Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1579: coalition rout

"Qinglian Immortal Companion is the next Sun and Moon Sage?"

Song Yuzhen's face became solemn. It was rumored that the Sun and Moon Sages teamed up to resist the cultivator. Even if he only had a few moves with the cultivator, it would be terrifying. At least the cultivator Nascent Soul couldn't stop it.

"That's why I said that the trouble for you to find Qinglian Immortal Companion is to seek death. The Wang family is not only Qinglian Immortal Companion, but also Qinglian Jianzun. He is the disciple and grandson of Taiyi Xianmen cultivator. He realized the sword during the foundation period. I mean, as for Fairy Bailing, unless her Flood Dragon is nurtured to the fourth rank, she won't be able to get on the stage."

Situ Mei said slowly, she didn't fully believe what the other party said, the other party may not be from Tianlan Realm, but he must be from another realm.

"We just want to try your attitude towards Qinglian Immortal Companion. Since you are willing to cooperate with us, we will not hide it. My name is Shen Haoran. We come from a very powerful sect. As for how powerful we are. , when we open the space channel, you will know when the time comes."

The tone of the black-robed youth is sincere. Situ Mei has lived for thousands of years. She is more familiar with the situation in Dongli Realm. With her help, they will be much more convenient to do things.

"You said just now that Tianlan Realm is stronger than Dongli Realm? Could it be that there are thirty Transformation Gods? According to my guess, there are at least twenty Transformation Gods in the Dongli Realm."

Situ Mei's face was a little weird. A South Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is almost 3 billion miles away, and the entire Dongli Realm is tens of billions of miles away. It's not surprising that there are more than 20 cultivators. Tianlan Realm is bigger than Dongli Realm?

There are thirty gods in the super sect of Tianlan Realm? Or is there a big faction that dominates the Tianlan world? Or are multiple forces united to form a big alliance? Or a super powerful immortal family?

"I don't want to reveal too much about the specific situation. In short, our Tianlan Realm is definitely stronger than your Dongli Realm. Our sect has been inherited for more than 100,000 years, and we can still contact the ancestors of the spiritual world."

Shen Haoran said proudly.

Situ Mei was full of confusion and sneered: "Can you contact the spiritual world? That was the past! If you can still contact the spiritual world now, why is it so troublesome? If you want to disturb the Dongli world, you just want to plunder the resources of the Dongli world for cultivating immortals. , or find a space passage leading to the spiritual world, don't tell me that those old monsters who are full of food have nothing to do, and come to save the cultivators in the Dongli world."

Song Yuzhen smiled slightly and said, "It's almost like this. I ask you, can you turn against Qinglian Immortal Companion? If we can turn against the Wang family, it will be more convenient for us to do things."

"Can you take out the spirits that assist in the impact of the gods? Or the treasures of the heavens?"

Situ Mei sneered, the Wang family is developing well now, backed by Wanjianmen and Taiyi Xianmen, and the powerful in-laws of the Ouyang family. Shock the spirits of the gods or the heavenly treasures, otherwise the Wang family will not be able to submit to them.

Taking a step back, even if there are auxiliary spiritual objects or spiritual treasures that can impact the gods, Qinglian Immortal Companion will probably kill them to claim credit. It is definitely not a betrayal.

"Using Qinglian Immortal Companion to be a descendant of Zhenhaizong to threaten them? I'm afraid it won't work, then spread the news! But Sun Moon Palace may not believe it!"

Song Yuzhen frowned and said, the senior management of Sun Moon Palace is not a fool, listening to the wind is rain, and if you want the senior management of Sun Moon Palace to believe, you need to show hard evidence.

Situ Mei thought for a while, and said, "I remember the rumors that the Wang family had acquired a site of a great cultivator, probably the site of Zhenhaizong, otherwise the Wang family would not have developed so fast, and the iron proof would not be available, or they would have killed a few members of the Wang family. Infant cultivator, provoking hatred between the Wang family and the Sun Moon Palace?"

"How stupid are the people in the Sun Moon Palace? If you want to take revenge on the Wang family, you need to come to Yin? The Wang family knows that someone is plotting against them, don't forget, Fairy Cailian lives on Qinglian Island. If she fortunes about our existence, then It's troublesome, forget it, kill a few more Nascent Soul cultivators, let's open the space channel first, spread the news first, and then have the opportunity to subdue the Wang family, the great luck person, if it is not used by us, then die."

Shen Haoran had a murderous look on his face. If it wasn't for the existence of Fairy Cailian, he would have wanted to kill the Wang family's Nascent Soul cultivator and provoke the relationship between the Wang family and the Sun Moon Palace.

Situ Mei nodded and said, "Let's open the space channel first! We can't do anything big with just the few of us."

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the whole yard shook violently. Situ Mei and the three were startled.

"What's the matter, didn't the war just stop? Why did the demon clan attack again so quickly."

Situ Mei exclaimed, his face full of doubts, and his expression was a little nervous.

In Qingshi Square, Huang Fugui was sitting cross-legged on a high circular platform, and was talking about the escape technique. Suddenly, the entire Demon Destruction City shook violently, like an earthquake.

Huang Fugui was taken aback and flew into the air for the first time. He looked out of the Demon Slayer City, and took a deep breath, with a look of fear in his eyes.

The densely packed monsters rushed towards the Demon Extermination City, and there were still a large group of monsters in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. Before that, the monsters had torn apart the human defense line three times.

A large number of Nascent Soul cultivators flew out from their residence. Taoist Ziyang was one of the leaders of the City of Demon Extermination. He also took a deep breath when he saw the densely packed monsters attacking.

"I said that the demon clan is so kind, a small fight in three days and a big fight in seven days. It turned out that it was to transfer troops and kill the enemy with the poor way. Today, either the demon clan will die, or we will die."

After Daoist Ziyang said this, his sleeve robe shook, and two metal spheres with sparkling light flew In a muffled sound of the machine, they turned into two big puppet beasts, one golden and bright. The giant tiger, a silver-glowing giant ape, these are two fourth-order puppet beasts, which Qianjimen assigned to Daoist Ziyang to deal with the demon clan.

The golden giant tiger opened its mouth and blew out a golden sound wave. Wherever the golden sound wave passed, the monsters burst open one after another, turning into a large blood mist, and the eyes of the silver giant ape lit up with a silver light. Each shot out a thick silver light, and the silver light did not penetrate the beasts, and hundreds of low-level monsters were pierced by the silver light.

Other monks sacrificed magic weapons, or sacrificed magic weapons, or cast spells to attack monsters.

The monsters did not show weakness, and they fought back one after another. The colorful magic aura exploded in the sky, like fireworks, with a loud roar.

Less than half an hour later, the human cultivators were defeated and fled for their lives, leaving a large number of corpses and blood on the ground.

More than half a month later, a terrible news quickly spread throughout the Eastern Wilderness, and the Human Race allied forces were once again defeated by the Monster Race, with heavy casualties.

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