Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1581: The power of Zixiao

The radius of 100 miles was covered by dense silver lightning, like a silver thunderstorm, the lightning and thunder, the continuous thunder, and there were huge potholes on the ground. As long as the silver lightning struck, the monster fell down immediately. , has not survived three silver lightning bolts.

The young man in the blue shirt reacted quickly and turned into an afterimage, dodging in an area of ​​hundreds of miles.

His speed is very fast, but the silver lightning seems to be endless, constantly slashing.

A deafening dragon roar sounded, and a silver flood dragon with a body length of thirty feet flew from the distant sky. The silver flood dragon was covered with silvery scales and had a silver horn that was two feet long on its head. Wang Mengbin sat on the head of the silver dragon with an indifferent expression.

Wang Mengbin had dense silver arcs flashing all over his body, like a thunder god.

"It's very fast to hide, can it be faster than lightning?"

Wang Mengbin sneered, and pointed at Leiyun, who was reaching for the sky.

Thundercloud seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, violently tumbling and surging, rumbling thunder sounded, and countless silver arcs were woven into a huge silver thunder net, covering the blue-shirted youth.

The wings on the back of the blue-shirted youth slammed fiercely, turning into an afterimage and disappearing, the wind escape technique.

The silver thunder net covered hundreds of demon birds, and the demon birds slammed into the silver thunder net, and suddenly screamed and their bodies were charred black.

"Thousands of thunders roar in unison!"

With Wang Mengyang's low voice, the thundercloud rolled violently like a tide, and thousands of thick silver lightnings flew out and slashed into the void below.


After a huge thunderous sound, the young man in green shirt fell from the void, his wings charred and his face slightly pale.

The young man in the green shirt was only slightly injured, and those low-level monsters were out of luck. The low-level monsters were struck by silver lightning, and immediately disappeared, leaving a huge pothole on the ground.

Thousands of silver lightnings fell, and the ground seemed to have been ploughed again. The ground was full of potholes. Hundreds of charred monster corpses lay on the ground. There was a strong smell of burning in the air.

"The real person Zixiao is so terrifying."

Wang Yuerong took a deep breath, her eyes full of admiration.

The youth in green shirts did not dare to stay for long, the thunder spells could restrain most of the demon clan.

The wings on his back kept flapping wildly, generating a powerful airflow, which turned into a cyan long rainbow and flew away in an instant.

Before he flew far, hundreds of thick silver lightnings fell from the sky. If the young man in the green shirt continued to escape, the silver lightning would strike him.

The blue-shirted youth quickly changed his direction, and there was a piercing sound of breaking through the air behind him. Two golden rays of light were lasing, and one blurred, appeared in front of the blue-shirted youth, and went straight to his forehead.

The young man in blue shirt was startled, his hands turned into a pair of huge blue eagle claws in a burst of dazzling blue light, hitting two golden lights!

"Kang Keng!"

The two metals collided with a muffled sound, sparks flew everywhere, and the two golden lights were blocked by the young man in the blue shirt. The golden light was a shining golden circle.

The golden light flashed, and the two golden circles suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, which suddenly produced a strong magnetic force. The young man in the blue shirt felt like an invisible big hand was holding him down, unable to move.

The azure light on his body shined brightly, and the wings on his back slammed fiercely. After the sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air, dense cyan plumes flew out, piercing the golden light, and his body regained freedom.

A purple light lasing came, instantly hitting the chest of the blue-shirted youth, and it burst open, and a large purple thunder light drowned the blue-shirted youth's body.

A painful scream came out, and the wind was blowing.


A huge thunderous sound rang out, and a silver thunderball the size of a hill flew out of the thundercloud, smashing into the purple thunderlight with an aura of annihilation.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and a silver sun with a diameter of thousands of meters appeared high in the sky, which could be seen for thousands of miles.

Two golden rays of light flew out from the silver scorching sun, and they were two golden circles, with some blood on the surface of the circles.

The corpse of the silver-shirted youth fell out of the silver sun, the corpse was charred black, and the corpse was separated.

With a flash of blue light, a mini green eagle flew out from the corpse.

The body of the Nascent Soul cultivator is destroyed, the Nascent Soul escapes, and the body can be recovered to regain the cultivation base. The body of the demon clan in the Nascent Soul period is destroyed, and the spirit escapes, and the body can also be found to seize the house again, but if you want to recover Cultivation is much more difficult than immortal cultivators.

A cyan light lit up in the void, and a small and exquisite cyan tower descended from the sky and instantly expanded. A huge cyan lotus was engraved on the surface of the cyan tower. The cyan light flashed, and the bottom of the cyan tower spurted out a cyan glow, which accurately covered it. I took the mini blue eagle and swept it into the blue tower and disappeared.

There was a deafening dragon roar from high in the sky, and a golden flood dragon with a length of more than thirty meters appeared in the sky. Wang Qingshan, Meng Tianzheng, and Wang Qiuming stood on the back of the golden flood dragon, and their expressions were indifferent.

Wang Qingshan waved at the giant blue tower, and the giant blue tower quickly shrunk and flew into his sleeve and disappeared.

"The frontline coalition forces were broken again so quickly, and the demon clan actually hit our hinterland."

Meng Tianzheng said with a frown.

Wang Qingshan looked down, his eyes fell on Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan, and he asked warmly, "Are you all right! How did the demon clan defeat the frontline coalition so quickly?"

The area bordering the human and demon races is too wide, the human race can’t defend it at all, and it is easy to be divided and wiped out by the demon race. If you gather a lot of troops in one place, and the demon race takes other nearby sites, the human race will fall into the siege of the demon race. Among them, no matter how hard the tortoise shell is, there will be a day when it will be broken.

Therefore, once the monster clan gathers a large number of monster beasts, the human clan will often break out, and try to preserve the living force as much as possible, which is also impossible.

"Back to the words of Senior The demon clan suddenly gathered millions of demon beasts, there are as many as a dozen of the fourth-order demon beasts, and there are battle formations, we are not opponents at all, by the way, Sun Seniors, they are still resisting the demon clan in front! We are just one of the defeated soldiers."

Cheng Zhenyu explained in an anxious tone.

After the Yuanying monks of the six immortal gates stayed behind, they bought time for the monks below Yuanying to escape. Cheng Zhenyu still admired them very much.

"Let's support Daoyou Sun and the others, Ji Yun, Youwei, Yingjie, I'll leave it to you here."

Wang Qingshan said hello, the golden dragon below him let out a roar, and flew high into the sky, the silver dragon followed closely, and the four Nascent Soul cultivators went to the front line to support, Wang Youwei and others were responsible for dealing with those who were at the stage of forming pills. Monsters and half-demons.

Decades ago, in the battle to exterminate insects in the northern region, the Wang family killed and injured many foundation-building cultivators and qi-refining cultivators. At that time, there were not many people who went to exterminate insects in the northern region.

This time, the Wang family dispatched three Nascent Souls and fifteen formed elixir.

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