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Chapter 1590: Long Yanji, Lei Yunbin, Li Shuo and Zhao Lei 4 great gods

The Jinyan Mountains are located in the southeast of the Tianlan Realm, stretching for thousands of miles. There are many volcanoes here, and the fire spirit is abundant. There are many fire attribute elixir, and a large number of fire attribute monsters. After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan Realm, Set up a sub-rudder here, and send five Nascent Soul monks to sit in the town. There are space nodes here. On the other side of the space nodes, there may be other interfaces.

There are many buildings in the Jinyan Mountains, and you can see many exotic animals that are rare in the outside world, and a large number of monks are active in the building complex.

The entire mountain range is covered with large and small volcanic craters. From time to time, you can see red columns of lava rising into the sky. The air is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur. The temperature is also frighteningly high, and the sky is red.

In the depths of the mountain range, there is a giant peak that is thousands of feet high. A tall red palace, with red eaves and red tiles, and glazed beasts on its ridges.

There is a golden plaque hanging in the palace with three large silver characters of "Golden Flame Palace" written on it.

Four men, one woman and five Nascent Soul monks gathered in the main hall. An old man with a childish face was sitting on the main seat. The old man was wearing a blue Taoist robe and a goatee. His face was peaceful. Perfect monk.

"Xuanyuan Pan has responded. I have already reported to the sect. I believe that the people from the sect are coming soon. How is the construction of the ban?"

The blue-robed old man asked in a deep voice, with a serious tone.

The old man's surname is Ma Hongfei, and his life span is still more than 200. He was born in the Ma family of the immortal clan, but after the Tianlan Sect ruled the Tianlan world, there is no such thing as the immortal clan.

After the Tianlan Sect unified the Tianlan world, it took three hundred years to unify the language, culture and prices, invest a lot of resources in cultivating immortals to cultivate disciples, and refine a large number of magic weapons, formations, etc., to prepare for the invasion of other interfaces. The monks who have grown up have a strong sense of belonging to the Tianlan Sect, but Ma Hongfei has a stronger sense of belonging to the family.

The Ma family is still the Ma family, but they must obey the orders of the Tianlan Sect. Anyone who dares to disobey the orders of the sect will be severely punished, and Ma Hongfei will not dare to disobey.

In order to invade other interfaces, Tianlanjie spent a lot of manpower and material resources, refining dozens of magic treasure Xuanyuan disks and placing them in places with many space nodes. Open a space channel.

Ma Hongfei knew that the Tianlan Sect was going to invade other interfaces, and two Nascent Soul monks from the Ma family were also sent to another world, waiting for an opportunity to open the space channel connecting the two interfaces.

No one can be sure that Tianlanjie is stable over other interfaces. Therefore, a large number of restrictions must be placed. If the strength of other interfaces is stronger, Tianlanjie will immediately block the passage to ensure that everything is safe.

An old woman in green robe with a kind face nodded and said, "Already arranged, there are a total of 36 sets of formations, covering the entire Golden Flame Mountain Range, and blocking 180 Nascent Souls is not a problem. "

Ma Hongfei frowned and said in a stern tone: "This is not enough, inform the other sub-rudders, and dispatch some more people, especially the formation wizards and formation equipment, the Jinyan Mountains are suitable for arranging fire attribute formations, and more transportation Some fire-attribute formation materials are here."

"Nephew Ma is right. Immediately dispatch a group of people to seal the radius of 100 million miles and turn it into an independent space. In this way, the advance can be attacked, and the retreat can be defended."

A majestic woman's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as she finished speaking, a red flood dragon with a length of more than one hundred meters flew in. With a flash of red light, the red flood dragon transformed into a red-skirted girl with picturesque features. The red-skirted girl's skin was fair. , there is a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, and there are a pair of long horns like coral on her head. She exudes a breath like a vast sea, and she is a cultivator.

Seeing the girl in the red dress, the five Ma Hongfei stood up one after another, bowed and saluted, and said in unison, "This disciple pays respects to Master Long."

The Tianlan Sect has no racial distinctions, and treats them equally. If there is a teacher, they will be called according to their seniority, and if they have no teacher, they will be called according to their cultivation base.

"Nephew Ma, your errands are well done. Send more people and mobilize various resources. It's not too late to seal this place first, and then open the space channel."

The girl in the red dress ordered, she gave herself a name----Long Yanji.

"Junior Sister Long, let's open the space channel first! In order to avoid the last thing happening again, we are busy working for nothing. We don't have so much time to waste."

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, countless silver arcs suddenly lit up in the void, and the silver light flashed, and a tall and tall young man in silver shirt appeared in the hall.

The youth in silver shirt has handsome features, wears a silver robe, wears a silver jade crown, and wears a white jade belt around his waist. His aura is stronger than that of Long Yanji.

"Disciple pays respects to Senior Uncle Lei!"

Ma Hongfei and others saluted one after another with extremely respectful expressions.

The strength of the silver-shirted youth can be ranked in the top five in Tianlan Realm. His surname is Lei Yunbin.

"Senior Brother Lei, we alone can't open the space channel. This is a channel that links two interfaces. Ordinary magic weapons can't maintain the stable existence of the channel. Once it collapses, the disciples in the channel will die and disappear."

Long Yanji said with a frown.

Lei Yunbin smiled slightly and said, "Senior Brother Zhao and Junior Brother Li have already arrived, there are four of us, plus the two heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, the Xuanguang Heaven-shattering Sword and the Colorful Glass Bead, are enough to maintain the existence of the space channel. Five waves of people were sent before and after, most of them were killed or injured, and more than ten people were still alive. If we wait any longer and repeat the mistakes of the last time, we can only send another group of masters over, and then wait for hundreds of years or more. "

Long Yanji Liu frowned slightly, nodded, and said, "Since Senior Brother Zhao and Junior Brother Li have arrived, then there is no problem, let's go over!"

She looked at Ma Hongfei and instructed: "Master Ma, this sect has dispatched tens of thousands of cultivators, you will settle them down, and the sun and the moon will continue to build a prohibition formation to block off a radius of 100 million miles."

"Yes, Uncle Long."

Ma Hongfei agreed repeatedly, looking excited.

Long Yanji and Lei Yunbin turned into two rays of light and flew out.

At the northwest corner of the Jinyan Mountains, on a low red peak, a middle-aged man with a somewhat hunchback and a red-robed old man with a pot belly stood on the top of the mountain. The two looked at the sky with solemn expressions.

The middle-aged man was wearing a purple Taoist His eyes were like electricity. The red-robed old man's face was white, his neck was not visible, his stomach was shy, and he looked like a moving mountain of meat.

The middle-aged man's surname was Li Mingshuo, and the red-robed old man's surname was Zhao Minglei in the early days of divine transformation.

Hundreds of monks stood behind them, and there were as many as twenty Yuanying monks.

Long Yanji and Lei Yunbin flew from a distance and landed in front of Li Shuo and Zhao Lei.

"We've been busy for more than 600 years, and we've finally got a little bit of an eye. I hope we won't repeat the same mistakes."

Zhao Yan's face was a little complicated, and he looked up at the void.

"Let's do it! Xuanyuan Pan reacted more than a month ago. The longer the delay, the more likely the disciples in the other world will perish."

Lei Yunbin said solemnly, he doesn't care about the life and death of those disciples, but it is not easy to send a disciple to other interfaces, they have been waiting for hundreds of years.

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