Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1603: Avatars and 5 Lines of Runes

   Chapter 1618 Avatars and Five Elements Rune Soldiers

   Doing the math, Wang Changsheng is almost five hundred years old, and he cultivated to the late Nascent Soul at the age of five hundred. The speed of this cultivation is neither fast nor slow.

He and Wang Ruyan are both in the late Nascent Soul. Even if they face Shangguanwei, they still have the power to fight, but if they are fighting for life and death, they may not be Shangguanwei's opponents. , and the fourth-order mid-rank Jiuyouque.

The Gold Swallowing Ant Queen and the Double-eyed Rats do not know how many good things they devoured, especially the Double-eyed Rats. They have taken a few of the fourth-order demon pills, and several of the Heavenly Beast Pills, and only then advanced to the fourth-order. The magical power is far inferior to the fourth-order Jiuyouque.

  Wang Changsheng has Lingbao Lieyang Pagoda and 18 Dinghai Pearls. If they are fighting in the sea, Shangguanwei is not necessarily their opponent, provided they are not affected by Shangguanwei.

   Treasures that restrain illusion are very rare, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan do not have one, and they can't make one.

   He won't go to Shangguanwei for the time being, the Wang family is not enough to fight against the Nine You Sect.

   He stepped out and came to the door of a secret room.

With a muffled sound, the door of the secret room opened, and a brilliant golden light flew out.

  Wang Xin walked out, his body was covered with a golden glow, exuding a peaceful atmosphere, he had already cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage.

  Wang Xin is the incarnation of Wang Changsheng. He practiced the Buddhist practice, and his physical strength was not much worse than that of Wang Changsheng.

   "You have finally entered the Nascent Soul Stage, let me see your magical powers."

   Wang Changsheng instructed, the blue light on the surface of the body released, and a little water vapor suddenly appeared all over the body.

A dazzling golden light bloomed on Wang Xin's body, and a miniature golden dragon suddenly appeared on his body. With a deafening dragon roar, the miniature dragon flew out from his body. After a blur, it turned into a lifelike golden dragon, with golden light all over his body. , as if made of gold.

   is the Buddha's supernatural power, the mighty Tianlong.

   Wang Changsheng's right fist burst into a dazzling blue light, smashing towards the golden dragon.


   With a loud noise, the golden dragon flew upside down, its huge body slammed into the stone wall, and the prohibition on the stone wall kept flickering.

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. He knew very well the power of his punch. Even if a fourth-order monster punched him, it would be immortal and disabled. The golden dragon was just transformed by supernatural powers. Lossless.

   "That's right, handing over the Ling Lingzhu to you, it will definitely exert more power."

  Wang Changsheng said with a smile, after he entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he rarely fought with monks of the same level.

   Wang Changsheng's thoughts moved, the golden light on Wang Xin's body dissipated, and the golden dragon also disappeared into a little aura.

   Walking out of the residence, Wang Changsheng saw the scale turtles playing in the lake at a glance. In the lower left corner of the yard, there was a towering tree with a height of more than 100 feet, with a thick blue thorn wrapped around the trunk.

   As soon as he walked out of his residence, a small dirt bag bulged on the ground, and the double-eyed rat got out of the ground and quickly climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder, screaming non-stop.

   The double-eyed rat has advanced to the fourth rank, and has a larger appetite. The Wang family has a special person to catch the monster and feed the double-eyed rat.

   There are more descendants of double-eyed mice than Wang Changsheng, and many double-eyed mice have been domesticated in the Spirit Beast Pavilion of the Wang family, all of which are its descendants.

  Wang Changsheng took out two cyan fruits and fed them to the double-eyed rat. The double-eyed rat was not satisfied after eating, its tail swayed from side to side, and its mouth made a screeching cry.

  Wang Changsheng ignored the double-eyed rat. He did not have so many rare elixir to feed the double-eyed rat. He had been in seclusion for more than 40 years, and he did not know what happened to the outside world.

   Not long after, he came to a secluded small courtyard with green tiles. There was a simple green bamboo building in the center of the courtyard, and a gentle melody suddenly sounded.

   "Congratulations to your husband for entering the late Nascent Soul. I don't know how much my husband's supernatural powers have grown. I want to give it a try."

Wang Ruyan's voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, the ground shook slightly, a lump swelled up on the ground, and a tall, hollow-eyed young man suddenly emerged from the ground. Wen, with thick hands and feet, and a face with a national character, looking at his aura, he was obviously a Nascent Soul cultivator.

   "A talisman in the Yuanying period? No, it's a five-element talisman! Congratulations! Madam!"

  Wang Changsheng looked happy, Wang Ruyan spent a lot of time refining the five-element talisman over the years, starting from the single-line talisman, to this point, I don't know how much effort has been put in.

   "It is indeed a five-element talisman, but the materials used are not particularly cherished. The strength of this five-element talisman is not particularly strong, and it is not a problem to entangle two Nascent Soul monks."

  Wang Ruyan's voice was full of joy. From the time she started refining the talisman to the time she refined the five-element talisman in the Nascent Soul period, she had spent more than a hundred years practicing, during which she spent a lot of time practicing.

Wang Ruyan was able to refine the five-element talisman soldiers. First, Zhenhaizong has the refining method of the five-element talisman soldiers, and there are a lot of materials for making talismans. Second, there are clansmen who help her collect various materials for making talismans. The third is her own efforts. ,Indispensable.

   A dazzling yellow light appeared on the body of the Five Element Talisman, and a yellow spear several meters long suddenly appeared in his hand, stabbing at Wang Changsheng.

   There was a muffled sound of "bang", and the yellow spear pierced Wang Changsheng's left shoulder, and Wang Changsheng was unscathed.

   He grabbed the yellow spear with his left hand and squeezed it hard. The yellow spear was crushed by him and turned into a large pile of loess.

  Wang Changsheng swayed and suddenly appeared in front of the Five Elements talisman. With a move of his right fist, he smashed at the Five Elements talisman.

   With a loud noise, the body of the Five Elements Rune Soldiers burst open, and smoke billows.

  A large amount of weeds suddenly grew on the ground, and the weeds quickly grew taller and turned into thick ropes, entangling Wang Changsheng's feet.

  Wang Changsheng pulled hard, all the weeds were broken, the weeds withered quickly, and a lot of fire light appeared in the void. After a blur, he turned into a tall and tall young man in red.

   The young man in red opened his mouth and spewed out a thick red flame, hitting Wang Changsheng's body, and the billowing flames suddenly drowned Wang Changsheng's body.

   The body of the red-clothed youth shines brightly, and the whole body turns golden, like a golden Buddha statue.

  The hands of the young man in golden clothes shone with dazzling golden light, and two long knives with golden light appeared in their hands, slashing towards Wang Changsheng.

   The two muffled sounds of "Keng Keng", and the two golden long knives seemed to be splitting on the copper wall and the iron wall.

   At the same time, a little yellow light emerged from the sky above the courtyard, turning into a yellow mountain more than 100 feet high, smashing towards Wang Changsheng.


  The big yellow mountain hit where Wang Changsheng was The yard shook violently.

   A breeze blew behind the golden-clothed youth, and Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared behind the golden-clothed youth.

   Countless blue spiritual patterns appeared on the body of the golden-clothed youth, and suddenly turned into a blue-shirted youth.

  Wang Changsheng's right punch hit the blue-shirted youth, the blue-shirted youth's body suddenly turned into a pool of clear water, a large number of weeds broke out, the weeds grew wildly, and after a blur, he turned into a tall blue-shirted youth.

   "Yes, both offense and defense, but the Five Elements Rune Soldiers have even greater magical powers!"

   Wang Changsheng showed a look of approval.

   Countless runes lit up on the body of the young man in the blue shirt, turning into a glittering talisman, floating in mid-air.

The surface of the    talisman is covered with five-color runes the size of a grain of rice, and the five-color runes are like living things, twisting non-stop.

  The yellow mountain turned into a pile of loess, and a huge pit appeared on the ground.

  Wang Ruyan came out, and the five-element talisman flew back to her sleeve and disappeared.

   (end of this chapter)

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