Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1580: The Wang family joins the war

Qi State, Three Immortals.

The Three Immortal Sect now has three cultivators who form pills.

In a secluded small courtyard of green tiles, three men and one woman are discussing something.

"Next month will be Senior Wang's 200th birthday, are you ready for the congratulations?"

A green-shirted woman with a graceful figure asked with a smile. The blue-shirted woman's surname was Wang Yuerong. She had the same origin as Wang Jiabao of the Wei Kingdom. According to her seniority, she was Wang Ruyan's grand-nephew.

The clansmen that Wang Huashan brought to Qi have completely integrated into the Three Immortal Sect. The Wang family is getting stronger and stronger. With the support of the Wang family, there are two cultivators in the Wang family who have grown up in the Three Immortal Sect. The children did not forget their origins, and frequently communicated with the Wang family and Wangjiabao.

Because of the existence of the demon clan, the relationship between the major forces in various countries has eased a lot. There has not been a war for hundreds of years. The Wang family is developing very well in the South China Sea, and its power is getting stronger and stronger. The forces of the neighboring countries of Wei, not only He didn't dare to offend the Wang family, but instead tried to flatter the Wang family first.

The moon is the first to get the moon near the water tower. Wang Yuerong often returns to Wei to visit relatives. The Wang family sent three cultivators to sit in the Qinglian Villa. It coincided with the 200th birthday of a cultivator of the dan, so Wang Yuerong naturally wanted to congratulate him.

"We have all prepared gifts, but we don't have much friendship with the Wang family. I'm afraid even the gate of Qinglian Villa has improved."

An old man in green robe in his early fifties said in a kind of flattering words.

"Don't worry, you have prepared the gifts. When the time comes, I will take you there. No matter what, I am the grand-nephew of Fairy Tianqin, and the Wang family will still give me some thin noodles."

Wang Yuerong said proudly, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Three Immortals will be finished sooner or later, and if the Wang family wants to annex the Three Immortals, it is just a matter of words.

"That is, Master Taihao and Fairy Tianqin are also called Qinglian Immortal Companion. When it comes to Qinglian Immortal Companion, who doesn't know? Who doesn't know? We..."

Before the words were finished, a rapid bell rang.

"What's going on, Zongmen will warn you."

Wang Yuerong was startled and confused.

"The demon clan has killed the state of Qi, and all the disciples obeyed the order and immediately followed the old man to meet the enemy."

A majestic man's voice suddenly sounded, spreading throughout the Three Immortal Sect.

In less than half an hour, Wang Yuerong and other hundreds of monks left the Three Immortal Sect. As soon as they flew out of the mountain gate, they saw hundreds of thousands of monsters rushing towards them, and thousands of monsters in the sky. Hovering uncertainly, covering the sky and the sun, it made people numb their scalps.

The mountains and plains are full of monsters, monster wolves, monster tigers, monster bears, etc., and the speed is very fast.

Wang Yuerong was stunned, how had she seen such a scene before!

Hundreds of monks were hunted down by monsters, many of them high-ranking monks.

Colorful spells came, like a meteor shower, smashing on the body of the immortal cultivator.


A huge explosion sounded, dozens of monks were directly killed by the intensive spells, and the blood rained down, and two cyan demon wolves threw an immortal cultivator to the ground, opening the blood basin and biting it. The immortal cultivator's shoulder was torn with force, and the immortal cultivator was directly cut into two halves, with blood flowing all over the place. The scene was extremely terrifying.

This terrifying scene terrified the disciples of the Three Immortals. They had seen such a **** scene there, and they fled everywhere without knowing who was leading the charge.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan stood side by side, standing on top of a hill, their faces were pale, and Cheng Zhenyu's left shoulder was bleeding profusely.

Zheng Nan's jade hand swept across the strings, and blue sound waves swept out. Wherever they passed, the bodies of low-level monsters exploded and turned into blood mists.

Cheng Zhenyu manipulated three flying swords with shining yellow light, and released one after another sharp yellow sword energy, smashing the approaching low-level monsters.

"Hmph, if you grow up, it must be a scourge. It's better to get rid of it as soon as possible."

An indifferent man's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a ripple appeared on the top of Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan's heads, and a blue eagle claws more than ten feet long appeared out of nowhere, and the eagle claws flashed a cold light, like fishing for a moon in the sea. Generally, grab it quickly.

Zheng Nan was taken aback, the jade hand turned over, blue light flashed, the Dinghai Mirror appeared in his hand, and a cloudy blue glow flew out, covering the blue eagle claws.

The cyan eagle claws seemed to be fixed, motionless.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two of them retreated, turning into two rays of light and breaking through the air.

A young man in a green shirt with a pair of five-foot-tall cyan wings on his back saw this scene and sneered, looking at his breath, he was a cultivator of Nascent Soul.

Just when he wanted to take other measures, a deafening thunder sounded from high in the sky, and a silver lightning with the thickness of a grinding plate cut through the sky and slashed at the young man in green.

The young man in the green shirt responded quickly. The cyan wings on his back slammed violently, turning into an afterimage and disappearing. The silver lightning struck a giant elephant with a small mountain. The giant elephant let out a painful scream and fell down. , The body was charred black, and there was no breath.

"Who is it? Get out of here?"

The face of the young man in green shirt sank, and he looked around.

A blue light lit up in the void, a gust of wind rolled back, and the dark clouds were densely covered.

"Look, what is that?"

Someone pointed to the sky and said that many monks looked towards the sky.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky, followed by the second and third.

Ten breaths, dense blue light appeared high in the sky, and it didn't take long for the monks to see the true face of the blue light. It was a piece of blue lotus artifact. Wearing a celestial cultivator in a cyan vestment, their faces are full of confidence, and there is a cyan lotus pattern on their clothes.

"Qinglian, this is the symbol of the royal family of Qinglian Villa."

Wang Yuerong exclaimed, overjoyed.

A cyan lotus flower appeared in the sky, like the stars in the sky.

The young man in green shirt with wings on his back realized that something was wrong. He was about to run away when a loud sound broke through the air. A red fist with a size of more than ten feet fell from the sky and slammed into the young man in blue shirt.

The young man in the blue shirt opened his mouth and spewed out a blue light, and UU reading hit the red fist.


With a deafening loud noise, the cyan light collided with the red fist shadow, and they all perished together, and a powerful air wave erupted.

There was a deafening sound of thunder in the sky, and a huge thundercloud with a radius of ten thousand meters appeared in the sky without warning.

The thundercloud rolled violently, and you could see silver snakes.

There was a flash of silver light, and hundreds of thick silver lightning struck the young man in the blue shirt below.

The young man in green shirt was startled, his wings flapped wildly, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared from the spot.


A deafening roar sounded, and hundreds of thick silver lightning struck the monsters or birds. The monsters and birds immediately fell to the ground, their bodies charred black, and the low-level monsters and birds turned into flying ashes.

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