Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1587: Big things into small things into nothing

After leaving the main hall, Zhong Chen turned into a flash of light and disappeared into the sky.

"Husband, there is indeed something wrong with Zhong Chen. He is most likely a secret hand left by Junior Sister Situ."

Fang Yue looked at Zhong Shen who was far away and said solemnly.

In order to compete for the throne of Moon Palace Palace Master, she and Du Xu joined forces to kill Situ Mei. Situ Mei blew herself up, but Nascent Soul was not left behind. Afterwards, Fang Yue launched a major purge, and all the disciples who were loyal to Situ Mei were eliminated. Zhong Chen had nothing to do with Situ Mei, he belonged to Fang Yue's camp, and because of his innocence, Fang Yue did not doubt him.

Situ Mei appeared as Zhang Wuchen, Fang Yue and Du Xu sent people to arrest Situ Mei, and at the same time secretly investigated suspicious persons, etc. There must be Situ Mei's comrades in the Sun Moon Palace.

Fang Yue and Situ Mei are from the same sect. They are very familiar with each other. After investigation, they found out that three elders in the Yuan Ying period may have private affairs with Situ Mei, and Zhong Chen is one of them.

Zhong Chen's resume is clear, and on the bright side, he has nothing to do with Situ Mei.

Sun Moon Palace sent a large number of people to arrest Situ Mei, Zhong Chen took the initiative to invite Ying, and went to Wangui Sea to find Situ Mei.

After the news that Qinglian Immortal Companion was a descendant of Zhenhaizong's core disciples suddenly came out from the South China Sea, Zhong Chen came to report to them that some clues he had discovered further confirmed that Qinglian Immortal Companion was a descendant of Zhenhaizong. It's too suspicious to report late and not report it until now.

"If we spare his life, will he confess the whereabouts of Junior Sister Situ?"

Du Xu frowned, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"We are willing to spare his life, does he believe it? Even if he believes it, based on what I know about Junior Sister Situ, she can't have a fixed address, let alone tell Zhong Chen."

Fang Yue's tone was serious, she changed her tone and said, "These are just my suspicions. Assuming it is true, we can use him to track down the whereabouts of Junior Sister Situ."

"Why did Junior Sister Situ provoke the relationship between our Sun Moon Palace and the Wang family! Is it true, or is it a rumor? If it is a rumor, she simply said that the Wang family has obtained the secret realm of the Murong family, and that way, there will be many forces. Staring at the Wang family, why did she get involved with the Wang family?"

Du Xu's face was full of confusion, Situ Mei had a grudge against them, and it was not surprising to plot against the Sun Moon Palace. Why did Situ Mei plot against the Wang family?

"It's hard to say, maybe the Wang family did something that hurt her. She always has revenge. Lin Yuzong has been a fake couple with her for hundreds of years. She didn't hesitate when she betrayed Lin Yuzong, let alone the Wang family. Whether it is credible or not, let's spread the news. It was Situ's younger sister who advocated the destruction of Zhenhaizong, and she led people to the Zhenhaizong main altar to reduce the hostility of the Wang family to us as much as possible. The Wang family is dead."

Fang Yue said slowly, the truth of Zhenhaizong's collapse must be made public to ease the relationship between the Sun Moon Palace and the Wang family.

"The big catastrophe may not necessarily be an invasion of foreign races, but it may also be that the major forces in the Dongli Realm attack each other, or there is a senior who wants to unify the Dongli Realm."

Du Xu boldly guessed.

Fang Yue snorted and said, "What about him! Soldiers come to block water and earth to cover, the strength of the Xiu Xian world is respected, and the master passed the position of palace master to me, I must not live up to her old man's expectations, the Sun Moon Palace must not be destroyed in In my hands, otherwise I will be the sinner of the Sun Moon Palace."

She grew up in the Sun Moon Palace, and the Sun Moon Palace was her home. She would never allow the Sun Moon Palace to be destroyed, not anyone.


Wanjianmen, Wanjiandian, Bailiyi sat on the main seat, and more than a dozen elders of Wanjianmen sat on both sides, and everyone's expressions were very solemn.

"You have all heard about it! Qinglian Immortal Companion may be a descendant of the core disciples of Zhenhai Sect. Tell us your opinion."

Bailiyi asked in a deep voice, this news is too shocking and has a great impact on the situation in the South China Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

"We checked the details of the Wang family. The ancestors of the Wang family established their family in Donghuang, and it has been the same for hundreds of years. Later, there were frequent wars in the Donghuang. The development of the Red Moon Sea Area, we all know what happened next. Qinglian immortals married babies and became famous in the South China Sea. Before they formed babies, they were not well-known. They may have obtained the inheritance of Zhenhai Sect and cultivated Zhenhai Sect. Dharma."

Dai Ren said slowly that he was the closest to the Wang family and had a great say.

The Sun Moon Palace destroyed Zhenhaizong and divided up Zhenhaizong's territory with other major forces, but Wanjianmen did not benefit from it.

"Senior brother, regardless of whether Qinglian Xianlu is practicing Zhenhaizong Zhenzong, we must protect them. The Wang family has no conflict of interest with us. A strong Wang family is good for our Wanjianmen. Taking a step back, Even if Qinglian Immortal Companion is not a descendant of Zhenhai Sect, we should treat them as descendants of Zhenhai Sect, and use this as an excuse to return to a part of Zhenhai Sect."

"Yeah! Zhenhaizong's territory is not small, even if we get one-fifth of it back, it will be enough for us to establish two more rudders, and it is not a problem to support thousands of disciples."

Xiuxianjie takes the lead. Whether Qinglian Xianlu is a descendant of Zhenhaizong, Wanjianmen must protect the Wang family, and even Wanjianmen can take part of Zhenhaizong back under the banner of being the first of the Wang family.

"We can't protect the Wang family in vain. The Zhenhaizong ruins must be handed over to us. It is an island with fifth-order spiritual veins, and it is rare in the entire South China Sea cultivating world. We can speed up our practice by practicing on fifth-order spiritual veins."

"That's right, there are also the secrets of the exercises that Zhenhaizong treasures. These things are the most precious things."

Bailiyi looked at Li Rui and Nangongfu, and asked, "Nephew Li and nephew Nangong, what do you think!"

Li Rui and Nangongfu met Qinglian Xianlu. They met Qinglian Xianlu when they traveled in the East Wasteland. Li Rui and Nangongfu are masters and younger brothers of Bailiyi. According to their seniority, even if they are promoted to Yuanying During the period, they all called Baili Yi the head teacher.

"The catastrophe is coming, it's too early to say this, whether it's the site or the Zhenhaizong main altar, it doesn't have much impact on the strength of our Wanjianmen. I think we should send someone to clarify the news immediately, just say yes Rumors, please Shishu Dai go to the Wang family and give the Wang family a reassurance. As long as the Wang family follows us to Wanjianmen, we will do our best to protect the Wang family. As a condition for protecting the Wang family, if the Wang family grows, we will come to congratulate and support the Wang family to rebuild Zhenhaizong to maximize the benefits."

Li Rui eloquently explained his analysis in a well-organized manner.

"Husband is right, it's too early to ask for territory, but one thing is certain, as long as the Wang family does not collude with the hostile forces of our Wanjianmen, we will do our best to protect the Wang family."

Nangong Fu agreed.

Baili Yi nodded and said, "Well said, the Sun Moon Palace wants to move the Wang family, we Wanjianmen must protect the Wang family, Junior Brother Dai, please go to the Wang family, just press Li What the nephew said, hmph, the Sun Moon Palace divided up the Zhenhai Sect's territory with Sihaimen, the Shen family, and the Shenbing Palace, but they didn't give us an island."

"Yes, Senior Brother Sect Master (Sect Master Sect Master.

Dai Ren and the others stood up and said in unison.

Soon, Wanjianmen came forward to deny the news that Qinglian Immortal Companion was a descendant of Zhenhaizong, and said that someone deliberately provoked civil strife in the Nanhai Xiu Xianjie. Not long after, Sun Moon Palace also came forward, saying that Situ Mei personally led the team. , and entered the main altar of Zhenhaizong, she was the culprit who destroyed Zhenhaizong.

Under the influence of the catastrophe, the major forces are reluctant to provoke war. Donghuang is a living example. Both Sun Moon Palace and Wan Jianmen sent a large number of people to arrest those who spread rumors. No one doubts the veracity of this.

This matter soon subsided, and the major forces turned their attention to the Eastern Wilderness, all watching the war between the Eastern Wilderness Human Race and the Monster Race.

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