Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1604: Long Yanji's plan

   Chapter 1619 Long Yanji's plan

  Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are old couples, and sometimes they can understand each other's thoughts with just one look, not to mention that they have used the concentric worm to practice the secret technique, and their minds are connected.

   "Husband, you have been in seclusion for all these years, and the Dongli Realm almost changed. The monks from the Tianlan Realm came in. Two cultivators were killed, Bai Xin died in battle, and there was a cultivator in the Tianlan Realm who was on the run."

  Wang Ruyan's expression is solemn, Long Yanji has not been arrested so far, which is a big hidden danger.

   Wang Changsheng's face changed, and he frowned and asked, "What? The monks from Tianlan Realm came in? What the **** is going on?"

  Wang Ruyan told her what she knew. She didn't know exactly how Bai Xin died.

"Tianlan Realm is so bold, the major forces put down their prejudices and merged into one super faction. Tianlan Realm invaded Dongli Realm. It is estimated that it has been planned for a long time. The monks of Tianlan Realm invaded Dongli Realm. If you want to plunder resources, make your cultivation go further, or lead to a space passage to the spiritual world."

   Wang Changsheng analyzed that at the Nascent Soul Stage, Wang Changsheng felt that it would be difficult to advance to a small realm, let alone the Divine Transformation stage.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said: "I also think so, Long Yanji is an unstable factor, it is hard to guarantee that she will not make any moths, maybe she will open the space channel to Tianlan Realm again, to be honest, the interface war is a crisis , is also an opportunity. If we want to go further, the interface war is indeed a good opportunity, but the battlefield is best in the Tianlan realm. Those old monsters seem to want to enter the Tianlan realm. As for why they can't enter the Tianlan realm , then I don't know."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan checked the manuscripts left by the Yuanying cultivators of Zhenhaizong, and found a very strange thing. There was no late stage cultivator in Dongli Realm. Strictly speaking, in the past 50,000 years, there has not been any late stage cultivator. monk.

The manuscripts left by the elders of Zhenhaizong clearly stated that 50,000 years ago, they could still contact the ancestors of the spiritual world through secret techniques, but after 50,000 years, no matter how hard they tried, they could not contact the spiritual world. Grandpa.

   If not, Zhenhaizong would not be destroyed by Sun Moon Palace.

  The Elder Taishang's handwritten notes put forward two views, either Zhenhaizong's sect in the spiritual world was destroyed, or a major change occurred in the spiritual world, and the monks in the Dongli world could not contact the monks in the spiritual world.

   This time, Tianlan Realm invaded Dongli Realm, which may have something to do with it.

   "In an eventful season, I'm worried that Long Yanji will be eyeing our family."

   Wang Changsheng frowned and said, no matter how strong they are, they can't be the opponents of the cultivators of the gods, and it would be good to be able to retreat.

"I have already instructed Haitang to let her and Qingqing transport a group of clansmen to the Zhenhaizong site, even if Long Yanji really kills the door, we can abandon the island and escape. With the clansmen from the Zhenhaizong site, we still have a chance to make a comeback. "

  Wang Ruyan said solemnly, she also kept a back-up, and they couldn't abandon the island and escape because of Long Yanji's existence!

  Wang Ruyan suddenly remembered something and added: "By the way, husband, the Murong royal family was wiped out by Situ Mei. Murong Yuyao is living on Qinglian Island. The Murong royal family has five or six thousand members scattered all over the place."

   "Situ Mei! This guy is a little out of his mind. He invaded Dongli Realm with otherworldly cultivators. He really wanted to die. Fortunately, she took Zhang Wuchen's body. If she is the real Zhang Wuchen, we have to follow bad luck."

  Wang Changsheng said with a frown, the monks in the Dongli world can make trouble, this is his own family business, Situ Mei leads the way for the monks from other worlds and acts as a stalker for the tiger, this is self-destruction.

"Gossip, it was Situ Mei who led people to kill Zhenhaizong, and she killed Zhenhaizong. I suspect that it was the news released by the Sun Moon Palace. The news that we practiced Zhenhaizong Zhenzong Technique was leaked, but it has not been confirmed. Jianmen and the Ouyang family support us, and the other forces have not made a statement."

"It seems that when I was in retreat, a lot of things happened in Dongli Realm. Tiantian, Qingqing, and Qingjun were all born babies. I have to refine the magic weapon for them. Survive the calamity."

  Wang Changsheng had a sad face. He didn't expect so many things to happen during his retreat.

   After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng returned to his room to refine the equipment.

   He believed that the catastrophe must not have passed so quickly, and he did not know how many people would die.

   He is the highest-ranking person in the entire clan, and his level of refining is also the highest in the entire clan. It is not too much to refine the magic weapon of life for a few juniors.

  Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon. He planned to refine the natal magic weapon for Wang Qingqing. After all, Wang Qingqing was his daughter.


  A deserted island with a radius of hundreds of miles, a hidden cave.

  Long Yanji, Song Yuzhen, Liu Jiaojiao, Situ Mei, Zhao Hengbin, Zhao Junlan gathered in the cave, Situ Mei's face was rosy and respectful.

"Little friend Situ, are you sure that the Shen family is the weakest? After all, the Shen family is one of the top ten immortal cultivators in the South China Sea, but it is not something that the Murong royal family can compare with. If we attack the Shen family, I have nothing to do. I can run away at any time. Not necessarily."

   Long Yanji's tone was solemn.

  After she escaped, she took her subordinates to a forbidden place and hid for more than ten years. She has been in fear for more than ten years.

   A year ago, Situ Mei came to the door and said that she knew the space channel leading to Tianlan Realm. Situ Mei was willing to help open the space channel connecting the two interfaces, but she wanted a panacea for longevity.

   Situ Mei used to be the deputy palace lord of the Sun Moon Palace and Moon Palace. She knew many secrets of the Dongli world. She was willing to help, and Long Yanji and others would be much more relaxed.

   If you want to open the space channel, you need huge resources for cultivating immortals. The top ten immortal cultivating families in the South China Sea are a good goal.

Qinglian Immortals have great luck, but the Wang family started too late, and they have few resources for immortal cultivation. The cultivators may be ambushed near Qinglian Island and wait for them to be caught by themselves. Under Situ Mei's suggestion, they plan to make a plan for the top ten South China Sea cultivators. The Xiuxian family started.

  The Shen family has been going downhill all these years and is the best goal.

   As long as they get the property in the Shen family's treasure, they can arrange a formation to open a space passage to the Tianlan Realm.

The Scarlet Flood Dragon Fentian Sword in Long Yanji’s hand is a heavenly treasure, but it does not have the power to break the interface. It can only use the power of the formation to set up a large formation that breaks the interface, which requires a lot of materials for the formation. There are not enough materials on it, so we can only **** other forces.

  If Long Yanji wants to survive, she must open the space channel leading to Tianlan Realm, otherwise she will be caught by the cultivators in Dongli Realm sooner or later. At that time, she will die.

"Senior Long, don't worry, the Shen family is strong in the outside world. It has been going downhill in recent years. It is the best goal, but it is still up to you to see fellow Daoist Shen. If he can break the prohibition on opening the Wangui Sea Area and let the ghosts inside come out, we can do things more easily. "

   Situ Mei's face was solemn and full of anticipation.

   In the past, many god-turning cultivators placed restrictions on the Wangui Sea Area and sealed many ghosts. If the restrictions were broken and those ghosts were released, the South China Sea Immortal Cultivation World would definitely be shaken.

   "Junior-nephew Shen is carrying a fifth-order talisman, so there should be no problem in breaking the prohibition of the Wangui Sea Area. Once the Specter of the Wangui Sea Area rushes out, we can act."

   Long Yanji said in a deep voice, her face full of murderous intent.

   (end of this chapter)

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