Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1612: resolve grievances

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will indeed deal with the Sun Moon Palace, provided that they enter the Divine Transformation Stage, while the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng has not entered the Divine Transformation Stage.

Jiuyouzong is the largest faction in Northern Xinjiang, but after the internal strife, their vitality was severely damaged. After these years, they finally recovered their vitality, and the insect disaster caused heavy losses to the Jiuyouzong. The Sun Moon Palace is different. On the contrary, there is a thriving scene, and there are people who inherit it. The biggest problem is that the Wang family and the Sun Moon Palace have no blood feud.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan promised Nangongmiao to rebuild Zhenhaizong, but they didn't promise to fight the Sun Moon Palace to the end. The Wang family didn't have that strength.

The Wang family really had a head-on conflict with the Sun Moon Palace. Even if the Sun Moon Palace could be destroyed, the Wang family would be severely damaged.

The Wang family has in-laws and allies, and the Sun Moon Palace also has allies.

If the strength is strong enough, there is no difficulty in rebuilding Zhenhaizong. It will be difficult to destroy the Sun Moon Palace.

If they didn't develop in the South China Sea, the Sun Moon Palace might not have discovered their true identities, but the South China Sea had abundant resources for immortal cultivation. If the Wang family wanted to grow and develop, they had to develop in the South China Sea. This was a dead end.

"Husband, Sun and Moon Shuangsheng came to the door this time, probably for Zhenhai Sect."

Wang Ruyan's brows furrowed, this is not a good thing.

Fairy Ziyue bit her red lips tightly and said, "Senior Brother Wang, if necessary, hand me over! It's already very good that you promised to rebuild Zhenhaizong."

"Junior Sister Tian, ​​I don't need to say such things in the future. I think it's the kind of person who betrays friends and seeks honor?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, the kindness of dripping water is reciprocated by springs, and Wang Changsheng will naturally not treat those who are good to him.

The Sun and Moon Sages and the three cultivators came to the door, and they naturally did not dare to wait.

"Junior Tian, ​​you should avoid it first, we will go out to greet Senior Liu, and Senior Liu is here, so it shouldn't be a a red envelope] Follow the official account [Book Friends Base Camp~www.readwn. com~ Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Wang Changsheng said to Fairy Ziyue that Wang Qingshan was Liu Ye's disciple and grandson. From the outside world, the Wang family was born in the Eastern Wasteland, and Liu Ye would not sit by and watch other forces destroy the Wang family.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and flew out of Qinglian Peak.

It didn't take long for them to appear above Qinglian Island.

A gold and silver two-colored jade shuttle more than ten feet long floated high in the sky.

On Liu Ye's left is a blue-shirted youth who is seven feet tall. The blue-shirted youth has a white face like jade and sharp eyes. The blue-shirted youth is called Dongfang Yulin, who is in the early stage of spiritual transformation.

A young girl in a blue skirt stood on the right hand side of Liu Ye. The girl in the blue skirt had fair skin, a face with melon seeds, eyebrows curved with willow leaves, and long black hair fell on her shoulders. Her expression was cold. The girl in the blue skirt was named Liu. Ruyi, the initial stage of the transformation of the gods.

Fang Yue and Du Xu stood behind the three of them with respectful expressions.

They came to Qinglian Island this time, hoping to resolve their grievances with the Wang family. No one knows what the catastrophe is. Or is Tianlan Realm invading Dongli Realm? Or are the major forces in the Dongli world attacking each other? neither knows.

The forces of Dongli Realm work together, and there is still a good chance to survive the catastrophe. If there is still infighting, Dongli Realm will not be saved.

Sun and Moon Shuangsheng paid a huge price to invite Dongfang Yulin and invite him to be a gentleman. The Wang family has a close relationship with Wanjianmen and Taiyixianmen, so Liu Ruyi and Liu Ye will naturally be present.

Dongfang Yulin and Liu Ruyi also do not want the Sun Moon Palace to fight with the Wang family. The main reason is that Qinglian Immortal Companion's strength is good. If a catastrophe breaks out, Qinglian Immortal Companion can play a big role. Of course, if Qinglian Immortal Companion's The strength is too weak, the Sun and Moon Shuangsheng destroyed the Qinglian Immortal Companion, they at most scolded a few words.

Strength is eternal, there is not enough strength, and there is not enough right to speak.

"Junior greets Senior Liu, Senior Liu, Senior Dongfang."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan saluted respectfully and looked respectful.

"Wang Xiaoyou, you don't have to be nervous, we'll come to the door today, just be a gentleman, nothing major."

Liu Ye's tone was gentle and comforting.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng felt a lot more at ease, and said with a smile, "The three seniors are here to visit, our Qinglian Island is full of brilliance, please come inside."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan invited Liu Ye and the five people to Qinglian Island, and they appeared in the council hall not long after, Wang Qingshan had been waiting for a long time.

"The disciple pays respects to Master Liu, Senior Liu, Senior Dongfang."

When Wang Qingshan saw Liu Ye, he hurriedly stepped forward and saluted.

"I haven't seen you for a while, your cultivation has improved a lot, not bad."

Liu Ye looked at Wang Qingshan up and down and praised him.

He was supporting the Wang family, and he was also implying that Liu Ruyi and Dongfang Yulin should not go too far.

"Thanks to Master Liu's guidance, otherwise the disciples would not be where they are today."

Wang Qingshan said modestly.

"It's high, let's talk about these polite words later! We're not here to chat today, the business is important."

Dongfang Yulin urged, the Palace of Ten Thousand Fires was attacked and almost destroyed by Long Yanji. Now is an eventful time, and they really don't have so much time to waste.

Liu Ye, Liu Ruyi, and Dongfang Yulin sat down in the main seat. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Qingshan, Fang Yue, and Du Xu were standing aside. Wang Changsheng looked respectful.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, we have something to ask you, and I hope you can answer truthfully. Don't worry, as long as you don't collude with the monks in Tianlanjie, no one in Donglijie will trouble you."

Dongfang Yulin's tone was serious.

"Yes, this junior must answer truthfully."

Wang Changsheng agreed, already guessing what Dongfang Yulin was going to say.

"You are practicing Zhenhaizong's Zhenzong exercise? Are you the descendants of Zhenhaizong?"

They checked the details of the Wang family, and before Zhenhaizong was Wang and Wang already existed, but they were small families. If Qinglian Xianlu practiced Zhenhaizong's Zhenzong exercise , It is not an exaggeration to say that they are descendants of Zhenhai Sect.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Yes."

This matter can't be concealed at all. It's better to admit it generously. In the future, you don't have to be restrained. Anyway, Liu Ye and Liu Ruyi are present, they can't help Sun Moon Palace.

"You want to rebuild Zhenhai Sect? The Sun Moon Palace killed your relatives?"

Dongfang Yulin continued to ask.

Wang Changsheng pondered for a moment and said, "We really want to rebuild Zhenhai Sect. Sun Moon Palace didn't kill our relatives, but our sect died at the hands of Sun Moon Palace."

Since Dongfang Yulin asked, there is no need for Wang Changsheng to pretend to be stupid, it doesn't make much sense.

Hearing this, Du Xu and Fang Yue frowned. What they were most worried about happened, and they forged a relationship with Qinglian Immortal Companion.

"Wang Xiaoyou, there will be a catastrophe in the Dongli world. You should have heard that in troubled times, we don't want you to fight with each other. We are here on Qinglian Island, hoping to be a peaceful old man and resolve your grievances."

Dongfang Yulin's tone was a lot more gentle. The one who died was the same family, so there is still a possibility to resolve the grievance. If it is a relative, it will be troublesome.



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