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Chapter 1588: Tianlan Realm, Tianlan Sect

In the Central Plains, the Falling Immortal Cave is located in the southwest of the Xiuxian Realm in the Central Plains. There are strong restrictions in the Falling Immortal Cave, and there are many heaven and earth treasures. Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator breaks in, there is a danger of falling.

Generally speaking, high-level cultivators do not have much longevity, or they are desperate, they will enter the Falling Immortal Cave to hunt for treasures.

In an underground cave outside the Falling Immortal Cave, three men and two women are discussing something, and mysterious yellow runes are flashing on the stone wall, which is obviously a ban.

Shen Haoran and Song Yuzhen were both there, and they had at least mid-Nuan Ying cultivation.

"Donghuang is already in chaos, but I estimate that the chaos in the East will not last long. We have to open the space channel as soon as possible, and come with the same door. At that time, we will be a great achievement."

Shen Haoran said with some excitement, they have been planning for hundreds of years, and they finally waited for this day.

"It's a pity that we have too few people. Otherwise, it would be fine if the East Wilderness, the South China Sea, the Central Plains and the Northern Border would be in chaos at the same time."

A young woman in a silver skirt with a round pearl and a smooth jade said with some regret. Her surname is Liu Jiaojiao, a fourth-order array mage, and she is a monk in the divine transformation stage.

"The god-turning cultivators in Dongli Realm are not stupid. It's enough to make the Eastern Desolate Human Race and the Monster Race fight. There are god-turning cultivators in other places.

Shen Haoran calmly analyzed.

Song Yuzhen hesitated for a moment, then said: "Senior Brother Shen, do you think we are in the middle of a plot? What if the Eastern Wilderness Monster Clan and the Human Clan are acting! The Tianhu Clan is proficient in illusions, even if the Immortal Transformation Talisman can be transformed into the appearance of Bai Linger Brother, but I think Bai Ling'er died too easily, don't forget, Bai Xin, the ancestor of the Tianhu clan, is a spiritual cultivator, if he uses illusions! We may not be able to see through."

"The Immortal Transformation Talisman is one of the five secret Talismans of this sect. It can be transformed into the appearance of other monks. Unfortunately, there is no other person's supernatural power. It's not bad to use it to deceive people. It’s real, the Yuanying monks and the Yuanying monsters have suffered a lot of casualties, so it can’t be fake! We all personally killed a Yuanying monster.”

Song Yuzhen frowned and said, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, in case it's fake! Could it be the god-turning cultivator of the Dongli Realm who would lead us into the trap, we want to open the space channel, If the cultivators from Dongli Realm deliberately let us do this! As for those cultivators of the Nascent Soul and the demon clan in the Nascent Soul stage, as long as the cultivators can get great benefits, they will care about their subordinates. Life and death? Isn't it the same for us? We have been in the Dongli Realm for more than 300 years. Senior Sister Zhao and Senior Brother Li died in the space storm, and Junior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Sun, and Senior Brother Yang died at the hands of the masters of Dongli Realm."

"According to the news we have inquired, the god-turning monks who are famous in the world of immortal cultivation, such as True Monarch Sirius, Four Seasons Sword Sovereign, True Monarch Qinglong, Puppet Emperor, etc., have all disappeared inexplicably. There is no news at all. If I am right, They are similar to Elder Qian and the others. The resources of Dongli Realm cannot be used for them to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation. They should be looking for space nodes or small interfaces, trying to go to the spiritual realm. If this sect wants to invade Dongli Realm, Dongli Realm may not be impossible. Invade our Tianlan Realm."

Liu Jiaojiao agreed and said, "Yes! Senior Brother Shen, Junior Sister Song is right. We have to guard against, we don't know how many cultivators there are in Dongli Realm, and what Situ Mei said may not be true. real."

The other two expressed their approval, and they all felt that killing Bai Linger was too smooth.

Shen Haoran sighed lightly and said, "Junior Sister Song, Junior Sister Liu, I don't know what you said, have you thought about it, ten of us came from Tianlan Realm to Dongli Realm, and Senior Brother Li and the others died. , there are only five of us left. More than 300 years have passed. I am lucky. From the middle of the Nascent Soul to the late Nascent Soul, if we do not open the space channel, where will we get enough resources for cultivation? Do we want to die of old age? Infancy?"

"Let's not say anything else, the spiritual pulse is a problem. Where can we find the cultivation of the fourth-order spiritual pulse? I still have more than 300 years of life, Junior Sister Liu and Junior Brother Zhao, you are probably the same, we can be in Dongli. Realm cultivation to the stage of spiritual transformation? We are like rats crossing the street in Dongli Realm, hiding in the east and Tibet, for fear of revealing our identity, I have had enough, I don’t want to live like this again.”

Shen Haoran roared loudly, looking excited.

At the beginning, ten Yuanying monks were ordered to go to Dongli Realm in an attempt to open a space channel. Who knew that the monks who led the team died in the space crack. Only five of them survived. Fortunately, they have a backup plan, otherwise they can only stay in forever. East fence.

The four of Song Yuzhen remained silent. Shen Haoran was right. They had not had a good time these years. If they could cultivate to the Spirit Transformation stage in Dongli Realm, they would not need to open the space channel. The problem was that they had no confidence at all. Donglijie cultivated to the stage of spiritual transformation.

In order to have a place to live, they had to commit themselves to the Heavenly Demon Sect of the Daqin Dynasty and serve as an offering to the Heavenly Demon Sect. It took Shen Haoran more than 300 years to advance from the middle Nascent Soul to the late Nascent Soul, a very important reason was the lack of resources , it is impossible to get too many resources for worship.

"As long as the space channel is opened, we are a great achievement. Uncle Zhao promised that by opening the space channel, we can withdraw to the rear to cultivate and obtain a large amount of resources for cultivation. If not, how could we have been willing to go to Dongli Realm? ?"

Shen Haoran said excitedly, the cultivator in the Dongli Realm might be setting up a plan, and he didn't care. Opening the space channel was a great achievement, and the sect would reward him with a large amount of resources for cultivating immortals.

"That's right, let's wait a little longer? Continue to wait and see?"

Song Yuzhen suggested that her tone was a little uncertain. She understood Shen Haoran's mood, and she also wanted to open the space passage earlier and bring her fellow students over.

"Do you think that the sect will send ten Yuanying monks to Dongli Realm?"

Shen Haoran sneered.

"Senior Brother Shen, what do you mean by that? Please explain clearly."

Liu Jiaojiao frowned and said.

Shen Haoran sighed and said solemnly: "Our Tianlan Realm originally had ten major forces, and there are many small forces under the ten major forces, just like the Dongli Realm. , But more than 600 years ago, the ten major forces suddenly merged and merged into a super sect Tianlan Sect, during which there was no war, and then began to cultivate a large number of high-level monks, and all kinds of cultivation resources were rapidly consumed."

"What are you talking about? More than 600 years ago, those god-turning monsters had already begun to plan to invade other interfaces. There were ten people when we set off, and there are still five people. The God-turning monsters didn't take this into account? Eggs It is impossible to put them in one basket. If I guessed correctly, they must have sent other Nascent Soul cultivators to sneak into other interfaces. No matter how strong this sect is, it is impossible to invade two interfaces at the same time. Open the space passage in front of the other fellows, let's stay in the Dongli world forever!"

Shen Haoran is also very If someone opens the space channel to other interfaces one step ahead of them, they will definitely be abandoned. Opening the space channel does not mean that they can walk through at will, and they need to be from the Tianlan Realm. The cultivator cooperates, otherwise there is still a great risk of falling by forcibly passing through the space channel.

Therefore, Shen Haoran couldn't wait to open the space passage. If they were ahead of the others, they could still return to the rear to practice. The longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it would be for them.

"Senior Brother Shen is right. This sect has cultivated a large number of high-level monks and made it clear that they want to invade other interfaces. Uncle Zhao and the others cannot put all their hopes on us."

Song Yuzhen sighed, with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

After listening to Shen Haoran's analysis, the other three didn't say anything.

"Since you have no opinion, let's act! Opening the space channel is not so fast. We have been planning for more than 300 years, and we must not fall short."

Shen Haoran punched the ground and said viciously.

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