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Chapter 1592: The cultivator of Tianlanjie arrives at Donglijie

The cultivators in the Tianlan Realm wanted to invade other interfaces and plunder the resources of other interfaces, and the cultivators in the Dongli Realm wanted to take this opportunity to counterattack into the Tianlan Realm.

Tianlanjie also left behind, placing a large number of restrictions near the space channel, sealing the radius of 100 million miles. If you can't beat other interfaces, immediately retreat and seal the entrance.

The difference is that the prohibition of Tianlan Realm is temporarily arranged, while the prohibition of Falling Immortal Cave has existed for a long time.

"Hmph, the power of the interface is not a joke. The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the power of the interface. At most, one or two middle-stage cultivators will be sent over. In the battle between the fairy and the devil more than 4,000 years ago, the strongest The demons are only in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods. We bring several pieces of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures and wait for the work. Daoyou Zhou and the others are guarding outside the falling fairy cave. , destroy the space channel, seal the Falling Immortal Cave, and trap them."

Liu Ye sneered, his face full of murderous intent.

The cultivators of the two interfaces have plans, and they all have backhands.

The advantage of Tianlan Realm is that it integrates all the forces, thinking in one place, making efforts in one place, and the Tongtian Lingbao that breaks the interface. The disadvantage is that monks with too high cultivation cannot go to Dongli Realm. The advantage of the world is that it operates locally, and it can mobilize a large number of masters at any time. The disadvantage is that the Dongli world does not integrate all the forces, and there are internal differences.

The cultivators of the two interfaces have one thing in common, they hope to plunder the resources of the other's interface to help them advance to the late stage of the gods.

As long as they can achieve their goals, no matter how many disciples are killed or injured, it doesn't matter to them.

"Hey, if it wasn't for the fact that we couldn't communicate with the ancestors of the spiritual world, why would we be reduced to such a level that the juniors would kill each other and act to show the monks from other worlds."

Ye Yan frowned, with a hint of unwillingness in his tone.

"I don't know what happened to the spiritual world. We can't communicate with the ancestors of the spiritual world. It is useless to use all kinds of secret techniques. If we can't cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation, we can only sneak in. The failure rate is too high. , Zhenxian Pagoda and Feixian Market also appeared after that, I don't know if there is any connection between the two."

Sun Tianhu said curiously, Myriad Beast Island used to be able to use secret techniques to contact the Patriarch of the Ascension Spirit World. Later, they didn't know what happened and they could no longer contact the Patriarch of the Spirit World. Zhenxian Pagoda and Feixian Market are also known as appeared after that.

Because of this, some people speculate that the Zhenxian Pagoda is from the spiritual world. There are so many forces in the Dongli world, and there are only a handful of powers that possess the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure. According to records, the Zhenxian Pagoda has taken out three Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures. There are two important reasons for the scarcity. The first is that the refining materials are rare, and the second is the high difficulty of refining.

"It's a pity that we don't have the Tongtian Lingbao who broke the interface. Otherwise, it's not that they invaded us, but we invaded them, and we don't know which interface the other party came from."

There was a hint of helplessness in Liu Ye's tone.

"It's useless to know, we don't know the specific situation of other interfaces, especially the number of spiritual monks, and the monks from other worlds don't know how many years they have been here, and they don't know much about the Dongli world. , they have been taken down for soul search long ago, and thanks to the fortune-tellers of Taiyi Xianmen who figured out that there is a catastrophe, let's take precautions in advance, otherwise it is really possible for them to succeed. I don't know if they have fortune-tellers and whether they can count Let's fight back."

Bai Xin sighed.

Liu Ye nodded and said: "This point has to be guarded against, let's hide first! Cooperate with Daoyou Zhou and the others to wipe out the invading enemy, and let them send some more people over to kill the opponent's living force as much as possible. Let's counterattack. , but they may also be behind, Daoyou Bai, you and Daoyou Ye should be more careful when the time comes, the other party should also have a back-up."

"Don't worry! The Shenbing Palace lent you the Gorefiend Blade, plus the Xuanyang Demon Slayer left by the Puppet Emperor, and the Wanmin Pen left by the sage Kong, as long as you have a firm foothold in the other realm, We will support you immediately and send people over."

Sun Tianhu said sternly, the cultivators from the East Desert, Northern Border, South China Sea and Central Plains united, preparing to use the power of the monks from other worlds to counterattack into other interfaces.

"You must also be prepared. If our counterattack fails, or the enemy is too strong, seal this place and don't let the otherworldly cultivators kill it."

Ye Yan warned that he felt that it would not be so smooth, but they had to try it.

Their counterattack into other interfaces may result in heavy casualties, and they may suffer heavy losses if they sit idly by. No matter what they do, the catastrophe will still exist, and they will not be diverted by human beings. .

"Okay, they're coming soon, let's hide for now! With the Xuanfeng Covering the Sky Banner in hand, none of the cultivators in the late stage of God Transformation will be able to find us."

As Sun Tianhu said, he flipped his palm, and a small blue flag appeared in his hand. The small blue flag sent out a vague spatial fluctuation, and the aura was amazing. It was obviously a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

With a flick of his wrist, a dazzling blue light erupted from the Xuanfeng Zhetian Banner, covering the four of them.

The blue light dissipated, and the four of Sun Tianhu disappeared.

The high-altitude black hole swayed violently, with a stance that would collapse at any time, and the gust of wind rolled back.

The blood light soared, tearing the black hole apart, and the size of the black hole expanded.

With a deafening roar, the void was twisted and folded like a rag.

After a cup of tea, a dazzling fire lit up in the black hole, and a huge red ball flew out of the black hole. A dozen monks stood in the red ball, Ma Hongfei was also inside, and the red ball slowed down. Slowly landed in front of Shen Haoran's five people.

"Junior Brother Shen, stay safe."

Ma Hongfei greeted Shen Haoran, he had a personal relationship with Shen Haoran, and the friendship was not bad.

"Senior Brother Ma, why are you the only one here?"

Shen Haoran was stunned for a moment, and said with some confusion.

"We are the forwards, and Uncle Long and the others are at the back."

Ma Hongfei explained, how could the cultivator of the gods be in the lead? Naturally, it was the cultivator of Nascent Soul who took the lead. There was no problem, the cultivator of the gods would come again.

"Senior Uncle Long and the others are coming soon, Junior Brother Shen, tell us about the situation in this world! It's up to you in this regard."

Shen Haoran nodded and talked about what he knew.

A deafening dragon roar came from the black A red dragon that was more than a hundred meters long flew out of the black hole, and dozens of monks sat on the back of the red dragon.

"Uncle Long, we are here."

Shen Haoran said loudly, looking excited.

The red flood dragon circled and flew from a high altitude into the valley. With a flash of red light, the red flood dragon transformed into a girl in a red dress with picturesque features. On her head was a pair of red dragon horns. The early days of God.

"Disciple pays respect to Uncle Long!"

Shen Haoran and the others said in unison, looking excited.

"Set up the formation and welcome the follow-up reinforcements. Senior Nephew Shen, tell me about the situation in this world, especially the situation of those who transform into gods and monsters. Only by knowing the enemy and knowing ourselves can we be victorious in every battle."

Long Yanji ordered.

Shen Haoran agreed repeatedly and repeated what he knew.

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