei. It was impossible to hide from Situ Mei, and it was impossible for them to admit it.

"If you don't tell me, I can guess it. You tell me the truth. I can tell you a big secret, which might disrupt the Nanhai Xiu Xianjie."

Situ Mei's tone was full of temptation.

"Don't forget your identity, don't play tricks with us, we can kill you with just one thought."

Song Yuzhen's face turned cold, and she turned her hand and took out a ring of aura, with a strange insect pattern engraved on the surface of the ring.

"I hate being threatened the most. If you do this again, then do it! Even if you don't kill me, I don't have many years to live. I'm living one day less now, and I'm not afraid of death."

Situ Mei said with a wicked smile, his face full of pride.

"I am over a thousand years old, and I know the situation in various parts of the Dongli Realm, and the secrets of some major factions. The information you inquired is just a few words. With me helping you, it will be much easier for you to do things."

Situ Mei said with a smile but not a smile, her tone full of temptation.

The black-robed youth frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "You, a dying person, would be so kind to help us?"

"Hmph, if the Sun Moon Palace is destroyed, I still have a chance to hit the Divine Transformation Stage. I am helping you and myself."

The black-robed youth hesitated for a moment and said, "You guessed it right, we are from the Tianlan Realm. We will not tell you about the specific situation of the Tianlan Realm. The cultivator of the gods has planted a special restriction on us, searching for souls. It will trigger the ban, even if you tell the truth, it will not be of much use, I can reveal that our Tianlan Realm is far superior to your Dongli Realm, we have been in the Dongli Realm for more than 300 years."

"Sure enough, it is Tianlan Realm. The power of the interface is so strong. Can you send so many people here?"

Situ Mei was puzzled.

"The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the power of the interface. The spiritual cultivator used exotic treasures to send us here. To be honest, I don't know how many people came here. Our mission is to disturb the East fence world, and then open a new one. Space channel, if you are willing to help us, we can help you extend your lifespan and give you a chance to impact the spirit transformation period."

The tone of the black-robed youth was full of temptation.

"No problem, you helped me destroy the Sun and Moon Sages, and supported me as the Palace Master. I am willing to lead the Sun Moon Palace to submit to you. The Sun Moon Palace is not weak. With my help, it will be easier for you to take down the Eastern Li Realm."

Situ Mei was full of confidence. She knew very well that only those with useful value deserved to live.

"Our staff in Dongli Realm is too weak. If the space channel is opened and a large number of people come over, it can support you as the palace master. You can tell us that shocking secret!"

Situ Mei smiled sweetly, nodded and said: "Qinglian Immortal Companion is the descendant of Zhenhaizong, or the core They are practicing Zhenhaizong Zhenzong Gongfa, and the secret technique of joint attack is also inherited from Zhenhaizong. , they also have Zhenhai Zong's guardian spirit beast Zhenhai Ape, the Sun Moon Palace destroyed Zhenhai Zong, and divided up Zhenhai Zong's territory with several forces. The Wang family is backed by Wanjianmen, and they are in-laws with the Ouyang family. The news spread. , it will definitely make the city full of storms, based on what I know about Senior Sister, she will definitely cut the grass and root, and will never let the Qinglian Immortal Companion go, and it will affect her whole body."

"Even if they are restrained by the cultivators of God Transformation, and they won't fight, there will be gaps between Sun Moon Palace and Qinglian Immortal Companion, and there will be forces occupying the Zhenhai Sect. If they don't say it, they will definitely feel jealous. This news spread Going out, there will definitely be a gap inside the Nanhai Xiu Xianjie."

"No wonder Qinglian Immortal Companion has risen in a short period of time. No one has ever seen them fight at the same time. Fellow Daoist Situ, Qinglian Immortal Companion's combined attack secret technique is so powerful?"

Song Yuzhen asked curiously.

Situ Mei sneered and explained: "As far as I know, Zhenhaizong's secret combination attack took thousands of years, and many generations worked hard to perfect it. Moon Shuangsheng, but how powerful it is, I have never seen it with my own eyes."

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