Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1591: count

Zhao Lei nodded, the wide sleeve robe shook suddenly, and a white light flew out, turning into a white flying sword about three feet long. The sword body of the white flying sword was crystal clear and had mysterious lines. Like a living creature, it twists and turns.

The white flying sword exudes a terrifying aura fluctuation, flashing a dazzling white light, the sky-penetrating spiritual treasure, the mysterious light breaking the sky sword.

Li Shuo's broad palm turned over, a flash of spiritual light flashed, and a ball the size of an egg appeared in his hand. The surface of the bead had seven mysterious spiritual patterns of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. .

Lei Yunbin opened his mouth and a silver light flew out, and it was a slap-sized silver flag. There were countless silver arcs beating on the surface of the silver flag, emitting a terrifying energy fluctuation. .


With a low voice from Lei Yunbin, Xuanqing Tianlei Fan's body soared and turned into a giant silver banner with a length of 100 meters, which was inserted on the top of the peak.

The originally clear sky was suddenly closed by dark clouds, and the strong wind rolled back, blowing countless flying sand and rocks.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and a huge thundercloud appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder, the thundercloud rolled violently, and the silver snakes wandered in the thundercloud. If you can't breathe, the thundercloud is more than ten miles in size, and the blackness is overwhelming.

Lei Yunbin's tactic was pinched, and the thunder cloud rolled violently, and countless silver arcs emerged.

An earth-shattering thunder sounded, and a silver thunder column with a diameter of three miles flew out of the thundercloud and went straight to the sky.

Thousands of miles around are illuminated by silver light, and this piece of heaven and earth seems to have turned silver-white.

The silver thunder column hit the void, ripples swayed in the void, and the wind rolled back.

"Brother Zhao, take advantage of now."

Lei Yunbin said loudly, his face bloodless.

The channel connecting the two interfaces is not so easy to open. After all, their cultivation base is the highest in the middle stage of God Transformation. Even with the assistance of the Heavenly Soul Treasure, it is not easy for them to open a space channel connecting the two interfaces.

Zhao Lei's majestic mana was injected into the Xuanguang Sky-Breaking Sword, and the Xuanguang Sky-Breaking Sword suddenly appeared a hundred-zhang-long white sword light, and the sound of the sword was loud.

"Break it for me."

Zhao Lei's **** pointed at the void hit by the silver beam of light, and the Xuanguang Sky-Breaking Sword burst into a dazzling white glow, which turned into a white rainbow light that was ten thousand feet long, and went straight to the void.


The void seemed to have collapsed, revealing a crack that was more than a hundred feet long. A powerful astral wind gushed out from the crack, and the crack slowly healed.

"Junior Brother Li, quickly use the colorful glass beads to maintain the existence of the passage."

Zhao Lei shouted loudly, panting and pale.

With a flick of Li Shuo's wrist, the colorful glass beads turned into a streamer and flew out. After a blur, the colorful glass beads disappeared.

The next moment, a seven-color aura lit up near the crack, and colorful glass beads appeared.

The seven-colored glass beads burst out with ten thousand colorful auras, covering the cracks, and the cracks stopped healing immediately.

"Success, it depends on the reaction of the other side."

Lei Yunbin breathed a sigh of relief and looked excited.

"Immediately dispatch a group of masters, especially the Nascent Soul cultivators, and also, increase the restrictions on manpower arrangements and seal up this place. If we can't beat it, we can still return."

Long Yanji commanded, with a chilling look on her face.

Due to the limitation of resources, whether it is a human race or a monster race, it is rare to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation, unable to ascend to the spiritual world, and smuggling into the spiritual world has mostly failed. Attacking each other, the internal friction is serious, the god-turning cultivators of the two tribes of Tianlanjie combined, simply integrated all the forces to form a super faction, fully prepared for the war, and invaded other interfaces.

If they succeed, they can fight for a way out. If they fail, they will accept their fate and continue to kill each other.

This is also something that can't be done. There are not many resources in one interface. If they can ascend to the spiritual world, those god-turning old monsters do not want to invade other interfaces. The risk is too great and the time-consuming is too long.


Dongli world, falling into fairy cave.

The five Shen Haoran sat cross-legged on the ground, looking nervous.

Suddenly, a deafening roar came from high in the sky, and the blood-red void rippled and tore apart abruptly.

"That's great. Uncle Zhao and the others are cooperating with us. They are opening the space channel. Quick, let's cast spells."

Shen Haoran said excitedly, they have been in the Dongli Realm for more than 300 years, and they kept their names incognito for fear of revealing their secrets. Only they knew the sadness in them.

They should not be worried if they brought in the same sect, and they could also obtain a lot of resources for cultivating immortals. They have been waiting for this day for more than 300 years.

The five hurriedly cast spells, and each entered a spell into the formation plate, and the formation plate erupted with dazzling blood.

The ground shook violently, and countless blood-colored runes appeared one after another from the five arrays, which were densely packed, making the scalp numb.

The blood light flashed, and five thick blood-colored light beams rose into the sky, turning into a thick blood light, hitting the rippling void.


The void seemed to collapse, violently distorted and deformed.

"This is the time, step up, fast."

Shen Haoran shouted, and the majestic mana frantically poured into the array.

The array plates in the hands of the five people burst into dazzling blood light, the body of the blood light soared, the void suddenly tore apart, a crack appeared, and a soft colorful light floated out from the crack.

After ten breaths, a black hole more than thirty feet large appeared in the void, and the colorful treasure light covered the entire black hole.

A powerful attraction appeared, and a large number of flying sand and stones flew upside down, flying towards the black hole, the towering ancient trees were uprooted, and the monsters and monster birds flew uncontrollably towards the black hole. Killed by a powerful hurricane.

"That's great, I finally opened the space channel connecting the two interfaces. When Uncle Zhao and the others come over, everything will be worry-free."

Shen Haoran said excitedly, holding the array plate in his hand tightly.

At the northwest corner of the Falling Immortal Cave, there is a giant mountain with a steep mountain. Sun Tianhu, Bai Xin, Liu Ye, and Ye Yan are looking at the black hole in the sky, and the four of them have different expressions.

"Hey, this idiot, he really thought that what he did was leak-proof. If Linger was killed by them under the eyes of the old man, the old man would be killed by hitting him on the tofu."

Bai Xin smiled and sneered.

Bai Linger didn't die at all. What Situ Mei and the others saw were The Tianhu family was good at illusions. How could the illusions he performed were seen by a few Nascent Soul cultivators.

"In order to convince them that we are in the scheme, we, the human and the demon, are really fighting, and the loss is not small."

Liu Ye frowned and said.

"As long as it can make us go further, the casualties of those juniors are not important, so it's a good practice."

Bai Xin said nonchalantly, if the Donghuang cultivator heard their conversation, he would definitely be shocked. The battle between the two clans in the Eastern Desolation was secretly controlled by the god-turning cultivator and acted for the otherworldly cultivator to watch.

"It's nothing to kill or hurt some juniors, but let's not be careless. There are not many idiots who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage. We can set up a set to introduce them into the game, use them to open the space channel, and they can also set up a pit in turn. kill us."

Sun Tianhu reminded, his face solemn.

Everyone is not stupid, everyone has their own calculations.

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