Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1582: melee

Donghuang is the ancestral land of the Wang family. Donghuang has a very important meaning to the Wang family. This is very different from the northern border. The enemies have all hit the door, and the Wang family has begun to move in earnest.

The number of monsters is too many, even if the Wang family rushed to support, the number of monsters is far more than the human race.

Wang Youwei, Ouyang Mingyue, Wang Yingjie, Wang Rongting, Wang Rongfei, Wang Rongxiang, Wang Changjie, Wang Yinghao, and Wang Jiyun all participated in the war. They are the elites of the Wang family. Wang Qingshan intends to take this opportunity to temper them. .

The Wang family has a system of two heroes, three shows, four heroes, five sons and six heroes. Wang Qiuming and Wang Mengbin have been promoted to the Yuanying period one after another. The two heroes are vacant, and the four heroes also vacate two positions. The third show is Wang Rongting, Wang Rongfei, and Wang Rongxiang. Nothing has changed.

Wang Qingshan made a promise that whoever performs well in this battle will be selected as the two heroes and the four heroes. Wang Youwei is one of the four heroes. If he performs well, he can be selected as the two heroes. It is two heroes, three shows and four heroes. If they are selected as two heroes, they can give priority to the birth of babies.

There are national laws, and there are family rules.

Wang Youwei wanted to be selected as the duo, but Wang Yingjie didn't want to.

A piercing bird chirping sounded, and thousands of demon birds rushed towards the Wang family cultivator, and the monster beasts on the ground released spells one after another to attack the Wang family cultivator.

The foundation-building cultivators of the Wang family took out a blue crossbow machine, pulled the trigger, and shot out colorful arrows. The arrowheads of the arrows were conical, and stabbed on the monster birds and monsters, and the arrows suddenly bloomed. Become a mini lotus.

The arrow of the golden arrow shot a golden flying needle, piercing the body of the monster, the arrow of the blue arrow burst, and a large piece of blue liquid splashed out, sprinkled on the monster, and a burst of blue smoke appeared. The arrows of the red arrows burst open, billowing flames gushing out, drowning the body of the monster, and the arrows of the white arrows poured cold air, and the body of the monster quickly froze.

In addition to the puppet beasts, the Wang family has developed many special weapons, which came in handy this time.

Fifteen cultivators including Wang Yingjie used their methods to attack half-demon or third-order monsters in the elixir stage.

Wang Yingjie and Wang Yinghao controlled the four elephant puppet beasts together.

Wang Jijun sacrificed nine blue-colored flying swords, and with a pinch of the sword, the nine flying swords were divided into two, two and four, and three of them could not breathe. Hundreds of blue flying swords It appeared, turned into hundreds of blue rainbow lights, and went straight to the demon clan.

Wang Youwei and Ouyang Mingyue sacrificed magic weapons together to attack the demon clan.

For a time, the roar continued, and the air waves rolled.

With the addition of the Wang family cultivator, the pressure on Cheng Zhenyu and others was greatly reduced.

Tens of thousands of miles away, in a vast plain, four Nascent Soul monks, three men and one woman, were fighting fiercely with the demon clan.

There were three demon clans in the Nascent Soul period, and the leader was a woman in a golden skirt with some golden scales on her face and arms. She was born in the Qing Snake clan and was in the middle Nascent Soul period.

In addition to the three Nascent Soul monsters, there are also five fourth-order monsters.

The ground is full of potholes, scattered with a large number of corpses. There are both human and demon races, and the ground is stained with blood. There are also some human monks fighting with monsters, but the number of human monks is too small, obviously not from the monster race.

Taoist Ziyang's face was pale, and he controlled two fourth-order puppet beasts to attack the demon clan.

In order to preserve their living strength, they scattered and broke through. Taoist Ziyang and other Nascent Soul monks stayed behind to buy time for the low-level monks to escape.

After controlling two fourth-order puppet beasts for a long time, Daoist Ziyang's consciousness was seriously consumed.

"This is the hinterland of the human race. Quickly fight and solve them as soon as possible!"

A red-robed old man with a dove-faced eagle nose frowned and said, with a pair of red wings three feet long on his back.

A sharp and piercing bird chirping sounded, and the red-robed old man's body radiated red light, turning into a huge red giant eagle, slamming his wings fiercely, and flying towards the sky.

It didn't take long for the red giant eagle to reach a height of 10,000 feet. It circled high in the sky, setting off waves of red fire, and a huge cloud of fire appeared in the sky. The cloud of fire rolled violently like boiling water, emitting a monstrous heat wave.

Daoist Ziyang was startled, and was about to avoid it when a burly blond man on the opposite side gave off a golden light. He opened his mouth and let out a loud roar of a tiger. A golden sound wave swept out and went straight to Daoist Ziyang. The four left.

Hearing the roar of the tiger, the four Taoist Ziyang felt their heads buzzing, as if someone was hitting their heads with a heavy hammer.

When the low-level monks heard the sound of the tiger's roar, they let out a shriek. The seven orifices bleed to their death. The pill-forming monk was better. He held his head in his hands and his face was distorted. Taking this opportunity, the third-level monsters swarmed up and ripped the pill-forming monk. smash.

The golden sound wave quickly arrived in front of Daoist Ziyang, and Taoist Ziyang also reacted. The purple whisk in his hand swayed lightly, and the sound of breaking through the air was loud, and the slender purple silk thread flew out, hitting the golden sound wave.


With a deafening loud noise, the golden sound wave was shattered by the dense purple silk thread, and a powerful air wave erupted.

There was a huge roar from high in the sky, and hundreds of huge fireballs the size of water tanks flew out from the red fire cloud. From a distance, it looked like a red meteor shower.

A bony gray-robed man quickly opened his mouth, and a black light flew out, turning into a black flag that was more than ten meters long. There was a hideous grimace on the flag, and the grimace grinned like a living thing.

A shrill devil's cry sounded, and the ghost's face spurted out billowing black air, turning into a huge black cloud, floating above the heads of the four Ziyang Taoists.

The huge fireball hit the black cloud, like mud like the sea, and disappeared without a trace, but the dense fireball hit the black cloud. After several tricks, a dazzling black light erupted from the flag of the black The grimace on the flag spurted out a large amount of black gas, and the size of the black cloud continued to expand, which blocked the huge fireball s attack.

Some huge fireballs smashed on the ground, and suddenly large pits were smashed, and the pits were filled with billowing flames.

The woman in the golden skirt opened her mouth, and a large piece of slender golden light flew out, instantly reaching the four Taoist Ziyang people.

The cyan feather fan in the hand of a tall and straight azure-robed old man lightly fanned, and a green gust of wind swept out and greeted him.


With a loud bang, the dense golden light and the cyan wind perished together, and a powerful air wave broke out.

The low-level monks were all dead, and the four Ziyang Taoists had little meaning to stay, so they decided to break out of the encirclement.

At this moment, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a silver light and a golden light appeared in the distant sky, quickly flying towards here.

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